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Star Trek: Best Starships To Work On


In the Star Trek universe, there are many vessels in which a member of Starfleet can be posted. These examples are some of the best.
Starships play a key role in the universe of Star Trek, from protecting the Federation during times of galactic conflict to embarking on voyages of discovery to the furthest stars. The long-term mission profiles of many of these impressive vessels mean that each must provide a home away for their intrepid crews, including living quarters and recreational facilities.
Of course, while traversing the depths of space is not for the faint-hearted, brave Starfleet crews choose to face the unknown aboard vessels like the Enterprise-D, the USS Voyager, and the USS Defiant. While each of these vessels offers different challenges to those serving aboard, they’re united in their exploration of the final frontier. 1 USS Grissom
The USS Grissom may be better known for its unusual design than its role in Starfleet history, but this small science vessel facilitated scientific investigations of several worlds, including the Genesis Planet in 2285.
Unfortunately, the Grissom was destroyed in a Klingon ambush shortly after reaching the Genesis Planet, so would-be crew members wishing to avoid an untimely demise should disembark before the starship’s fateful voyage. Nonetheless, for those looking to contribute to Federation research in a more laid-back environment, the USS Grissom might be the perfect fit. 2 USS Cerritos
The United Federation of Planets is a vast alliance spanning countless light years, and not every ship in Starfleet can dedicate itself to expanding those frontiers. Indeed, utilitarian ships like the USS Cerritos also help to ensure the Federation’s longevity by undertaking follow-up missions, maintenance work, and diplomacy—as well as by providing a haven for Starfleet’s less industrious cadets.
However, life aboard the Cerritos is far from boring: Captain Freeman was accused of a genocidal plot against the alien Pakleds, while the starship played a vital role in ending an AI uprising in 2381. While the California-class starship might not be the most glamorous vessel in Starfleet’s arsenal, it offers great opportunities for those who prefer to work in the background to (mostly) avoid death and destruction. 3 USS Voyager
Star Trek is known for its focus on exploration, but it is sometimes possible to have too much of a good thing. This may well be the case for the USS Voyager; while Katherine Janeway’s vessel holds the distinction of being the first Federation vessel to successfully traverse the mysterious Delta Quadrant, it spent nearly a decade isolated from the Federation.

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