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New Alien Shooter Game in Development


After acquiring Cold Iron Studios, FoxNet has tasked the studio with the development of a new Alien game, which is a shooter developed for PC and consoles.
FoxNext, the video game division of 20th Century Fox created in response to the success of games like Alien: Isolation, has acquired Cold Iron Studios; moreover, FoxNext has announced that Cold Iron Studios has begun development on a new game set in the Alien Cinematic Franchise. As this game moves forward with development, it will be interesting to see where it ranks among the best and worst Alien games.
Since it has just been announced, there is not much known yet about the upcoming title. FoxNext did say, however, that it would be a shooter for PC and unspecified consoles. Considering that FoxNext exists, in part, due to the success of Alien: Isolation, it stands to reason that the most successful parts of Alien: Isolation may very well find itself in the game, but this is unknown at the time of this writing.
The team behind the development of this new Alien game is rather prestigious, being composed of industry veterans who have worked on major titles such as Bioshock Infinite, Metroid Prime 3, Neverwinter, and City of Heroes. For the development of this game, Cold Iron Studios CEO Craig Zinkievich stated, “We are thrilled about the opportunity to explore an amazing and rich universe.
He continued, “Our background in building online worlds and taking established franchises to the next level in interactive entertainment is a precise fit with our product roadmap ahead; we can’t wait to share more information soon.” Considering that Alien: Isolation was one of the best horror games for consoles, Cold Iron Studios has a lot of fan expectation to meet, but the CEO definitely seems confident in his studio.
The Xenomorph from the Alien franchise is one of the most terrifying monsters to haunt video games, and its iconic portrayal may be key to the success of Cold Iron Studio’s next installment. While Alien: Isolation had a divided (but mostly positive) reception, it was clearly successful enough to prompt FoxNext for a new installment; if the studio can portray the Xenomorph like Alien: Isolation and deliver a quality experience, fans old and new may clamor around this upcoming game.
The next Alien game is currently in development for PC and unspecified consoles.

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