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China promised Philippines not to build in disputed shoal: Philippines foreign minister


Chinese President Xi Jinping promised Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte that Beijing would not build structures on a rocky outcrop in the South China Sea, Foreign Minister Perfecto Yasay said on Thursday.
MANILA: Chinese President Xi Jinping promised Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte that Beijing would not build structures on a rocky outcrop in the South China Sea, Foreign Minister Perfecto Yasay said on Thursday (Feb 23).
Frosty ties between the two countries have improved as Duterte shifts away from traditional ally the United States and closer to Beijing, though the news came a day after China’s commerce minister postponed an official trip to the Philippines.
Yasay said Xi’s pledge was made during a meeting with Duterte in Beijing in October, after Manila raised the issue, in response to US intelligence reports suggesting China was sending dredging ships to the area.
„President Xi has promised President Duterte they will not reclaim and build structures on Scarborough Shoal,“ Yasay told reporters.
He was responding to a query about a Reuters report that China is close to completing structures on its man-made islets that appear designed to house long-range surface-to-air missiles.
China also allowed Filipino fishermen to return to Scarborough Shoal after Duterte’s state visit, for the first time since Beijing seized control of the area in 2012 and denied fishermen access to its rich fishing grounds.
It would be a „game changer“ if China broke its promise, Yasay said, but added he was confident Beijing would keep its word.
In Beijing, China’s foreign ministry spokesman said the two sides had reached an important consensus during Duterte’s visit to appropriately handle disputes and pursue joint development.
„The two sides have already returned to the correct path of friendly bilateral consultations to appropriately handle the South China Sea issue,“ Geng Shuang said. „Cooperation between the two countries in all areas is flourishing. „
But he criticised Yasay’s recent remarks, saying they „run counter to the countries‘ high-level consensus“.
„They do not accord with the current healthy and rapid development of China-Philippines relations,“ he added.
„They do not accord with the current overall stable situation in the South China Sea or regional countries‘ joint desire to safeguard peace and stability in the South China Sea. „
China started reclaiming seven features it occupied in the Spratly islands immediately after the Philippines filed an arbitration case in the Hague in 2013, questioning its expansive claims to almost the entire South China Sea.
Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam also claim the strategic waterway, through which about US$5 trillion worth of ship-borne goods pass every year. It is also believed to be rich in oil and gas deposits.
China has built three airstrips and had been converting the manmade islands into garrisons, setting up anti-air missiles and air defence radars, against which Manila protested in December.
Manila would file another protest if it could confirm China was completing missile sites on its manmade islands, Yasay added.

Similarity rank: 2.5

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Gowin: będę zgłaszał poprawki do projektu o sieci szpitali


