Start GRASP/China Trump hits China with tariffs on 1,300 products

Trump hits China with tariffs on 1,300 products


The Trump administration Tuesday rolled out a list of proposed Chinese high-tech imports to hit with new tariffs, advancing get-tough measures that have raised alarms about a trade war.
The Trump administration Tuesday rolled out a list of proposed Chinese high-tech imports to hit with new tariffs, advancing get-tough measures that have raised alarms about a trade war.
The list named 1,300 separate products with a total value of roughly $50 billion. President Trump ordered the tariffs to combat China’s unfair trade practices and theft of intellectual property.
The long list included industrial and medical chemical compounds, pharmaceuticals including birth control hormones, tires, plastic containers and other plastics, stainless steel, aluminum products and electric circuit components.
Beijing threatened to retaliate when Mr. Trump announced the pending tariffs last month. China already reposed with a list of more than 120 U. S. items worth about $3 billion to hit with an import tax in response to the Trump administration imposing a tariff on steel and aluminum.

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