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Hannovers Feuerwehr hilft beim G20-Gipfel


Die Feuerwehr Hannover hilft beim G-20-Gipfel am Wochenende in Hamburg. Zu den Aufgabenbereichen zählen der Transport von Einsatzkräften und Delegationen, di…
Die Feuerwehr Hannover hilft beim G-20-Gipfel am Wochenende in Hamburg. Zu den Aufgabenbereichen zählen der Transport von Einsatzkräften und Delegationen, die Sicherstellung des Brandschutzes innerhalb des Sicherheitsbereichs sowie die Gefahrenabwehr bei möglichen atomaren, biologischen und chemischen Vorfällen.

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Ed Sheeran quit Twitter because people are mean


" I' ve actually come off Twitter completely, " the " Shape of You" singer revealed
Ed Sheeran has had enough of the negativity that he thinks pervades Twitter. The „Shape of You“ singer has officially renounced the social media platform.
„I’ve actually come off Twitter completely. I can’t read it, “ he said, according to the Sun. „I go on it and there’s nothing but people saying mean things. Twitter’s a platform for that.“
Sheeran’s account will still be active, however, as the singer-songwriter will still be posting regularly to his Instagram, which will automatically generate tweets with the same content. But he won’t be checking back in to see what Twitter users have written in response.
„One comment ruins your day. But that’s why I’ve come off it, “ he continued. „The head-f**k for me has been trying to work out why people dislike me so much.“
Sheeran also explained that he gets all the ego-checking he needs from his family and friends, so anonymous strangers shouldn’t feel obligated to chime in.
„I have people like my dad who will have a conversation with me, “ Sheeran said. „I don’t have to have someone calling me a whatever.“

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JR宇都宮線 運転見合わせ


JR宇都宮線は、 埼玉県の 蓮田駅で起きた人身事故の 影響で、 午後7時半すぎから東京と宇都宮の 間の 上下線で運転を見合わせています。

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Ex-CIA head on U. S. options after N. Korea's claim of successful ICBM test


Former acting and deputy director of the CIA says that North Korean leaders have a history of provocative acts on July Fourth
There are no good options—diplomatic or military—to end North Korea’s nuclear program after the regime claimed its first ICBM test-launch, CBS News senior national security contributor Michael Morell told „CBS This Morning“ on Tuesday.
Pyongyang on Tuesday claimed it launched an intercontinental ballistic missile capable of reaching the United States. Whether that claim is true cannot be determined immediately, said Morell, the former acting and deputy director of the CIA.
„It will take several days for the intelligence community to make an assessment of whether this was an intermediate-range missile or whether this was an intercontinental. That matters here. An intermediate range would not be able to reach Alaska or Hawaii, an ICBM of the type we just saw tested would, “ Morell said.
Asked to assess the significance of choosing to perform the missile test on America’s Independence Day, Morell said that North Korean leaders have a history of provocative acts on July 4–including the nation’s first nuclear test in 2006.
“ (Kim Jong Un) seems to think that it has a particular psychological impact on us doing something on July Fourth. It obviously does not. It probably gets less news than he would like on July Fourth. We used to joke at CIA that the only thing doing this on July Fourth does is ruin the holidays of a lot of intelligence analysts. The message he’s trying to send is: I can deter the United States of America from attacking me. I can deter them from trying to change the regime. That’s the message he’s trying to send, “ Morell said.
In terms of a U. S. response, Morell said there really aren’t any without serious implications.
„There is no good option here. There is no military option here to destroy his nuclear program, his missile program. There is no option to do that wouldn’t start a second Korean war and wouldn’t raise the possibility of him using nuclear weapons against his neighbors. He’s got short range missiles, he has had a lot more time to work to mate a nuclear weapon to those missiles so the risks are extraordinarily high in a military standoff. There’s also virtually no diplomatic action here, “ he said.
What the U. S. can do, Morell said, is focus on missile defense .
„I agree with the sentiment that there is no way that he will ever negotiate away his nuclear weapon program. So there’s very little you can do except sanction him every time he does something and build our missile defenses as we’re doing in South Korea, in Hawaii, in California, Alaska, to defend ourselves. That is about all we can do in the situation we face here. There are no good options.“

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Надання п’ ятого траншу допомоги МВФ для Укрїни відкладено до осені, – Bloomberg


