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Video: How the new Taliban could affect women and girls


And the Taliban is now promising amnesty as we mentioned in urging women to join the government but many women in Kabul haven’t even …
And the Taliban is now promising amnesty as we mentioned in urging women to join the government but many women in Kabul haven’t even left their homes out of fear. Under the previous Taliban rule women in many cases were not allowed to go to school they had to have their full body covered and they needed guardians to accompany them in the streets. So the big question now. Is this the same Taliban ABC news chief global affairs correspondent Martha Raddatz has more. This was the smarter Mormon media savvy Taliban when nick caught the Biden administration off guard. As Taliban forces entered the Presidential Palace in Kabul over the weekend. Taliban senior leaders were huddled around a laptop apparently watching their men deal wide street. And just like anybody living in the modern age Twitter is one of its primary weapons in controlling their message. Whom I happen when. LaMont now posting direct to camera messages from rooftops and sharing their locations in. And assuring their followers this city is under control. There’d leader rarely seen in public a former Taliban judge. Senior leaders claiming they want to form an inclusive Islamic government the group is establishing. A civilian casualty prevention and complaints commission. Tweeting out what’s up phone numbers for Afghans to send in complaints. But the previous Taliban rule of Afghanistan was brutal and oppressive. Women have no rights and violence was rampant. And though this new Taliban claim they are not opposed to women attending school. Many fear that’s not true and that the hard fought progress of the last twenty years will be erased. When it comes how well they want them themselves. The same time they want to will look for this country a certain way. NN balls some oppression of women and not let many women experience or freedoms and the sooner. It also involves meat eating connection and ties and relationships to various terrorist groups. This more organized controlled for some odd reportedly funded by some less than honorable sources. Like the production. Taxing and smuggling of pocket a leading export that goes to the manufacturing. Of heroin. And while they do have a collection of international private donors in the past they’ve collected money troop kidnapping for ransom.

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