Start GRASP/Korea South Korean woman jailed over secret nude model photo

South Korean woman jailed over secret nude model photo


Activists accuse officials of sexism after a woman is jailed for secretly photographing a nude model.
A South Korean woman has been jailed for secretly photographing a male nude model and posting the image online.
The 25-year-old – who is also a nude model – was sentenced to 10 months in prison after taking the photograph at an art college in Seoul.
The rare sentence sparked accusations of double standards around „spy cam porn“, which usually involves men secretly filming women.
More than 6,000 cases are reported each year, and 80% of the victims are women.
Hidden cameras capture people going to the toilet, or undressing in clothing shops, gyms and swimming pools. The videos are then posted online on pop-up pornography sites.
Only 8.7% of those caught secretly filming people in this way are jailed on their first conviction, according to government statistics. Of the 6,465 cases reported last year, only 119 perpetrators were sent to prison.
This had led activists to accuse the authorities of sexism following Monday’s ruling.

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