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Sony billboard accidentally leaks Xperia 1 V's 'next-gen' camera and official design


Sony’s Xperia 1 V is launching on May 11, but an accidental leak provides a peek a week early.
Accidental product leaks by brands are usually minor slip-ups that are only spotted by chance, such as a premature store listing that’s quickly taken down. But Sony has leaked its upcoming flagship Xperia 1 V phone in style – by posting a massive billboard featuring the device on the side of a building.
The billboard (see above) was spotted in Hong Kong before being taken down, but not before photos appeared on Reddit (opens in new tab)  and Twitter, and they show a handset that’s pretty much identical to what we’ve seen in leaks.
Based on the images, Sony Xperia I V – which is set to be officially revealed on May 11 – will look a lot similar to the Xperia 1 IV. The flat sides remain, surrounding a slender, slim body, characteristic of previous entries in the series. You’ll also spot a camera lens layout that remains uniquely Sony. The new phone’s camera array appears a little bigger than the previous generation, with Sony’s ad proclaiming that the phone will have a “next-gen” camera system. A tale of two promos
If I had a nickel for every Android phone launching on May 11 with an official render making the rounds on the first day of May, I would have two nickels (opens in new tab), as the saying goes. The Xperia 1 V joins the Google Pixel 7a being teased by an official source only days ahead of launch, even if one was unintentional.
Though we’ve seen fewer leaks around the Xperia 1 V than we have for the 7a, we still have a clear idea of what to expect from both phones. The Xperia 1 IV is rumored to be coming with a Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 processor, 16GB of RAM, a 6.5-inch flat display, and a 5,000mAh capacity battery. The Pixel 7a, meanwhile, is expected to have a Tensor G2 processor, 8GB of RAM, a 6.1-inch display, and a 4,400mAh battery.
Though these are very different smartphones in many respects, both the Xperia and Pixel lines place a premium on the camera experience (though you could argue all the best Android phones do).
The Pixel series has typically outperformed the Sony Xperias in reviews and comparison tests, with our Xperia 1 IV review noting that the phone is for those who would rather edit their photos themselves than those who want a usable image straight out of the box.
Might this be the year that Sony makes up ground in the photography department? We’ll have a better idea soon, but for a phone that’s rumored to cost upwards of $1,000 / £1,000 / AU$1,800, we’d hope so.

Dredge DLC roadmap revealed


Map markers, a photo mode, and paid content will all be added by the end of the year.
A month after we took to the seas in search of finding the eldritch horrors hidden within, Black Salt Games have given us a look at the content roadmap for Dredge, letting us know what’s coming to the game in the remainder of the year.
According to a new post put out on the PlayStation Blog by Black Salt Games, Dredge wil be getting two free updates in Q2 of this year, which will add map markers, wildlife, and a photo mode.
Q3 will bring about another free update which will let you paint your boat, and towards the end of the year in Q4 we’ll get some paid DLC content. That paid content so far remains a mystery, but we’ll likely hear more about it as the year rolls on.
Have you checked out Dredge yet?

Here Is All That Fans Need to Know About Taylor Swift's Absence at Met Gala 2023


Moreover, Taylor Swift has not attended a Met Gala since 2016 when she served as the event’s co-chair. With her tendency to skip fashion’s biggest night, it was unlikely that she would break her six-year hiatus this year too. Although fans were hopeful that she would grace the red carpet with her presence, her absence does not come as a surprise.
The Grammy-winning artist has always been known for her impeccable fashion sense and is considered a style icon by many. Her absence from the Met Gala does not diminish her influence on fashion, as she has consistently been able to make a statement with her red-carpet looks.

In 2019, when she last walked the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s carpeted steps, Taylor Swift honored the „Manus x Machina“ theme in a metallic mini dress with waist cutouts and a tiered ruffled skirt, designed by Louis Vuitton, as per Harper’s Bazaar. The stunning outfit made headlines and had fans raving about her fashion sense.

In addition to her successful music career and fashion influence, Swift has also recently been in the headlines for her personal life and her former relationship with actor Joe Alwyn. Although the couple has not officially confirmed their split, it is rumored that they have called it quits after dating for six years. Swift and Alwyn have been the subject of much speculation ever since, with fans closely following every move they make.

