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Google's AI Search Overview Launches In The US Today, With Big Plans For The Future


Google gave a keynote speech emphasizing the upcoming integrations using its AI software Gemini, but was it impressive? Here’s everything you need to know.
Google just gave a keynote that spent a lot of time talking about the myriad of different ways that it would be integrating its Gemini AI into its entire suite of platforms. The speakers talked about how they would be using machine learning in Google Photos, Gmail, its calendar, communication software, and even to make music. But while Google has platforms in virtually every corner of the internet, its most important platform is still the one that built it into what it is today — its search engine.
Google announced during the keynote that it would be integrating Gemini’s AI tools into its online search functionality in order to find more convenient, in-depth answers that people struggle to find through conventional searching. „Now, with generative AI, Search can do more than you ever imagined,“ Google states.

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