Start United States USA — Political Mike Huckabee: Prominent Dems have flip flopped on wall support

Mike Huckabee: Prominent Dems have flip flopped on wall support


For the last two years, the leading voices of the Democrat establishment haven’t missed a single opportunity to stridently condemn President Trump’s proposal to build…
For the last two years, the leading voices of the Democrat establishment haven’t missed a single opportunity to stridently condemn President Trump’s proposal to build a wall on the U. S.-Mexico border.
Together with the mainstream media, top liberal lawmakers have repeatedly argued that the President’s stance on immigration is “rooted in xenophobia and racism,” and that the U. S. government should not spend another penny on constructing a physical barrier along the southern border.
Their passionate criticism of President Trump would almost sound genuine if not for one inconvenient truth — most Democrat leaders actively supported very similar immigration proposals, including a border wall or fence, in the not-so-distant past. Either they too are racist and xenophobic, or they are self-serving political hucksters who will change their stripes to oppose Donald Trump at all costs.
Barack Obama
President Obama, perhaps the most idolized liberal figure of his generation, was a vocal supporter of a tough immigration agenda for years.
According to a leaked internal memo from Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign, the Democrat candidate viewed border security as one of his “core goals,” and believed that additional fencing “could help get the border under control.”
“[Obama] believes fencing should be built where necessary and agreed to in coordination with local governments, Indian tribes and done in an environmentally sensitive manner,” the memo read, noting that „Additional fencing on the border is not a comprehensive solution, but it sometimes helps deter people from taking the risk of entering illegally.

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