П’ ятий транш фінансової допомоги від МВФ розміром 1,9 мільярдів доларів буде виділений Україні не раніше осені цього року.
П’ ятий транш фінансової допомоги від МВФ розміром 1,9 мільярдів доларів буде виділений Україні не раніше осені цього року.
Про це повідомляє Bloomberg, інформує «Економічна правда» .
Як повідомляється, причиною затримки у виділенні кредиту є те, що Верховна Рада не підтримала пенсійну та земельну реформи до початку літніх канікул. Проведення зазначених реформ було ключовою вимогою для виділення наступного траншу кредитних коштів.
Як пише Bloomberg, якщо за пенсійну реформу Рада встигла проголосувати в цілому і відправила її на доопрацювання, то земельна реформа не була розглянута взагалі.
Прем’ єр-міністр України Володимир Гройсман повідомив, що законопроекти, які стосуються земельної реформи, не будуть розглянуті до закінчення пленарних засідань.
П’ ятий транш допомоги розміром 1,9 мільярда доларів був запланований у червні-липні 2017 року, проте строки змістилися як мінімум до осені. Повідомляється, що така обставина може зашкодити планам України вийти на міжнародні ринки запозичень, про що неодноразово говорив міністр фінансів Олександр Данилюк.
Втім, Гройсман запевнив, що уряд зберігає свою прихильність програмі з МВФ.
«Ми працюємо над реформами, і п’ ятий транш надійде», – сказав він.

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Illinois Governor Vetoes Budget Plan That Includes $5B Tax Increase


Gov. Bruce Rauner vetoed the plan that would help Illinois dig out of the longest budget crisis of any state since the Great Depression.
(SPRINGFIELD, Ill.) — Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner made good on his promise to veto a $5 billion income tax increase as part of a $36 billion budget plan Tuesday, even though lawmakers have enough votes to override it and help Illinois dig out of the longest budget crisis of any state since at least the Great Depression.
Rauner acted about three hours after the Democratic-controlled Senate’s 36-18 vote to hike the personal income tax rate by 32 percent, from 3.75 percent to just under 5 percent. Corporations would pay 7 percent instead of just over 5 percent. The Senate later voted 39-14 to approve the spending plan.
Rauner promised to veto the measure because Democrats who control the General Assembly have yet to agree to resolve his pet issues, including statewide property tax relief, cost reductions in workers‘ compensation and benefits for state-employee pensions, and an easier process for dissolving or eliminating local governments.
The measure cleared both houses with three-fifths majorities, enough to override a gubernatorial veto. In the House, 15 Republicans jumped ship and put „yes“ votes on a 72-45 tally in favor. One Republican, Sen. Dale Righter of Mattoon, put the Senate over the top with 36 votes.
„We are at a moment in time. We are faced today with the fierce urgency of ’now, ‚“ said the tax increase legislation’s sponsor, Sen. Toi Hutchinson of Olympia Fields. „We don’t have any more time. And too late is not good enough.“
The Senate followed with a 39-14 vote to approve a $36 billion spending plan that Democrats have crowed is $1 billion less than even Rauner floated last winter.
Tuesday was the fourth day of the third consecutive fiscal year that Illinois has begun without an annual budget agreement because of an ongoing dispute between Rauner and the Democrats. He has insisted that in exchange for a funding plan, he should secure business-friendly „structural“ changes, such as cost-reducing restrictions on the compensation program for injured workers and state-employee pensions. He wanted a four-year statewide property tax freeze matched by a temporary income tax increase.
But the income tax increase headed to his desk is permanent.
„It’s regrettable that I stand here today not capable of being able to support this package, not because what’s in the package is bad, but because it’s incomplete, “ said the Senate’s newly minted minority leader, Bill Brady of Bloomington. „We need a comprehensive budget package with reforms.“
If Rauner doesn’t like the tax plan, the financial world does. On Monday, two of the nation’s top credit-ratings agencies signaled it would be a good idea for Rauner to accept the results. Fitch Ratings and S&P Global Ratings, having earlier threatened to move Illinois‘ creditworthiness into „junk“ status without swift action to approve a budget, smiled favorably on the financial outlook.
Democrats and Republicans have negotiated the issues that Rauner considers outstanding in the two weeks since the special session began. But the GOP claims talks broke down over the weekend in advance of Madigan calling the budget votes. Madigan said Monday that those talks were ongoing.
„We’ll continue to work with the Republicans on those issues until they’re resolved, “ Madigan said.

