Start United States USA — Cinema Star Wars Day: Here are 6 ways to celebrate #MayThe4th

Star Wars Day: Here are 6 ways to celebrate #MayThe4th


‚May the 4th be with you‘ as you celebrate all things
Holy Sith, you guys, Star Wars Day is upon us again.
“May the 4th” is a day for all lovers of Jedi, the Resistance, the Skywalkers, the Hutts, Boba Fett, Gamorrean guards, Maz Kanata, General Grievous, Rancor Keeper and Snap Wexley to unite and celebrate all there is in the galaxy far, far away. (Why May 4, you ask? Why, it’s right there in the date, a play on “May the Force be with you.”)
This Star Wars Day, fans will likely be in a nostalgic mood for a couple reasons. First off, because of Peter Mayhew’s death this week, it’s a good time to revisit Chewbacca’s role in the original trilogy and his famous friendship with Han Solo (Harrison Ford). Plus, the upcoming release of “Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker” (in theaters Dec. 20) will not only close out the new trilogy with Daisy Ridley and John Boyega but also finish off the nine-episode Skywalker saga after more than 40 years of the galaxy far, far away.
The franchise has remained beloved to generations since George Lucas’ original 1977 “Star Wars,” and that’s a lot of time to figure out various ways to get your “May the 4th” on.
Here are some of our favorites:
If you can believe it, there are some people who’ve never seen “Star Wars.” So now’s the time to get busy and watch all 10 movies to get ready for “Rise of Skywalker.” For the rest of you nerds, revisit them any way you want since they’re on digital platforms now. (Fun fact: According to Amazon Prime Video, the original 1977 Star Wars is the most repeatedly streamed film of the saga.) They’re on Blu-rays and DVDs, too. Chances are, some of you still have old VHS cassettes.

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