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Will Biden Strike a Chord With Manchin or Say Bye-Bye to His $2 Trillion Plan, at Least for Now?


Democratic Senator Joe Manchin has once again come under the spotlight as he throws the prospects of the passage of Joe Biden’s ambitious infrastructure proposal into…
President Joe Biden is due to hold a meeting with bipartisan members of the House and Senate on Monday to discuss his $2 trillion infrastructure plan, part of a broader „build back better“ initiative. The President is seeking to inject money into roads, bridges, airports, broadband, electric vehicles, housing and job training, while increasing the corporate tax rate to 28% to fund his bold project. Biden is open to dialogue with the US lawmakers and could alter some aspects of his proposal, Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm told Sunday on ABC’s „This Week“. However, Biden made it clear last week that he could pass legislation with only Democratic votes through a special budget process called „reconciliation“ if Republicans are non-cooperative. The mechanism was particularly instrumentalised when the President put forward his $1.

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