Fortnite Darth Maul Skin: How to Get and Unlock It


The dark side of the force is extremely strong with this new Fortnite Darth Maul skin, and we have all the details on how to unlock it.
There has been a disturbance in the force. Have you felt it? That’s right, a new wave of content has been added to Fortnite, including a Darth Maul skin, We’ve got the details on how to get Darth Maul skin and steps to unlock it.How to unlock the Fortnite Darth Maul skin
In order to unlock the Fortnite Darth Maul skin, you need to complete the premium reward track of the Find the Force quest. Once you unlock the skin, you’ll need to spend 11,000 Galactic Reputation, so you’ll want to save your Galactic Reputation until you unlock this outfit if you really want it.
Besides this, the event features a free variant of the reward track, which includes 11 unlockable rewards, which provides an opportunity to Fortnite fans to unlock Clone Trooper Outfit as the final reward.
All your enemies are going to burn in the wake of your fury while you’re wearing the skin of this notoriously hard-to-defeat Sith Lord that was first introduced in 1999’s The Phantom Menace as the main antagonist of that movie before returning throughout the various animated TV shows of the Star Wars universe.
In other news, Mortal Kombat 12 has been teased in a new anniversary video, and EA has apologized for the poor performance of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor on PC.

Chris Kühn: Palmers Parteiaustritt "konsequenter Schritt"


Jahrelang hat sich Boris Palmer mit seiner Partei gezofft. Nun verlässt er die Grünen. Es ist der letzte Akt einer Entfremdung. Ein Weggefährte spricht von einem „konsequenten Schritt“.
Jahrelang hat sich Boris Palmer mit seiner Partei gezofft. Nun verlässt er die Grünen. Es ist der letzte Akt einer Entfremdung. Ein Weggefährte spricht von einem „konsequenten Schritt“.
Mehr aktuelle News
Der Tübinger Bundestagsabgeordnete Chris Kühn hat den Parteiaustritt von Boris Palmer als konsequenten Schritt bezeichnet. Palmer habe sich besonders seit 2015 inhaltlich und programmatisch weit von der Partei entfernt, sagte Kühn der Deutschen Presse-Agentur in Stuttgart. „Insoweit war das ein konsequenter Schritt nach einer Entfremdung, die sich über viele Jahre abgezeichnet hat“, kommentierte er den Parteiaustritt Palmers.
Palmer hatte am Montag seinen Parteiaustritt erklärt, wie die Landespartei mitteilte. Sein Austritt gelte unmittelbar. Zuvor hatte der Oberbürgermeister erklärt, eine „Auszeit“ nehmen zu wollen. Am Wochenende hatte es große Diskussionen um umstrittene Äußerungen Palmers in Frankfurt am Main gegeben. Weil Palmer in den vergangenen Jahren immer wieder mit seiner Wortwahl für Aufsehen gesorgt hatte, ruhte seine Mitgliedschaft bei den Grünen zuletzt.
In seiner Austrittserklärung, die der dpa vorliegt, schreibt Palmer dem Landesvorstand, dass er vermeiden wolle, „dass die aktuellen Diskussionen um mich eine weitere lang anhaltende Belastung für die Partei werden, für die ich seit 1996 mit viel Herzblut gekämpft habe“.
Er sei sehr dankbar für alles, was er durch die Partei in dieser langen Zeit an Unterstützung und Verantwortung erhalten habe. „Für die Zukunft wünsche ich euch jeden nur denkbaren Erfolg für unsere ökologischen Gründungsanliegen und den Klimaschutz in Baden-Württemberg.“
Am Rande einer Migrationskonferenz in Frankfurt am Main hatte Palmer am Freitag Stellung zu Art und Weise seiner Verwendung des „N-Wortes“ genommen. Als er mit „Nazis raus“-Rufen konfrontiert wurde, sagte Palmer zu der Menge: „Das ist nichts anderes als der Judenstern. Und zwar, weil ich ein Wort benutzt habe, an dem ihr alles andere festmacht. Wenn man ein falsches Wort sagt, ist man für euch ein Nazi. Denkt mal drüber nach.“
Mit dem sogenannten N-Wort wird heute eine früher in Deutschland gebräuchliche rassistische Bezeichnung für Schwarze umschrieben. Palmer war für seine Äußerungen heftig kritisiert worden. In einer persönlichen Erklärung vom Montag betonte Palmer, er hätte als Oberbürgermeister „niemals so reden dürfen“.
Kühn, der einige Jahre im Tübinger Kreisvorstand der Grünen saß und Landeschef der Grünen war, galt als parteiinterner Gegner Palmers. Zu den Vorgängen in Frankfurt hatte Kühn am Samstag getwittert, dass er sich als Tübinger wieder einmal für den Oberbürgermeister seiner Heimatstadt schäme.
Nach Palmers Parteiaustritt sagte er am Montagabend, dass er Palmer nun seit 21 Jahren kenne und großen Respekt vor dessen Schritt habe. Kühn, derzeit Parlamentarischer Staatssekretär im Bundesumweltministerium, sprach von einer Zäsur für die Tübinger Grünen. „Ich glaube er hat erkannt, dass er wirklich einen großen Fehler begangen hat“, sagte Kühn. „Dass die Partei nun Klarheit hat, ist auch gut.“ (dpa/lh)

