Start United States USA — Financial Musk: I'm Buying Twitter to 'Try to Help Humanity'

Musk: I'm Buying Twitter to 'Try to Help Humanity'


Friday is the court-ordered deadline for Elon Musk to buy Twitter—and he’s already talking about the acquisition. In a „Dear Twitter Advertisers“ statement.

Friday is the court-ordered deadline for Elon Musk to buy Twitter—and he’s already talking about the acquisition. In a „Dear Twitter Advertisers“ statement that Musk tweeted on Thursday, he reassured them that he won’t allow it to become a „free-for-all hellscape, where anything can be said with no consequences,“ CNBC reports. „The reason I acquired Twitter is because it is important to the future of civilization to have a common digital town square, where a wide range of beliefs can be debated in a healthy manner, without resorting to violence,“ he said, adding that there is a „great danger social media will splinter into far right wing and far left wing echo chambers that generate more hate and divide our society.

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