Start United States USA — China US Deploys Quarter of Its Carrier Strike Force Fleet to Indo-Pacific as...

US Deploys Quarter of Its Carrier Strike Force Fleet to Indo-Pacific as China Tensions Soar


Already strained relations between Beijing and Washington over the coronavirus pandemic, Hong Kong and military deployments in the South China Sea were exacerbated this…
More than a quarter of America’s active aircraft carrier groups are now operating in the Indo-Pacific region, with the carriers and their complement of attack aircraft and helicopters flanked by cruisers, destroyers, and other support vessels.
Sputnik reported the departure of the USS Nimitz from San Diego, California and the USS Ronald Reagan from Yokosuka, Japan for Pacific deployments on Wednesday. Both of the Nimitz-class nuclear-powered carriers, displacing over 100,000 tonnes apiece, carry dozens of fighter aircraft, reconnaissance planes and helicopters, along with advanced electronic warfare, anti-ship, anti-aircraft and close-in weapons.
The strike groups are deployed alongside the USSR Theodore Roosevelt, which left Guam last week after a months’ long coronavirus-related lockdown.

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