PIT 2023: ostatni dzień na złożenie deklaracji podatkowej


Mija termin składania zeznań podatkowych za 2022 rok. Brak złożenia dokumentów w terminie skutkować może poważnymi konsekwencjami. Do kiedy należy złożyć PIT?
Zeznanie podatkowe za 2022 rok można składać od 15 lutego. Ostateczny termin jest niezmienny i co roku wypada na 30 kwietnia. Jeśli jest to dzień wolny, wtedy wnioski należy złożyć najpóźniej w kolejny dzień roboczy. Tak jest i w tym roku. 30 kwietnia wypada w niedzielę, dlatego też PIT-y należy złożyć do 2 maja.
Osoby rozliczające się na podstawie PIT 37 i PIT 38 nie muszą się martwić. Ich dokumenty zostaną automatycznie przesłane do urzędu. Jednak niesie to ze sobą kilka wad. Nie będziemy mogli przekazać 1,5 proc. podatku na żadną organizację. Oprócz tego automatyczne rozliczenie nie rozliczy ewentualnych ulg, które moglibyśmy odliczyć samodzielnie.
W przypadku osób składających PIT 28 lub PIT 36 sprawa wygląda inaczej. Większość danych w formularzu uzupełnia płatnik, więc urząd nie jest w stanie automatycznie rozliczyć dokumentu.
Brak złożenia zeznania w terminie skutkować może karą grzywny lub nawet karą pozbawienia wolności. Unikniemy tego, składając do urzędu tzw. czynny żal. Należy przyznać się w nim do popełnienia przestępstwa. Zostanie on uznany, jeśli przyznanie się do winy nastąpi przed zarejestrowaniem naszego błędu przez urzędnika.
Możemy złożyć PIT w formie papierowej. Dawniej konieczne było złożenie go w urzędzie podlegającym naszemu miejscu zamieszkania. Teraz jest to łatwiejsze, a formularz można złożyć w dowolnej placówce skarbowej. Po złożeniu dokumentu, na zwrot z podatku będziemy musieli poczekać maksymalnie do trzech miesięcy.
Coraz więcej osób decyduje się na składanie PIT przez Internet. To łatwiejszy sposób, zwłaszcza dla osób rozliczających się formularzem PIT 37. Na takie osoby w systemie czeka już uzupełniony druk. Wystarczy sprawdzić dane, nanieść poprawki i dodać ulgi. Zeznanie w takiej formie dostępne jest na platformie Twój e-PIT. Jeśli przysługuje nam zwrot podatku, otrzymamy go do 45 dni.
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More than 83 percent voice scam victims in India have lost money due to AI voice cloning: Survey


At least 83 percent of Indian victims reported a monetary loss in such fraud. Check out to know more about AI voice scams.
A survey indicates that nearly half of Indians cannot distinguish between a genuine and cloned voice.
The survey included 7,054 people from seven countries, including the US, the UK, and India.
Out of the mentioned participants, 1,010 respondents were from India.
The incidence of scammers sending fraudulent voicemails or voice notes, posing as individuals needing assistance, is on the rise. Now, a new survey indicates that approximately 50 percent of Indians are unable to distinguish between a genuine and cloned voice, and 83 percent of individuals who have fallen victim to voice scams have experienced financial losses.
The McAfee survey included 7,054 people from seven countries, including the US, the UK, France, Germany, Japan, Australia, and India. Out of 7,054 participants, 1,010 respondents were from India.AI-powered voice fraud on the rise
As per the report, the percentage of Indian adults who have come across or are aware of someone who has encountered an AI voice scam is 47 percent, which is nearly twice the global average of 25 percent.
According to the survey, 69 percent of Indians are unable to distinguish between an AI-generated voice and a real voice. Citing the survey, a PTI report also mentioned that 83 percent of Indian victims reported a monetary loss, with 48 percent losing more than Rs 50,000.
Over 1,000 potential Ola scooter buyers duped of crores of rupees by fraud gang: here’s how you can protect yourself
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Delhi Man Duped of Rs 29 Lakhs in Instagram iPhone ScamHow to keep yourself safe from AI-powered voice fraud?
Set up a “codeword” that only the kids, family members, or close friends could understand. Make a plan to always ask for it, especially if they are older or more fragile and call, text, or email you for help.
Always have doubts about the source. Stop, pause, and think if you get a call, text, or email from someone you don’t know, or even if it’s from a number you know. Does that sound like them at all? Would they ask you to do this? Put the phone down and call the person directly, or try to confirm the information before you reply or send money.
Before you click and share, stop and think. Who do you know through social media? Is your familiarity with them sufficient to place your trust in them? Think about the internet friends and connections you make. The more people you know and the more you share with them, the more likely it is that your name could be stolen and used for bad things.
Identity tracking services can help you make sure that your private information is not available to the public or let you know if it ends up on the Dark Web. Take charge of your personal information so that a cybercriminal can’t use it to pretend to be you.

