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Razzie Awards: Every Worst Picture ‘Winner,’ From ‘Can’t Stop the Music’ to ‘The Emoji Movie’ (Photos)


A look back at the cinematic turkeys recognized by the Golden Raspberry Awards
Since 1980, UCLA film grads and industry veterans John J. B. Wilson and Mo Murphy have honored the very worst in cinema with the Razzie Awards. Here’s a look back to the worst pictures of the last four decades.
„Can’t Stop the Music“ (1980)
The Golden Raspberry Awards got their start by recognizing this musical comedy, a justly mocked quasi-biopic of the Village People.
Rotten Tomatoes score: 8 percent
„Mommie Dearest“ (1981)
Faye Dunaway goes full camp as Joan Crawford in a docudrama whose comedy was often unintentional.
Rotten Tomatoes score: 53 percent
„Inchon“ (1982)
This bloated, over-budget Korean war film starring Laurence Olivier as Gen. Douglas MacArthur was an epic turkey.
Rotten Tomatoes score: 0 percent
„The Lonely Lady“ (1983)
Pia Zadora followed her mysterious (and widely mocked in retrospect) Golden Globe win for „Butterfly“ with this adaptation of a trashy Harold Robbins novel about a schoolgirl/wannabe screenwriter.
Rotten Tomatoes score: 0 percent
„Bolero“ (1984)
Bo Derek ditches her „10“ cornrows to play a British finishing school grad who embarks on a world tour to find the right guy to strip her of her virginity.
Rotten Tomatoes score: 0 percent
„Rambo: First Blood Part II“ (1985)
Sylvester Stallone revives his much-lampooned Reagan-era superhero as a Vietnam vet who returns to action to help free American POWs, pretty much single-handedly.
Rotten Tomatoes score: 34 percent
TIE: „Howard the Duck“ and „Under the Cherry Moon“ (1986)
The Razzies took a whack at two misfires, one about the watered-down comic-book character Howard the Duck (Rotten Tomato score: 13 percent); and the other Prince’s self-indulgent musical follow-up to „Purple Rain“ (RT score: 34 percent).
„Leonard Part 6“ (1987)
At the height of his „Cosby Show“ fame, Bill Cosby starred in this big-screen misfire of a spy spoof.
Rotten Tomatoes score: 9 percent
„Cocktail“ (1988)
Razzies love to take big stars down a peg, as when Tom Cruise followed „Top Gun“ with this risible romantic drama about a hotshot bartender.
Rotten Tomatoes score: 5 percent
„Star Trek V: The Final Frontier“ (1989)
The lowest-ranked of all the „Star Trek“ films is this intergalactic train wreck that also marked the directing debut of William Shatner.
Rotten Tomatoes score: 22 percent
TIE: „The Adventures of Ford Fairlane“ and „Ghosts Can’t Do It“ (1990)
Andrew Dice Clay’s movie debut as a „rock ’n‘ roll detective“ proved a lemon (Rotten Tomatoes score: 22 percent); while Bo Derek’s fantasy rom-com is probably best remembered for a Donald Trump cameo that earned the future POTUS the Razzie for Worst Supporting Actor (no RT score).
„Hudson Hawk“ (1991)
Bruce Willis made his first splash at the Razzies with this big-budget flop about a thief who’s forced to pull one last heist.
Rotten Tomatoes score: 26 percent
„Shining Through“ (1992)
Roger Ebert called this WWII-set drama, starring Melanie Griffith as a fluent German speaker who goes to work for a lawyer (Michael Douglas) who’s secretly in the OSS, „such an insult to the intelligence.

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