Zastrzegłem sobie na posiedzeniu rządu prawo do zgłaszania w toku prac parlamentarnych poprawek do projektu ustawy dotyczącego sieci szpitali – powiedział w środę PAP wicepremier Jarosław Gowin. Na pewno takie poprawki będę zgłaszał – zapow
Rząd przyjął we wtorek projekt ustawy o utworzeniu tzw. sieci szpitali. Zdanie odrębne zgłosił wicepremier, minister nauki i szkolnictwa wyższego Jarosław Gowin, lider Polski Razem. Zapytany o to przez PAP, wicepremier Gowin powiedział: „Nie jest tajemnicą, że w toku prac nad ustawą zgłaszałem wiele argumentów krytycznych. Minister (zdrowia, Konstanty) Radziwiłł uwzględnił bardzo dużo moich postulatów, ale nadal mam obawy, czy sieć w takim kształcie, w jakim zaplanowało to Ministerstwo Zdrowia, rzeczywiście ułatwi dostęp Polaków do opieki zdrowotnej i skróci kolejki. Dlatego zastrzegłem sobie na posiedzeniu rządu prawo do zgłaszania poprawek w toku prac parlamentarnych“.
„Na pewno takie poprawki będę zgłaszał – nie tyle jako minister nauki czy wicepremier, ale jako lider jednej z partii koalicji rządowej“ – powiedział Gowin PAP. Wyraził nadzieję, że dzięki poprawkom, które zgłosi, będzie mógł poprzeć projekt. „Będziemy na ten temat rozmawiać z ministrem Radziwiłłem i z panem prezesem (PiS, Jarosławem) Kaczyńskim“ – poinformował.
Minister Gowin był też przeciwny projektowi ustawy dotyczącej wprowadzenia jednolitego podatku. Zapytany o tę kwestię, powiedział: „Moje wątpliwości zostały zaakceptowane przez panią premier, poparte rzez premiera Morawieckiego i ten projekt nie jest teraz procedowany. To nie znaczy, że nie widzę potrzeby zmian w systemie podatkowym. Na pewno potrzebne jest uproszczenie w systemie podatkowym. Trzymam kciuki, by Ministerstwo Finansów jeszcze wiosną tego roku przedstawiło nowe rozwiązania“.
Jarosław Gowin zapowiadał też, że nie poprze projektu dotyczącego dwukadencyjności w samorządzie, jeżeli rozwiązanie miałoby działać wstecz. Poproszony przez PAP o komentarz w tej sprawie powiedział: „Popieram dwukadencyjność, zwłaszcza gdyby towarzyszyło jej wydłużenie kadencji do 5 lat. Ale mam zasadnicze wątpliwości, czy takie rozwiązanie może działać wstecz. Tego ostatniego rozwiązania nie poprę“. Dodał, że w tej sprawie poglądy w obrębie jego partii są zróżnicowane. „W tej sprawie na pewno nie będą narzucał moim posłom dyscypliny“ – zapewnił.
Wicepremier, pytany o to, jak odbierana jest w rządzie i w PiS jego krytyka, odpowiedział: „Różnice zdań są naturalne nawet w obrębie jednej partii, a co dopiero w obrębie koalicji trójpartyjnej. Muszę powiedzieć, że ani ze strony premier, ani ze strony Jarosława Kaczyńskiego nigdy nie spotkałem się z pretensjami, że w niektórych kwestiach ja i moja partia zajmujemy stanowisko odrębne“.
Odnosząc się do kwestii współpracy PiS z Polską Razem w kontekście wyborów samorządowych, Gowin powiedział, że „sprawa jest otwarta. – Na razie nie mamy żadnego porozumienia z PiS – jeśli zostanie ono zawarte, to będzie ono obejmowało tylko wybory do sejmików wojewódzkich. Na niższych szczeblach decyzje autonomicznie będą podejmować lokalne struktury poszczególnych partii: i PiS, i Polski Razem“ – powiedział.

Similarity rank: 5.3
Sentiment rank: 1.5

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Transgender Dignity Is A Conservative Value – But So Is Privacy


