Start United States USA — mix Speaker Trump?

Speaker Trump?


If you think “Speaker Trump” has quite the ring to it, then Rep. Troy Nehls (R-Texas) might just be your new favorite congresscritter.
The first-term, combat veteran from Richmond said in.

If you think “Speaker Trump” has quite the ring to it, then Rep. Troy Nehls (R-Texas) might just be your new favorite congresscritter.
The first-term, combat veteran from Richmond said in a statement Wednesday that “when the U.S. House of Representatives reconvenes, my first order of business will be to nominate Donald J. Trump for Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives.”
While the Speaker always has been a sitting member of the House, there is no constitutional requirement that the members elect one of their own. With that in mind, I want you to picture Presidentish Joe Biden’s next State of the Union Address, with Speaker Trump mugging for the cameras while Biden tries to keep his beady eyes fixed on the teleprompters.
For what it’s worth, before Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Florida) led yesterday’s revolt that brought down Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), he nominated Trump for the job several times during McCarthy’s torturous selection back in January. Previously, he’d floated the idea on at least two occasions. One was over a year ago at a Save America rally during his reelection campaign.
“After the next election cycle when we take back the House of Representatives, when we send Nancy Pelosi back to the filth of San Francisco, my commitment to you is that my vote for Speaker of the US House of Representatives will go to Donald J. Trump,” he said.
The other was even longer ago, in December of 2021:
Reporter: Do you want ex-President Trump to be speaker?
Gaetz: I would
Reporter: Have you talked to him about it?
Gaetz: I have
Acyn (@Acyn) December 7, 2021
He really has a thing for Speaker Trump, doesn’t he?
Having helped make and then break McCarthy’s speakership, maybe Gaetz holds some kind of Speakership One Ring of Power and that Trump getting the job isn’t as outrageous as it might seem.

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