Start United States USA — Cinema Nolte: Of Course, Hollywood Romanticizes Guns and Shooting People

Nolte: Of Course, Hollywood Romanticizes Guns and Shooting People


Last week, actor Matthew McConaughey stood before the cameras and proclaimed that millions of innocent Americans should lose their Second Amendment rights over something someone …
Last week, actor Matthew McConaughey stood before the cameras and proclaimed that millions of innocent Americans should lose their Second Amendment rights over something someone else did. This makes about as much sense as telling me I can’t drive because someone else got into an accident, but that’s McConaughey’s argument. Naturally, because Breitbart News is Breitbart News, we ridiculed the stupidity of his gun control arguments and his shameless, wild-eyed hypocrisy. In movies and TV, McConaughey has repeatedly glamourized the use of firearms, often as a necessary problem solver—you shoot a guy, problem solved. McConaughey’s hypocrisy on this issue is even worse than that. After two decades of running around romanticizing guns, he stood in the White House briefing room and lectured the media about the “sensationalized media coverage” of mass shootings and shooters. Well, give him some credit. He at least understands that media indeed affects behavior, because, of course it does. But guess who’s pretending not to understand that? Sulu and Wonder Woman aka George Takei and Lynda Carter. After we ran the piece detailing McConaughey’s romanticizing of shooting people, Sulu and Wonder Woman responded directly to our article by playing stupid.
“Yes, and I flew an invisible plane on screen but still support abiding by the laws of air traffic (and physics),” the 70-year-old Carter tweeted. “Do people really not understand reality vs. fiction?”
“And I have used a deadly phaser many times on screen even though I’m a non-violent Buddhist,” the 85-year-old Takei tweeted. “What’s your damn point?”
After Carter spotted Takei’s tweet, she added: “Looks like George and I had the same reaction. Great minds!”
Great minds!? Together that mind is 155 years old, and the best rebuttal you can come up with is to feign ignorance? When the far-left Daily News asked for comment on those two rocket scientists, our editor-in-chief Alex Marlow got it exactly right:
If Mr. McConaughey is seriously concerned about gun violence, he’ll stop glamorizing firearm usage in his movies. However, our preference would be he continue to make movies, with or without guns, and stop lecturing law-abiding citizens and trying to infringe on our Second Amendment rights.

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