Start GRASP/China ‘Lost’ Chinese Student Found Taking Pictures of US Defense Installations, Sentenced to...

‘Lost’ Chinese Student Found Taking Pictures of US Defense Installations, Sentenced to Prison


A Chinese national caught taking pictures at Key West Naval Air Station has received his prison sentence.
A Chinese national has been sentenced to one year in prison for taking pictures inside the Key West Naval Air Station.
Zhao Qianli, 20, pleaded guilty Tuesday to one count of photographing defense installations, the Miami Herald reported. Other charges in the indictment against him were dropped.
Zhao did not express remorse for his actions in court, insisting he was simply a musicology student taking pictures on vacation.
He said he came to the United States the previous summer for an exchange program, then traveled to Key West after completing his studies. When he was arrested on Sept. 26, he insisted he had lost his way and did not realize he had stumbled upon the sprawling military facility.
Federal prosecutor Michael Sherwin said there was nothing accidental about Zhao’s entry.

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