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Scuppering Brexit would be 'catastrophic', May warns MPs


British Prime Minister Theresa May on Sunday warned MPs ready to reject her EU divorce deal next week that failing to deliver Brexit would be…
British Prime Minister Theresa May on Sunday warned MPs ready to reject her EU divorce deal next week that failing to deliver Brexit would be a „catastrophic and unforgivable breach of trust in our democracy“.
May is fighting doggedly to save her withdrawal agreement — forged during 18 months of gruelling negotiations with European leaders — from a crushing defeat in parliament on Tuesday.
The embattled leader said some voters in Britain’s 2016 referendum on EU membership had trusted politicians „for the first time in decades“ and lawmakers must not let them down by now scuppering Brexit.
„Doing so would be a catastrophic and unforgivable breach of trust in our democracy,“ May wrote in the Sunday Express newspaper.
„So my message to parliament this weekend is simple: it is time to forget the games and do what is right for our country.“
Britain is set to leave the European Union on March 29 but, with less than 11 weeks left, has yet to finalise the terms of its departure.
May’s deal agrees a 21-month transition period under current terms while the future relationship with the bloc is negotiated, but it has drawn steadfast opposition from both Brexiteers and Remainers.

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