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How Kubernetes lowers costs and automates IT department work


75% of global companies will have started using container applications in their production environments by 2022
Advertorial One of the key factors to consider when evaluating an IT solution is concerned with how fast updates are brought to the market. Releasing an application is not enough. You need to work on it every day, add new features and services and simultaneously keep it running. Yet you can’t just turn off the app, update it, and turn it on again. Your online store should be up and running while the guys wearing shabby knit sweaters are deploying your latest updates. To make sure that the update implementation process remains unnoticed by users, you need to resort to special microservices, containers and the orchestration infrastructure. This is the definition of Kubernetes. With this solution, manual management of different versions, subversions, and parts of an application becomes unnecessary. This makes the system more powerful, reliable, stable, and expandable. Overall, it becomes easier to use. How Kubernetes helps businesses: Businesses profit from using Kubernetes as it helps them automate their work. Using Kubernetes significantly reduces the amount of money spent on hardware and human resources. It allows the project team to focus on their main task of website development rather than website administration. Here’s how it works: Kubernetes uses a virtual machine by G-Core Labs combined with a DevOps approach, thus helping businesses automate routine tasks. In this case, the application is launched and works at any stage in the same way as if it were launched and would work on the developer’s local host. „The economic, organizational and social consequences of the pandemic will continue stimulating digital innovations and cloud services“, – believes Henrique Cecci, Senior Research Director at Gartner. This consulting company expects end users to spend more than $480 billion on public cloud services next year. Public clouds simplify the work with Kubernetes significantly as they use modern infrastructure solutions such as API. This synergetic system makes it possible to distribute the workload within the cloud efficiently, thus enhancing the profit you get from your IT investments. Here is how it works: imagine that you run a service with users in ten countries working with two clouds, with the main cloud being located in America and the backup – in Europe.

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