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The People Cheering Brian Thompson's Murder Can't Have the Medical Utopia That They Want


Making people more, rather than less, responsible for their own health care is far better than cheering the murder of others.
Evoking a collective scream of despair from socialists and anti-corporate types, police in Pennsylvania arrested Luigi Mangione, a suspect in the murder of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson. Thompson, they insist, stood in the way of the sort of health care they think they deserve and shooting him down on the street was some sort of bloody-minded strike for justice.
The assassin’s fans—and the legal system has yet to convict anybody for the crime—are moral degenerates. But they’re also dreaming, if they think insurance executives like Thompson are all that stands between them and their visions of a single-payer medical system that satisfies every desire. While there is a lot wrong with the main way health care is paid for and delivered in the U.S., what the haters want is probably not achievable, and the means many of them prefer would make things worse.“Unlimited Care…Free of Charge“
„It is an old joke among health policy wonks that what the American people really want from health care reform is unlimited care, from the doctor of their choice, with no wait, free of charge“, Michael Tanner, then of the Cato Institute, quipped in 2017.
The problem, no matter how health care is delivered, is that it requires labor, time, and resources that are available in finite supply. Somebody must decide how to allocate medications, treatments, physicians, and hospital beds, and how to pay for it all. A common assumption in some circles is that Americans ration medicine by price, handing an advantage to the wealthy and sticking it to the poor.
„Today, as everyone knows, health care in the US can be prohibitively expensive even for people who have insurance“, Dylan Scott sniffed this week at Vox.
The alternative, supposedly, is one where health care is „universal“, with bills paid by government so everybody has access to care. Except, most Americans rely on somebody else to pay the bulk of their medical bills just like Canadians, Germans, and Britons. And while there are huge differences among the systems presented as alternatives to the one in the U.S., third-party payers—whether governments or insurance companies—do enormous damage to the provision of health care.Third-Party Payers, Both Public and Private, Raise Costs
„Contrary to ‚conventional wisdom‘, health insurance—private or otherwise—does not make health care more affordable“, Jeffrey Singer, a surgeon and senior fellow with the Cato Institute, wrote in 2013.

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