Rocket League is getting a Star Wars crossover


Four Droid Packs are being added to celebrate Star Wars day.
Star Wars day is fast approaching, and among the celebrations of May the 4th Rocket League will be adding its own tribute to the sci-fi franchise in the form of four separate cosmetic packs.
The Droid Packs let you kit out your whip in the style of C-3PO, R2-D2, BB-8 and K-2SO. You can buy the decals separately or get them all in one bundle if you’re also looking to get some extra bonuses including a new player title and anthem.
Check out the trailer below and let us know which droid style you’ll be taking on in Rocket League come May the 4th.

Only Murders In The Building season 3 gets release date on Hulu and Disney Plus


Season 3 of the acclaimed comedy series Only Murders in the Building is set to debut on Hulu and Disney Plus on August 8.
Only Murders in the Building season 3 has finally got a release date, bringing back the acclaimed comedy series to Hulu in the US, and Disney Plus in other countries (including the UK and Australia).
According to Variety (opens in new tab), Only Murders season 3 will land on TV streaming services on August 8, 2023. Rather than an official press release though, this information comes from co-stars Martin Short and Steve Martin, who dropped the release date during their touring comedy show You Won’t Believe What They Look Like Today!
Attendees from the show report that the comedy legends casually mentioned when the third season of the hit whodunnit would land, saying audiences could “catch the new season on August 8”.
Only Murders in the Building season 3 will be launching on Hulu in the US, just like the previous two seasons. For viewers in the UK and elsewhere, the show’s episodes should be available weekly on the streaming service Disney Plus under its ‚Star‘ banner – again, just like the first two seasons.What’s to come in season 3?
The first season of Only Murders in the Building was the most-watched comedy premiere on Hulu to date, and is one of the best Hulu shows. The comedy series‘ success is confirmation that there’s clearly demand for a comic whodunnit featuring some of the most recognizable comedians and star talents working today, including guest appearances from Amy Schumer, Cara Delevingne and even Meryl Streep. 
It was hardly a surprise that Hulu wanted to keep the beloved show running, given its huge viewership and critical acclaim. Only Murders In The Building was one of the very few shows that have made it to a third season on the service, as we reported last year.
The previous season ended with a cleanly solved case, clearing the leading characters – played by Martin Short, Steve Martin and Selena Gomez – for the murder of the building’s deceased board member.
We do know something about the murder that is set to be solved in the incoming season too, with our true crime podcasters once again in the splash zone for a sudden and expected death.
Season two ends with actor Ben Glenroy (played by Ant-Man’s Paul Rudd) dying during a performance of a Broadway Play directed by Martin Short’s Oliver – so we can be pretty sure the main trio will be caught up in trying to solve the new case, and hopefully save the play itself.
Why anyone would want to kill Paul Rudd is beyond us (yes, even after the disappointment of Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania), but it certainly makes for a good hook – and continues a long tradition of attempted on-stage murder, from last year’s Agatha Christie tribute See How They Run (which is available on HBO Max in the US, and Disney Plus in the UK), to Alejandro González Iñárritu’s Birdman (also on HBO Max in the US, and Prime Video in the UK).

