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Apple's hardware blitz in the M4 iPad Pro is missing the software magic to make it sing


Cupertino’s challenge will be aligning breakthrough hardware, like the AI-powered M4 chip, with cutting-edge software.
On May 7th, the tech world watched closely as Apple unveiled the new 2024 iPad Air and iPad Pro models. This wasn’t just another routine product rollout but a clear declaration of Apple’s future direction. 
The event’s highlight was the sixth-generation iPad Pro, equipped with what Apple has proclaimed the most sophisticated neural processing engine it has ever developed, capable of 37 trillion operations per second, over 60 times faster than the first neural engine implemented in the A11 Bionic, in September 2017. 
This innovation is not merely iterative — it marks a peak in Apple’s pursuit of hardware excellence.
However, these developments arrive at a critical juncture. Amid a backdrop of slowing sales, these new models challenge the status quo, raising an urgent question: Do the current software and applications exploit the full potential of this formidable hardware? 
This inquiry is more than academic; it strikes at the core of Apple’s strategy in personal computing. The tech giant is not simply pushing the envelope on technical specs — it is attempting to redefine what a personal device can achieve.
Yet, the true test of these innovations lies not in their specifications but in their application. The market’s tepid response to previous models suggests that upgrading processors and enhancing displays no longer suffice. Consumers seek transformative changes — upgrades that make a tangible difference in how they use their devices, not just incremental improvements.
Apple’s latest hardware, like the new iPad Pro, showcases undeniably impressive features. It boasts a 16-core Neural Engine for advanced AI tasks, ProMotion technology for adaptive refresh rates enhancing viewing and battery efficiency, a Tandem OLED Ultra Retina XDR display providing unmatched clarity and color, and up to 2TB of storage with 16GB of RAM capable of handling intensive multitasking.
Consumer interest in upgrading their devices appears to be declining, even with the constant advancements in technology. iPhones, in particular, are known for their longevity, thanks to their long-term support. Typically, iPhone users upgrade their devices every three to four years, but some people keep their iPhones for five or more years if the battery is replaced. Similarly, high-end tablets like the iPad Pro are also known for their durability, with an expected lifespan of around 6 years.
The last-generation iPad Air (left) and the iPad Mini (right).
This shift in consumer behavior is driven by multiple factors. Technological enhancements in user experience are becoming more incremental rather than transformative. While the switch from non-Retina to Retina displays marked a significant milestone in visual technology, subsequent upgrades have not had a comparable impact on the user experience. Additionally, Apple’s software compatibility across multiple generations means that older iPads and iPhones remain relevant longer, supporting the latest iOS updates and new software features without requiring hardware upgrades.
This durability is a testament to Apple’s commitment to sustainable design and support, but it also presents a challenge: motivating consumers to upgrade when the benefits are less discernible.
To overcome this, Apple must redefine its device value proposition and demonstrate that new hardware advancements are crucial for the next generation of digital experiences. This could involve unlocking new AI capabilities, transforming everyday interactions through augmented reality, or pushing the boundaries of what’s possible on mobile devices with applications previously reserved for high-end desktops. Apple can reignite consumer interest and drive new upgrades by aligning cutting-edge hardware with compelling, functional software.

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