Start GRASP/Japan Hidden in plain sight: Tokyo probes possible 10-year-old Banksy artwork

Hidden in plain sight: Tokyo probes possible 10-year-old Banksy artwork


Authorities in Tokyo think they may have discovered an old Banksy artwork hidden in plain sight.
Banksy artworks invariably draw widespread attention when they are discovered, and now authorities in Tokyo are looking into whether the elusive street artist may have also left their mark on the Japanese capital.
An investigation is underway to ascertain whether an image of a rat holding an umbrella, reminiscent of some of the provocateur’s best-known works, was in fact created by the still unidentified artist.
Banksy’s attention-grabbing, and often political, work has made them the biggest name in the international street-art scene.
The picture was found on a door near Hinode monorail station in the center of the city, and local workers say that it has been there more than 10 years, Tokyo Metropolitan government official Koji Sugiyama told CNN.

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