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Trump and Putin call: Leaders discussed "Russian hoax" hour-long conversation, Trump says


The two world leaders spoke Friday morning by phone
President Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin had a more than hour-long conversation Friday in which Mr. Trump said the two leaders discussed the „Russian hoax,“ but Mr. Trump did not ask Putin to stop meddling in U. S. elections.
White House press secretary Sarah Sanders first informed reporters of the call, before Mr. Trump confirmed details of their conversation on Twitter and in person. The conversation comes as Mr. Trump continues to harp on one point of special counsel Robert Mueller’s findings without context — that Trump campaign workers did not take any actions amounting to conspiracy with Russia.
Mueller’s report did not decide whether Mr. Trump was guilty of obstruction of justice, although Mueller did list 10 possible instances in which Mr. Trump may have obstructed justice.
„Had a long and very good conversation with President Putin of Russia,“ Mr. Trump tweeted Friday. „As I have always said, long before the Witch Hunt started, getting along with Russia, China, and everyone is a good thing, not a bad thing… We discussed Trade, Venezuela, Ukraine, North Korea, Nuclear Arms Control and even the „Russian Hoax.“ Very productive talk!“
Later Friday in a meeting with the Slovakian prime minister, Mr. Trump said he and Putin discussed Russian meddling, but he did not ask the Russian leader to put an end to such behavior.

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