Start United States USA — Science The Night Before Trump Speaks, Libertarian Party Convention Turns Into a Free-For-All

The Night Before Trump Speaks, Libertarian Party Convention Turns Into a Free-For-All


What is a libertarian? Who is a libertarian? 
The Libertarian Party is in the midst of an identity crisis. That’s nothing new. The party has been trying to decide what „libertarianism“ means for 50 years. While basically pro-capitalist, the party also harbors „libertarian socialists“ who hate capitalism but love freedom. Go figure.
The schism in the libertarian philosophy has split the party named for that philosophy right down the middle. And tonight, those differences are going to be on display when Donald Trump speaks to the Libertarian Party convention.
The convention will nominate a presidential candidate and the prospective nominees are none too thrilled with being upstaged by Trump.
Trump’s appearance has caused an earthquake in the party which has displeased the usually staid convention. One faction wanted to bar Trump and Robert Kennedy from speaking. The debate got so animated that punches were thrown and obscenities were exchanged.
“I would like to propose that we go tell Donald Trump to go f**k himself!” Kaelan Dreyer, a Libertarian from New Mexico, yelled into a microphone. Mr. Dreyer then began calling the chairman obscene names and absorbed several punches before being led out of the hall.
“The vast majority of Libertarian Party members are not happy with this invitation,” said Bill Redpath, a 40-year veteran of the Libertarian Party and a former national party chair who’s helped organize their presidential ballot access for decades.

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