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WATCH: Canadian Police Arrest Freedom Convoy Organizer


“You have to know that they are trying to provoke us.”
On Thursday, police in Ottawa, Canada’s capital, arrested two of the organizers of …

“You have to know that they are trying to provoke us.” On Thursday, police in Ottawa, Canada’s capital, arrested two of the organizers of the Freedom Convoy, Tamara Lich and Chris Barber. Tamara Lich has been arrested, but we will continue to #holdtheline FreedomConvoy2022 (@rFreedomConvoy) February 18, 2022 Prior to that, during the day on Thursday, Lich,47, who has worked as a fitness instructor and in the energy sector, predicted that she would be arrested on a video she released in which she stated: There’s a pretty good chance — well, I think it’s inevitable at this point — but I’ll probably be going somewhere tomorrow where I’ll be getting three square meals a day. And that’s okay. I’m okay with that. And I want you to know that I’m not afraid. I’ll probably get some sleep, finally. Just please stay peaceful and please take care of each other and know that this too shall pass. And I’m not sure if you remember but I posted a video a few weeks ago — it feels like forever ago — about “tomorrow.” And there will be a tomorrow. And we will get through this. You have to understand that there’s a lot of things at work here that need to prevent this from being a success. And the only way that this is gonna succeed is if we always come from a place of love. I’ve always said as human beings we make choices from one of two places; we make choices from love or we make choices from fear. That’s it. That’s the bottom line. And I pray and I hope that you will make your choices from love.

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