Start United States USA — Political 5 Joe Biden Flip-Flops From His First 100 Days In Office

5 Joe Biden Flip-Flops From His First 100 Days In Office


Joe Biden’s propensity for “flip-flopping” on major policy positions is well known. During his long career in government, he has flipped on violent crime,
Joe Biden’s propensity for “flip-flopping” on major policy positions is well known. During his long career in government, he has flipped on violent crime, China, abortion, gay marriage, and the #MeToo movement, to name a few. This habit has only continued since Biden entered office on January 20. Here are five examples of Biden “flip-flops” from the first 100 days of his presidency. Ending the filibuster In 2005, Biden described the filibuster as “ not about stopping a nominee or a bill,” but “about compromise and moderation.” However, as The Daily Wire reported in late March, “ President Joe Biden said… that he supports Democrats’ efforts to end the filibuster, and he claimed that the procedural tool had been ‘abused’ when used 250 times last year — though he neglected to mention that Democrats, not Republicans, were responsible for those filibusters.” “With regard to the filibuster, I believe we should go back to a position with the filibuster that existed when I came to the United States Senate 120 years ago,” he joked, before agreeing “ with the notion that the filibuster is a relic of the Jim Crow era, but stopping short of demanding its end.” “I strongly support moving in that direction,” Biden said. “In addition to having an open mind about dealing with certain things that are just elemental to the functioning of our democracy, like the right to vote. Like the basic right to vote. We’ve amended the filibuster in the past.” Reuniting families separated at the border In October 2020, Bloomberg News reported that “Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s campaign announced that he would create a task force on his first day in office that would work to reunite the migrant children that the Trump administration separated from their parents at the U.

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