Behind-the-scenes reports have suggested the Trump Administration is agonizing whether to repeal an Obama-era order requiring schools to allow transgender students to use the bathrooms of their choice
Behind-the-scenes reports have suggested the Trump Administration is agonizing whether to repeal an Obama-era order requiring schools to allow transgender students to use the bathrooms of their choice. Despite traditionalist suspicions of transgenderism, conservative values actually favor a permissive policy. The problem with the Obama order, though, is that it militantly nationalized a complex problem and privileged dignity for transgender students over the equally legitimate value of privacy for everyone else.
It may sound strange, but transgender people are natural allies of conservatives. Liberal feminists wish to demolish the gender binary and argue that men and women are the same – if gender even exists. By contrast, most transgender people accept and even embrace gender. They just think theirs is not reflected in their bodies.
The proper response to a person who believes she was born in the wrong body is compassion and respect, even when disagreeing politically. People who grow up with a sense of corporeal disjointedness suffer greatly – even before discrimination and hate crimes threaten them further.
Yet far too often conservatives speak of (and to) transgender people as if their emotions and identity are nothing but strident play-acting. The low point in this phenomenon was Ben Shapiro calling a(n admittedly obnoxious) transgender woman “Sir” on the Dr. Drew show. It was completely davka (a Hebrew word meaning, essentially, spiteful).
If they try, traditionalists can nearly always maintain their gender Weltanschauung while treating others with respect. If you can’t bring yourself to call Caitlyn Jenner “she,” call her “Caitlyn.” If you can’t bring yourself to call her Caitlyn, call her “the former Olympic athlete.” You can stay true to your own values without being davka .
Other conservatives, probably disingenuously, harp on transgender people as “mentally ill.” If critics really believe transfolk are mentally ill, why are they attacking them? I thought they were ill. Surely any decent person who sees people suffering from mental maladies would respond only in a discreet way to succor their mental health. Good people don’t mock and assail people with known mental illnesses like bipolar disorder, Tourette’s, and PTSD.
Laws like North Carolina’s that require transgender people to use the bathroom matching their chromosomes are punitive and counterproductive. Think about it: if you want to protect innocent youth from being confused about gender, laws like North Carolina’s will not help you. When followed, people dressed as women, with women’s names, and who present themselves as women use men’s toilets, sinks and mirrors in front of boys whose parents don’t consider transgenderism age-appropriate. If transgender women use women’s rooms, virtually nobody will notice (as is already true the vast majority of times transgender people pee).
Besides, conservatives value freedom. Giving Americans unnecessary rules about their most intimate functions should offend conservative consciences. And I wish any time I discuss this issue I could focus on showing traditionalists why transgender people deserve respect and dignity in deciding which facilities to use.
But I can’t do that. Because as is their wont, liberals have taken respect for transgender people way too far. They have chosen to nationalize an issue that – like most educational policies – should be worked out at a state and district level. They have turned an issue of freedom into an issue of “rights” with the requisite comparisons to the African-American freedom struggle – and once you do that, no compromise is possible. And they have conflated bathrooms with locker rooms.
Normally, the only time in a typical bathroom when a person’s genitals are exposed is when a man uses a urinal. And the only time transgender women could use a urinal, and thus expose their genitals, is when laws like North Carolina’s force them to use men’s rooms. Women’s rooms don’t have urinals.
Locker rooms, with open nudity, are different. Parents and students have legitimate concerns about privacy, for example wishing one’s daughters to see no penises until they’re married. Those might not be everyone’s values, but, well, free country.
The Obama policy outlaws creative solutions by districts. For example, schools can’t ask transgender students to use separate facilities, lest transgender students feel stigmatized – as if the other students aren’t going to be aware that someone who changed her name and her clothing style and still has some characteristics of the other sex is transgender.
Adults can avoid open bathroom policies of offices and shopping malls by not working or shopping there. But America’s public school regime practically forces many Americans to send their children to schools where the bathroom policy may or may not reflect their values. Each school should consider local conditions in designing an approach to the clash of values with mutual respect, compromise and dignity. The Obama Administration’s nationalized order, by contrast, chose stridency, extremism, and disrespect. No wonder so many conservatives reacted to it with more hostility to transgender people.
The Trump Administration should drop the federal policy, instead providing resources and guidance to schools trying to find local solutions to a complex topic.
Compared to other things the LGBT community is demanding like restrictions on religious freedom, letting trans people use bathrooms of their choice should be a no-brainer – and perhaps could have been had liberals acted more reasonably. Now that we’re in charge, we can craft policies that maintain dignity and respect for everybody.
David Benkof is a columnist for The Daily Caller. Follow him on Twitter (@DavidBenkof) or E-mail him at [email protected].

Similarity rank: 4.3
Sentiment rank: 1.1

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US-Außenminister auf heikler Mission


US-Chefdiplomat Tillerson und Heimatschutzminister Kelly haben bei ihrer Visite in Mexiko-Stadt einen schweren Stand. Der Streit um die von Präsident Trump g…
US-Chefdiplomat Tillerson und Heimatschutzminister Kelly haben bei ihrer Visite in Mexiko-Stadt einen schweren Stand. Der Streit um die von Präsident Trump geplante Mauer ist längst nicht ausgestanden, nun droht Washingtons harte Linie mit Migranten das Verhältnis weiter zu belasten.

