Start United States USA — mix Pat Robertson, CBN founder, dies at 93

Pat Robertson, CBN founder, dies at 93


With a series of photographs showing the life of Marion Gordon „Pat“ Robertson, the Christian Broadcasting Network, which he founded, announced his death on Thursday at the age of 93.
He had started out with a local Virginia station back in the day, and finished with the global CBN.
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He was known for his „700 Club“ television show, and had helped move faith to a higher priority in the Republican Party.
Fox News reported the cause of death was not revealed.
He was a candidate for president in 1988, seeking the GOP nomination, and was second in the early caucuses in Iowa, ahead of then-Vice President George H.W. Bush.
His strategy at that time was to court Iowa’s evangelical churches, Fox said. Pursuit of those church faithful now is a standard operating procedure for GOP candidates.
He asked his millions of followers to sign petitions for his candidacy, a move that also generated a significant base.
His work at Regent University, the American Center for Law and Justice and Operation Blessing also was widely recognized.
Eventually, in the 1988 race, he endorsed Bush, who had served as VP under President Ronald Reagan.
The Christian Broadcasting Network went on the air in October 1961 as a tax-exempt religious nonprofit organization.

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