Start United States USA — Political Kosovo lawmakers approve army, as tensions with Serbia rise

Kosovo lawmakers approve army, as tensions with Serbia rise


Lawmakers in Kosovo have voted overwhelmingly to upgrade the country’s armed security force and create an army, an act set to inflame tensions with Serbia.
Speaking to reporters on Friday, Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said Kosovo’s decision to upgrade the KSF into an army would not contribute to „cooperation, stability in the region.“
„It is better to sit down and talk about how we can build a different future, rather than look at how we can raise barriers,“ she said.
The vote has prompted sharp criticism from NATO — which has guarded Kosovo with peacekeeping troops since it attempted to break away from Serbia 20 years ago. The war led to thousands of deaths and the displacement of nearly 90% of Kosovo’s population. Despite eventually declaring independence in 2008, Serbia still does not recognize Kosovo.
In a statement, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said he regretted Kosovo’s parliament vote to create an army, calling it „ill-timed“ and asked for all sides to „remain calm.

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