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Pokemon Go Eevee Evolution: how to evolve Eevee into Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Espeon or Umbreon


With so many evolutions to choose from, you want to make sure that you get your favorite – so let’s talk about how to evolve Eevee in Pokemon Go. For our money, Eevee is one of the coolest Pokemon. It’s one of the cutest of the original Red/Blue/Green generation of Pokemon games, yes, and it’s…
With so many evolutions to choose from, you want to make sure that you get your favorite – so let’s talk about how to evolve Eevee in Pokemon Go.
For our money, Eevee is one of the coolest Pokemon. It’s one of the cutest of the original Red/Blue/Green generation of Pokemon games, yes, and it’s just been promoted to starter status for Pokemon Let’s Go – but the coolest thing about Eevee is how it evolves. Eevee can evolve into more different Pokemon than any other species discovered so far – and of course that carries over to Pokemon Go.
In the original Pokemon games, Eevee evolves based on factors like using special items (like the evolutionary stones in Pokemon Sun and Moon), its happiness level, moves or the time of day. Over in Pokemon Quest, stats influence your evolution. In Pokemon Go, Eevee Evolution is handled in an entirely different way still.
As Pokemon Go players know, evolution in that game is all about candy – all you need to do is farm candy through walking with, catching and transferring Pokemon in order to get the right amount of candy to ‘buy’ the evolution. For Eevee, that’s 25 Eevee Candy – and with candy being the sole method of evolution, that means special items or stats-based influencing of your Eevee’s evolution isn’t possible. Eevee also hatches from 5km Pokemon eggs and this weekend there’s an Eevee Community Day Event – an ideal time to stock up on Eevee and candy for getting every Eeveelution.
Once you’ve walked with your Eevee, hatched, caught and transferred enough Eevee to get the candy you need, stop! Don’t evolve yet. First, you need to decide which Eevee Evolution you want. There’s currently five in the game – Vaporeon, Jolteon and Flareon from generation 1 and Umbreon and Espeon from generation 2 (Gold/Silver/Crystal).
Which do you want? You’ll want to carefully consider this – each evolved form of Eevee is a different type, so you’ll want to consider strengths and weaknesses with our Pokemon Go Type Chart – and you might also want to consider which some of the Best Pokemon in Pokemon Go are – since some of the Eevee Evolutions rank quite highly there.
Eevee Evolution is meant to be a random process in Pokemon Go, though there are some lovely, useful shortcuts and cheats – of a sort – to get around the random factor and guarantee yourself the Eevee Evolution you really want. Here’s how that works:
First off, if you evolve an Eevee ‘raw’ by spending 25 candy, it’ll just evolve into one of the different available evolutions at random.

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