Start United States USA — Criminal Woman Charged with Smashing Man’s Car over Trump Sticker

Woman Charged with Smashing Man’s Car over Trump Sticker


Twenty-five year-old Chloe Wright pleaded not guilty to assault with a deadly weapon, vandalizing property, and leaving the scene of property damage relating…
Twenty-five year-old Chloe Wright pleaded not guilty to assault with a deadly weapon, vandalizing property, and leaving the scene of property damage relating to a June 30 incident where a man claims his Trump sticker motivated her to try and hit him, which resulted in her smashing into his car.
According to the Cape Cod Times, in his statement to police, the man said she started honking at him at an intersection. After he got out of his car to see what was going on, she said, “You voted for Trump?” After he told her yes, she “called me a racist and several other names.”
The man began recording the incident on his phone, which is when he claims she aimed her car at him. He moved out of the way, but she hit his open door.
In her own statement, the man’s girlfriend backed up his story.
According to the report, the video shows the woman driving around his car and hitting the open driver’s-side door.
Unfortunately, this is just the latest in a growing list of some 500-plus incidents of violence, harassment, intimidation, and overall thuggery aimed at supporters of President Trump supporters.
While the establishment media continues to makes itself the story over mere words, over Trump supporters chanting “CNN sucks,” all around the country Trump supporters are being menaced, shot at, beaten, harassed, and having their personal property vandalized.
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