King Charles III makes space for faith at his coronation


Rabbi Nicky Liss won’t be watching King Charles III’s coronation. He’ll be doing something he considers more important: praying for the monarch on the Jewish sabbath.
On Saturday, he will join rabbis across Britain in reading a prayer in English and Hebrew that gives thanks for the new king in the name of the “one God who created us all.”
Liss, the rabbi of Highgate Synagogue in north London, said British Jews appreciated Charles’ pledge to promote the co-existence of all faiths and his record of supporting a multifaith society during his long apprenticeship as heir to the throne.
“When he says he wants to be a defender of faiths, that means the world because our history hasn’t always been so simple and we haven’t always lived freely; we haven’t been able to practice our religion,” Liss told The Associated Press. “But knowing that King Charles acts this way and speaks this way is tremendously comforting.”
At a time when religion is fueling tensions around the world — from Hindu nationalists in India to Jewish settlers in the West Bank and fundamentalist Christians in the United States — Charles is trying to bridge the differences between the faith groups that make up Britain’s increasingly diverse society.
Achieving that goal is critical to the new king’s efforts to show that the monarchy, a 1,000-year-old institution with Christian roots, can still represent the people of modern, multicultural Britain.
But Charles, the supreme governor of the Church of England, faces a very different country than the one that adoringly celebrated his mother’s coronation in 1953.
Seventy years ago, more than 80% of the people of England were Christian, and the mass migration that would change the face of the nation was just beginning. That figure has now dropped below half, with 37% saying they have no religion, 6.5% calling themselves Muslim and 1.7% Hindu, according to the latest census figures. The change is even more pronounced in London, where more than a quarter of the population have a non-Christian faith.
Charles recognized that change long before he became king last September.
As far back as the 1990s, Charles suggested that he would like to be known as “the defender of faith,” a small but hugely symbolic change from the monarch’s traditional title of “defender of the faith,” meaning Christianity. It’s an important distinction for a man who believes in the healing power of yoga and once called Islam “one of the greatest treasuries of accumulated wisdom and spiritual knowledge available to humanity.”
The king’s commitment to diversity will be on display at his coronation, when religious leaders representing the Buddhist, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim and Sikh traditions will for the first time play an active role in the ceremonies.
“I have always thought of Britain as a ‘community of communities,’’’ Charles told faith leaders in September.
“That has led me to understand that the Sovereign has an additional duty — less formally recognized but to be no less diligently discharged. It is the duty to protect the diversity of our country, including by protecting the space for faith itself and its practice through the religions, cultures, traditions and beliefs to which our hearts and minds direct us as individuals.”
That’s not an easy task in a country where religious and cultural differences sometimes boil over.
Just last summer, Muslim and Sikh youths clashed in the city of Leicester. The main opposition Labour Party has struggled to rid itself of antisemitism, and the government’s counterterrorism strategy has been criticized for focusing on Muslims. Then there are the sectarian differences that still separate Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland.
Such tensions underscore the crucial need for Britain to have a head of state who personally works to promote inclusivity, said Farhan Nizami, director of the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies.
Charles has been the center’s patron for 30 years, lending his stature to Nizami’s effort to build an academic hub for studying all facets of the Islamic world, including history, science and literature, as well as religion. During those years, the center moved from a nondescript wooden structure to a complex that has its own library, conference facilities and a mosque complete with dome and minaret.
“It is very important that we have a king who has been consistently committed to (inclusivity),” Nizami said. “It is so relevant in the modern age, with all the mobility, with the difference and diversity that exists, that the head of this state should bring people together, both by example and action.”
Those actions are sometimes small. But they resonate with people like Balwinder Shukra, who saw the king a few months ago when he officially opened the Guru Nanak Gurdwara, a Sikh house of worship, in Luton, an ethnically diverse city of almost 300,000 north of London.
Shukra, 65, paused from patting out flatbreads known as chapatis for the communal meal the gurdwara serves to all comers, adjusted her floral shawl, and expressed her admiration for Charles’ decision to sit on the floor with other members of the congregation.
Referring to the Guru Granth Sahib, the Sikh holy book, Shukra said that “all the people (are) equal.’’ It “doesn’t matter“ if you are king, she added.
Some British newspapers have suggested that Charles’ desire to include other faiths in the coronation faced resistance from the Church of England, and one conservative religious commentator recently warned that a multifaith ceremony could weaken the “kingly roots” of the monarchy.
But George Gross, who studies the link between religion and monarchy, dismissed these concerns.
The crowning of monarchs is a tradition that stretches back to the ancient Egyptians and Romans, so there is nothing intrinsically Christian about it, said Gross, a visiting research fellow at King’s College London. In addition, all of the central religious elements of the service will be conducted by Church of England clergy.
Representatives of other faiths have already been present at other major public events in Britain, such as the Remembrance Day services.
“These things are not unusual in more contemporary settings,“ he said “So I think of it the other way: Were there not to be other representatives, it would seem very odd.”
Charles’ commitment to a multifaith society is also a symbol of the progress that’s been made in ending a rift in the Christian tradition that began in 1534, when Henry VIII broke away from the Catholic Church and declared himself head of the Church of England.
That split ushered in hundreds of years of tensions between Catholics and Anglicans that finally faded during the queen’s reign, said Cardinal Vincent Nichols, the most senior Catholic clergyman in England. Nichols will be in the Abbey when Charles is crowned on Saturday.
“I get lots of privileges,“ he said cheerfully. “But this will be one of the greatest, I think, to play a part in the coronation of the monarch.”

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