Start United States USA — China 60 percent of Americans think China is a bigger threat than Russia

60 percent of Americans think China is a bigger threat than Russia


Around six in 10 Americans in a new poll think China is a bigger threat to the United States than Russia amid heightened tensions between Washington and Beijjing, and against the backdrop of Russia’s ongoing, year-long war on Ukraine. 
A Quinnipiac University survey presented respondents with six countries to choose from, and 61 percent of respondents picked China as the top threat to the U.S. 
There was a dropoff between the share of respondents who picked China and the 22 percent of respondents who said Russia poses the biggest threat. 
A greater percentage of Republicans (79 percent) than Democrats (47 percent) said China was the biggest threat — while a greater share of Democrats (38 percent) than Republicans (10 percent) picked Russia.

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