Start United States USA — Criminal Ron Jeremy, porn star, charged with sexually assaulting four women

Ron Jeremy, porn star, charged with sexually assaulting four women


Porn star Ron Jeremy has been charged with forcibly raping three women and sexually assaulting another in separate incidents dating back to 2014, Los Angeles County District Attorney Jackie Lacey announced Tuesday.
Jeremy,67, was charged with three counts each of forcible rape and forcible penetration by a foreign object and one count each of forcible oral copulation and sexual battery. On Friday, Jeremy pleaded not guilty to the charges, according to a tweet from District Attorney Jackie Lacey. He remains in custody and is being held on $6.6 million bail. Jeremy’s manager, Dante Rusciolelli, told CNN earlier this week that he’s dropping the actor as a client. Rusciolelli also referred CNN to a Facebook statement in which he said previous allegations against Jeremy made by Rolling Stone amid the Me Too movement were proved false. „When Rolling Stone charged Ron with being in the ME TOO movement, he showed us proof against the allegations,“ Rusciolelli said in the statement. A spokesperson for Rolling Stone told CNN: „Contrary to Mr. Rusciolelli’s assertion, and despite his efforts over many years to bully Rolling Stone and EJ Dickson into retracting the article, Rolling Stone was never given any proof of Jeremy’s innocence.

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