Start United States USA — Political House Democrats turn down invitation to Trump meeting on shutdown

House Democrats turn down invitation to Trump meeting on shutdown


A group of rank-and-file House Democrats turned down an invitation to a luncheon with President Donald Trump to discuss border security Tuesday.
Jan. 15 (UPI) — A group of rank-and-file House Democrats turned down an invitation to a luncheon with President Donald Trump to discuss border security Tuesday as the partial government shutdown entered its 25th day.
Among the Democrats invited were members of the of the centrist Blue Dog Coalition Reps. Stephanie Murphy, D-Fla.; J. Luis Correa, D-Calif.; and Abigail Spanberger, D-Va., tThe Washington Post reported .
Murphy cited a scheduling conflict, while a spokesman for Correa said he „welcomes the opportunity to talk with the president about border security, as soon as the government is reopened.“
White House press secretary Sarah Sanders announced the lunch would go on with just House Republicans. The impasse over Trump’s demand for $5.7 billion to construct a barrier at the U. S.-Mexico border remains the central issue of what has become the longest government shutdown in U. S. history.
„The president looks forward to having a working lunch with House Republicans to solve the border crisis and reopen the government. It’s time for the Democrats to come to the table and make a deal,“ Sanders said.
Democratic leaders made it clear that rank-and-file members were welcome to attend the luncheon with the president, while some publicly questioned whether the invitation was intended to cause a split among the House Democrats.

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