Start United States USA — Events Thursday’s Mini-Report, 11.29.18

Thursday’s Mini-Report, 11.29.18


Today’s edition of quick hits.
Today’s edition of quick hits:
* Big news for those following the Thomas Farr nomination: “Sen. Tim Scott said Thursday he will oppose the nomination of Thomas Farr to the federal bench, assuring the controversial pick will not be confirmed. The South Carolina Republican was the deciding vote in determining whether Farr, widely accused of efforts to disenfranchise black voters, would be confirmed.”
* Hmm: “Senate committees investigating Russia’s interference in the 2016 election are combing through witness testimony for possible misleading or untruthful statements, according to three people familiar with the effort.”
* I strongly suspect this was scandal related: “President Donald Trump on Thursday abruptly canceled a planned Saturday meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin over Moscow’s seizure of Ukrainian assets and personnel.”
* It may just be a coincidence, but Burke was a tax attorney for Donald Trump for 10 years: “Federal agents showed up unannounced at the City Hall office of Finance Committee Chairman Ed Burke, kicked everyone out and papered over the windows Thursday morning.

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