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Trump has tweeted 17 times about North Korea since becoming president


Again the president chided North Korean ruler Kim Jong Un, asking, ‚Does this guy have anything better to do with his life?‘
President Trump’s latest Twitter attack bashing North Korea’s missile test marks the 17th time the president has tweeted about the secluded nation since taking the oath of office.
Again, the president chided North Korean ruler Kim Jong Un, asking, „Does this guy have anything better to do with his life?“ and imploring China to „end this nonsense once and for all!“
North Korea has for years been a favorite punching bag for Trump, who boasts his frequent Twitter outbursts are „modern day presidential.“ Since his inauguration, Trump has boosted his North Korea tweets, stressing the need to solve „the North Korean problem“ and often putting the onus on China to quell the nation’s aggression.
„North Korea is behaving very badly, “ he tweeted on St. Patrick’s Day. „They have been ‚playing‘ the United States for years. China has done little to help!“
In April, he hinted that the Chinese efforts have „not worked out.“
„At least I know China tried!“ he conceded.
Before his ascension to the presidency, Trump’s mentions of North Korea on Twitter served his political aspirations. Since he first mentioned North Korea in 2013, Trump has tweeted about the country 50 times.
He used the country to go after President Obama and his administration in 2013 and 2014. Trump often decried how America was spending money to defend South Korea from North Korea and how China could solve the crisis with „one phone call.“
He repeatedly slammed Kim Jong Un back then, calling him a „man child“ and a „wack job, “ a precursor to the „nut job“ term he used to describe ousted FBI director James Comey.
„Mr. President, it is time to lead on the Korean crisis, “ he tweeted on April 11,2013. „Make a statement from the Rose Garden and send a strong message to the man child!“
He didn’t tweet at all about the country in 2015 before turning up the heat in the run-up to the 2016 presidential election. This time he went after his opponent Hillary Clinton.
In late September 2016, he wrote, „Russia has more warheads than ever, N Korea is testing nukes, and Iran got a sweetheart deal to keep theirs. Thanks, @HillaryClinton.“
A month before Election Day, he said plainly, „CLINTON IS WEAK ON NORTH KOREA.“
His first-ever mention of the country came on March 3,2013, when he made a reference to North Korean ally Dennis Rodman, who was twice a contestant on Trump’s Celebrity Apprentice reality show.
In 2014, Trump lashed out at Rodman for saying he wanted to accompany Rodman to North Korea. The 2014 tweets showed flashes of future insults he’d use during the 2016 campaign.
„Crazy Dennis Rodman is saying I wanted to go to North Korea with him. Never discussed, no interest, last place on Earth I want to go, “ he tweeted, before saying, „Dennis Rodman was either drunk or on drugs (delusional) when he said I wanted to go to North Korea with him. Glad I fired him on the Apprentice!“
Follow Sean Rossman on Twitter: @SeanRossman

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Samsung is reportedly working on a Bixby-powered smart speaker


It seems that every major company is now obliged to release a smart speaker. Not wanting to be left behind by Apple, Amazon, Google, and Microsoft, Samsung has apparently become the latest tech giant to jump on the bandwagon.
It seems that every major company is now obliged to release a smart speaker. Not wanting to be left behind by Apple, Amazon, Google, and Microsoft, Samsung has apparently become the latest tech giant to jump on the bandwagon.
According to a report in the Wall Street Journal, the South Korean firm is working on a smart speaker device that’s powered by its new Bixby AI voice assistant.
The project is codenamed Vega (no relation to AMD’s Vega, obviously) , and has been in development for over a year. It’s still unclear when the product will be available – it’s reportedly been delayed because support for English voice commands using Bixby, which launched on the Galaxy S8/S8 +, has been delayed.
While Bixby voice support started rolling out in early beta form for S8 owners last month, the Wall Street Journal notes that the full release of Bixby voice support is unlikely to arrive “before the second half of July, ” so expect the smart speaker to arrive later rather than sooner.
When Vega does get here, Samsung will enter a market awash with smart speakers from its rivals. In addition to Google Home and Amazon’s Echo line, the company will be competing against the upcoming Apple HomePod and Microsoft/Harman Kardon’s Cortana-powered Invoke. If it wants to stand out from the crowd, Vega may have to offer something different and/or be better value for money.
While many people are unsure why they would even need a smart speaker, especially when their smartphones perform many similar functions, sales of the devices continue to grow, jumping 1000 percent this past holiday season compared to the same period a year earlier.

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Poseł Pięta o przesłuchaniu prokurator Kijanko. „Obraz nędzy i rozpaczy”


