Start United States USA — Financial F. B. I. Raids Home of Atlantic City Mayor Frank Gilliam

F. B. I. Raids Home of Atlantic City Mayor Frank Gilliam


Federal officials executed a search warrant at the Democratic mayor’s home early Monday, removing computer equipment and boxes.
Federal officials raided the home of Mayor Frank Gilliam of Atlantic City early Monday, removing computer equipment and boxes in an operation that represents the latest setback for this struggling seaside city.
“The F. B. I. was at the mayor’s home in Atlantic City in an official capacity executing a search warrant,” Doreen Holder, a spokeswoman for the F. B. I.’s office in Newark, said. Ms. Holder declined to offer any other details about the investigation.
Video posted on social media showed about a dozen agents going in and out of the home on Ohio Avenue. It was not clear if Mr. Gilliam was home.
The mayor’s office declined to comment about what prompted the raid.

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