Start GRASP/Korea N Korea warns U. S. over sanctions

N Korea warns U. S. over sanctions


Nuclear-armed North Korea condemned the United States over its latest sanctions measures, warning Washington’s approach could "block the path to denuclearization on the Korean peninsula forever". After a rapid diplomatic rapprochement this year that culminated in the Singapore summit in June between North Korean leader Kim
Nuclear-armed North Korea condemned the United States over its latest sanctions measures, warning Washington’s approach could „block the path to denuclearization on the Korean peninsula forever“.
After a rapid diplomatic rapprochement this year that culminated in the Singapore summit in June between North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and U. S. President Donald Trump, progress has stalled in talks on Pyongyang’s nuclear arsenal.
In Singapore the two men signed a vaguely-worded statement on denuclearization, but have since disagreed on what it means.
Now Pyongyang is demanding sanctions relief and condemning U. S. insistence on its nuclear disarmament as „gangster-like“, while Washington is pushing to maintain the measures against the North until its „final, fully verified denuclearization.“
Washington last week added three senior North Korean officials to those subject to sanctions over human rights abuses, including Choe Ryong Hae, who has been considered a right-hand man to Kim.
In a statement carried by the official KCNA news agency, the North said Trump had repeatedly expressed his desire to improve relations with Pyongyang, but the U.

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