Członek komisji ds. wyjaśnienia afery Amber Gold poseł PiS Stanisław Pięta podczas rozmowy z Telewizją Republiką opowiadał o wtorkowym przesłuchaniu…
– Pytania były zbywane. Pani prokurator, która powinna najlepiej znać sprawę, nie wykonała żadnej czynności śledczej – podkreślił poseł. – Jeżeli obiecują, że za nasze pieniądze kupują złoto – to sprawdźmy, czy to złoto leży gdzieś zmagazynowane – mówił dalej. – Pani prokurator jest przekonana, że pracowała z największym zaangażowaniem przy najlepszej wiedzy i podejmowała decyzje optymalne. To jest obraz nędzy i rozpaczy – stwierdził.
Jak mówił Stanisław Pięta, Marcinowi P. na tydzień przed przesłuchaniem pokazano akta sprawy, pozwolono mu się przygotować, a wszystko, co mówił „brano za dobrą monetę”. – To są podstawowe błędy. Toczyły się postępowania dyscyplinarne wobec pani Kijanko, ale wszystkie zakończyły się niezbyt dolegliwie – mówił poseł. – Pani prokurator dziś ubiega się o przejście w stan spoczynku. Kilkanaście tysięcy ludzi zostało oszukanych i nie ma winnych. Gdyby w 2015 roku nie wybrali Państwo Prawa i Sprawiedliwości, tego tematu w ogóle by nie było. Ktoś dziś zacierałby ręce i spokojnie prał sobie te grube miliony złotych – podkreślił.
Przesłuchanie Barbary Kijanko
Kijanko była przesłuchiwana, ponieważ w przeszłości prowadziła postępowanie w sprawie Amber Gold w latach 2009-2012. Z dotychczasowych ustaleń wynika, że mogła ona lekceważyć doniesienia o nieprawidłowościach w sprawie Amber Gold. Prokurator Kijanko nie stawiła się przed komisją w lutym tego roku ani w listopadzie 2016, dopiero za trzecim razem pojawiła się na przesłuchaniu. Na początku przesłuchania pełnomocnik prokurator złożył wniosek formalny, by uchylono obowiązek tajemnicy zawodowej świadka, na co nie zgodziła się przewodnicząca komisji ds. Amber Gold Małgorzata Wassermann. Jak mówiła polityk Prawa i Sprawiedliwości, zgodnie z przepisami, nie musi zwalniać świadka z tajemnicy prokuratorskiej.

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Illinois governor vetoes $36B budget with $5B tax increase


Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner made good on his promise to veto a $5 billion income tax increase as part of a $36 billion budget plan Tuesday, even though lawmakers have enough votes to override…
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (AP) – Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner made good on his promise to veto a $5 billion income tax increase as part of a $36 billion budget plan Tuesday, even though lawmakers have enough votes to override it and help Illinois dig out of the longest budget crisis of any state since at least the Great Depression.
Rauner acted about three hours after the Democratic-controlled Senate’s 36-18 vote to hike the personal income tax rate by 32 percent, from 3.75 percent to just under 5 percent. Corporations would pay 7 percent instead of just over 5 percent. The Senate later voted 39-14 to approve the spending plan.
Rauner promised to veto the measure because Democrats who control the General Assembly have yet to agree to resolve his pet issues, including statewide property tax relief, cost reductions in workers‘ compensation and benefits for state-employee pensions, and an easier process for dissolving or eliminating local governments.
The measure cleared both houses with three-fifths majorities, enough to override a gubernatorial veto. In the House, 15 Republicans jumped ship and put „yes“ votes on a 72-45 tally in favor. One Republican, Sen. Dale Righter of Mattoon, put the Senate over the top with 36 votes.
„We are at a moment in time. We are faced today with the fierce urgency of ’now, ‚“ said the tax increase legislation’s sponsor, Sen. Toi Hutchinson of Olympia Fields. „We don’t have any more time. And too late is not good enough.“
The Senate followed with a 39-14 vote to approve a $36 billion spending plan that Democrats have crowed is $1 billion less than even Rauner floated last winter.
Tuesday was the fourth day of the third consecutive fiscal year that Illinois has begun without an annual budget agreement because of an ongoing dispute between Rauner and the Democrats. He has insisted that in exchange for a funding plan, he should secure business-friendly „structural“ changes, such as cost-reducing restrictions on the compensation program for injured workers and state-employee pensions. He wanted a four-year statewide property tax freeze matched by a temporary income tax increase.
But the income tax increase headed to his desk is permanent.
„It’s regrettable that I stand here today not capable of being able to support this package, not because what’s in the package is bad, but because it’s incomplete, “ said the Senate’s newly minted minority leader, Bill Brady of Bloomington. „We need a comprehensive budget package with reforms.“
If Rauner doesn’t like the tax plan, the financial world does. On Monday, two of the nation’s top credit-ratings agencies signaled it would be a good idea for Rauner to accept the results. Fitch Ratings and S&P Global Ratings, having earlier threatened to move Illinois‘ creditworthiness into „junk“ status without swift action to approve a budget, smiled favorably on the financial outlook.
Democrats and Republicans have negotiated the issues that Rauner considers outstanding in the two weeks since the special session began. But the GOP claims talks broke down over the weekend in advance of Madigan calling the budget votes. Madigan said Monday that those talks were ongoing.
„We’ll continue to work with the Republicans on those issues until they’re resolved, “ Madigan said.
The budget bills are SB6 and SB9 .
Contact Political Writer John O’Connor at https: // His work can be found at https: //’connor
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