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The 7 biggest announcements from the Bethesda E3 2019 press conference


Doom Eternal, Wolfenstein Youngblood, and Fallout 76 led the charge in the Bethesda E3 2019 press conference.
Doom Eternal, Wolfenstein Youngblood, and Fallout 76 led the charge in the Bethesda E3 2019 press conference.
Doom Eternal, Wolfenstein Youngblood, and Fallout 76 led the charge in the Bethesda E3 2019 press conference.
By now, you’ve no doubt seen our list of every game announced at the Bethesda E3 2019 press conference.
The venerable developer and publisher, as expected, put first-person shooters at the forefront of their show. Wolfenstein Youngblood already looked really promising, and Bethesda used its typical, three hotel advertising billboard for Doom Eternal. (Something we imagine the proprietor of the Hotel Figueroa is delighted to have on the side of their establishment.)
But it wasn’t just Wolfenstein and Doom. This isn’t 1992. They also had *checks notes* a new Commander Keen game? Maybe it is 1992 after all.
The free-to-play, mobile Elder Scrolls game, Blades, is surprisingly impressive. It combines slick visuals (that are not too far removed from its console brethren) with a mix of dungeon crawling and city building.
First up is a new update, which is free for all, and launches tonight. It features new jobs, a new custom jewellery system, and a questline featuring dragons. They like their dragons.
But perhaps the bigger news is that The Elder Scrolls: Blades is coming to Nintendo Switch. It’s controllable with a dual JoyCon, dual-wield configuration (like Twilight Princess on Wii promised back in the way) and promises cross-save compatibility. Expect to see the Switch version of Blades this autumn.
Both Pete Hines and Todd Howard alluded to the poor reception of Fallout 76 in the Bethesda press conference. They talked about feedback from the fans and being “kept honest,” while Howard went so far as to say that Fallout 76 “had a lot of difficulties at launch” and Bethesda “got a lot of well-deserved criticism.”
The funny thing is, though, that Fallout 76 has found its place in the world. It has a dedicated community of players who have embraced the rough edges, and Bethesda have incrementally improved it over the past year.
The time for increments is over, however. Fallout 76: Season 2 is almost upon us, and promises to bring actual NPCs, traditional questlines, and full dialogue trees to Fallout 76 in autumn 2019.
Bethesda is also adding a battle royale mode to Fallout 76, called “Nuclear Winter”, which sort of looks like a cross between battle royale and reality TV show? The premise is that vault 51 doesn’t have an overseer, and in order to find one, 52 players need to compete in a battle royale to see who has the best staying power.

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