Start United States USA — Sport Iranian Missiles Hit Near US Consulate in Iraq

Iranian Missiles Hit Near US Consulate in Iraq


No casualties, American or otherwise, have been reported.
Speaking of Iran… WaPo (“ Missiles from Iran strike near U.S. Consulate in northern Iraq, officials say “): A dozen ballistic missiles from Iran struck the northern Iraqi city of Irbil early Sunday, officials said, falling near a U.S. Consulate and television news agency and drawing sharp condemnation from the Iraqi and U.S. capitals. The attack at 1:30 a.m. local time caused no casualties, according to Lawk Ghafuri, a spokesman for the Kurdistan Regional Government. The missiles were fired from Iran, two officials said, speaking on condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the matter. Ghafuri said some of the strikes had landed near a sprawling U.S. compound where a new consulate building is under construction. It was unclear whether that location was specifically targeted. The U.S. State Department condemned the attacks in Irbil as “outrageous.” No U.S. troops were injured by the strikes in Irbil, according to an initial assessment provided by a senior defense official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive matter. U.S. military and intelligence personnel operate at a complex at Irbil’s international airport. In a statement, a State Department official said no U.S. government buildings were damaged and no Americans hurt. The Pentagon deferred questions to the State Department, which did not immediately respond to them. WSJ (“ Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Claims Missile Attack, Raising Tensions “): Iran’s top paramilitary force appeared to take responsibility for a missile attack early Sunday that slammed into northern Iraq, sending U.S. troops rushing for shelter, shattering windows and creating new complications for diplomatic efforts to ease tensions with Tehran. The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps issued a statement through its official Sepha News site saying that it carried out a missile attack in response to recent Israeli actions in the region, which included an airstrike last week in Syria that killed two of the Iranian paramilitary group’s commanders.

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