Start United States USA — China 66 killed, over 50,000 evacuated as major earthquake hits China's Sichuan

66 killed, over 50,000 evacuated as major earthquake hits China's Sichuan


The death toll from a 6.8-magnitude earthquake that struck southwestern China rose to 66 as rescuers searched for victims and survivors, local authorities said on Tuesday.
The powerful quake hit Luding County in Sichuan province on Monday.
Sixty-six people were killed and over 50,000 people evacuated after the quake, authorities said.
So far, 38 people have been killed in Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, and the other 28 died in the city of Ya’an, the rescue headquarters told a press briefing.
Four counties and one county-level city in Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture and two counties in Ya’an reported quake-related damages.

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