Start United States USA — Financial Joe Biden visits Capitol in bid to thrash out deal on infrastructure...

Joe Biden visits Capitol in bid to thrash out deal on infrastructure bill


President Joe Biden pledged at the Capitol to “get it done” as Democrats strained to rescue a scaled-back version of his 3.5 trillion US dollar government-overhaul plan and salvage a related public works bill after days of frantic negotiations resulted in no deal.
President Joe Biden pledged at the Capitol to “get it done” as Democrats strained to rescue a scaled-back version of his 3.5 trillion US dollar government-overhaul plan and salvage a related public works bill after days of frantic negotiations resulted in no deal. M r Biden huddled with House Democrats in a private meeting that was part instructional, part morale booster for the tattered caucus of politicians, telling them he wanted both bills passed regardless of the time it takes. He discussed a compromise topline of 1.9 trillion to 2.3 trillion US dollars, according to a person in the room, granted anonymity to discuss the talks. “It doesn’t matter whether it’s six minutes, six days or six weeks — we’re going to get it done,” Mr Biden told reporters as he left the basement meeting at the Capitol. Action has ground to a halt in Congress despite Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s insistence there would be a “vote today” on a one trillion US dollar infrastructure bill that is popular but has become snared in the debate over Mr Biden’s broader measure.

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