Start United States USA — Sport Soros-Funded Abolish ICE Candidate Andrew Gillum Wins Dem Primary In Florida Gov...

Soros-Funded Abolish ICE Candidate Andrew Gillum Wins Dem Primary In Florida Gov Race


Gillum ran on a platform of
Soros-funded Tallahassee mayor Andrew Gillum scored a major upset over his Democratic rivals on Tuesday to win the party’s nomination for governor.
Gillum ran on a platform of “free medicare for all” (a wealth redistribution scheme which will take from hard-working Republican taxpayers to give to unemployed Democrats), paying teachers $50,000 per year through a $1 billion tax hike and abolishing ICE.
As The Intercept reports, “[Gillum] was successful in part because of the financial backing of liberal billionaires George Soros and Tom Steyer, who poured more than a million dollars into the race through their organizations, the Open Society Foundation and NextGen America, respectively.”
From the Miami Herald:
The radicalization of the Democratic Party is happening way too fast and is very likely to alienate average American voters.
Gillum is up against Ron DeSantis, who came from behind to solidly win the Republican primary after being endorsed by President Trump.
DeSantis talked about how far-left Gillum is with Laura Ingraham after his primary victory on Tuesday night:
Partial transcript:
Everyone needs to vote Republican no matter how bad your candidate is just to thwart the establishment’s agenda short-term and prevent a blue wave. Long-term, we obviously need a total rout of the Republican Party, but that’s already steadily happening thanks to President Trump.
For now, Big Tech are sacrificing their multi-trillion dollar platforms just to get Democrats elected so they can overthrow our great president.
The left have made it clear they want to throw open our borders, replace our electorate with foreigners, censor our internet, shut down all our websites and start World War III with Russia.
We can’t let these bastards succeed!

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