Similarity rank: 2.1

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February security patch starts rolling out to Samsung Galaxy S6 handsets in India


While Nougat hasn’t shown up for Samsung’s S6 devices yet, the February security patch, based on Android Marshmallow 6.0.1 has now started rolling out in India. It weighs in at just over 134 MB.
Despite being announced almost two weeks ago , Samsung has only now begun the rollout of the February security patch, based on Marshmallow, to Galaxy S6 handsets in India. SamMobile reports that Firmware version G920IDVS3EQB2 weighing in at just over 134MB is being pushed over-the-air and its changelog mentions device stability improvements, bug fixes and further improvements for performance.
Samsung detailed its plans for the February security patch rollout earlier this month. It brings fixes for dozens of vulnerabilities identified by Google in Android, as well as fixes for vulnerabilities exclusive to Samsung’s own software. The company has been gradually rolling out this security patch for supported devices over the past few weeks.
Galaxy S6 users in India can now expect an over-the-air update notification which lets them know that they have a new update to download and install. Users in other regions should also start to see the February security patch show up on their S6 devices very soon.
In other S6 related news, despite a claim coming directly from Samsung’s Turkish vice president that Nougat will land on S6 devices before the end of February , it has yet to show up, with only a week to go.
Source & screenshot images: SamMobile

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Neue Sammelabschiebung – neue Proteste


Von München aus sind erneut Menschen nach Afghanistan abgeschoben worden – drei von ihnen sollen aus Hamburg kommen. Auf dem Hamburger Rathausmarkt gab es neue Proteste.
Kurz vor einer neuen Sammelabschiebung von afghanischen Asylbewerbern aus Deutschland hat es in Hamburg Proteste gegeben. Mehr als 100 Menschen beteiligten sich am Mittwochabend an einer Kundgebung auf dem Rathausmarkt. Sie beklagten unter anderem mit Transparenten, dass die Abschiebungen trotz der schlechten Sicherheitslage in Afghanistan stattfinden.
Am Abend startete die insgesamt dritte Sammelabschiebung seit Ende vergangenen Jahres in Richtung Kabul, wie das bayerische Innenministerium bestätigte. Unter den 18 Menschen an Bord der Maschine aus München sollen zwei abgelehnte afghanische Asylbewerber aus Hamburg sein. Auch am Münchner Flughafen gab es Proteste , an denen sich mehrere Hundert Menschen beteiligten. Das Flugzeug ist inzwischen in der afghanischen Hauptstadt Kabul gelandet.
Die Sammelabschiebungen sind umstritten. Nicht nur die Opposition im Bundestag sowie Flüchtlingsorganisationen üben scharfe Kritik an der vom Bund geführten Abschiebung. Aus ihrer Sicht ist Afghanistan kein sicheres Land. Daher lehnen auch mehrere Bundesländer eine Beteiligung an der Aktion ab. In einem Gutachten des Flüchtlingshilfswerks der Vereinten Nationen (UNHCR) vom Dezember 2016 heißt es, das gesamte Staatsgebiet Afghanistans sei von einem innerstaatlichen, bewaffneten Konflikt betroffen. Es könne nicht zwischen „sicheren“ und „unsicheren“ Gebieten unterschieden werden. Bundesinnenminister Thomas de Maizière (CDU) verteidigte die bisherige Praxis : „Die Sicherheitslage in Afghanistan ist kompliziert, aber es gibt sichere Orte. “
Während Schleswig-Holstein die Abschiebungen ausgesetzt hat, hält Hamburg weiter daran fest. Bei den bisherigen zwei Sammelabschiebungen im Dezember und im Januar hat die Hansestadt insgesamt zehn afghanische Männer in ihr Heimatland zurückgeschickt. Hamburg hat mit rund 20.500 Mitgliedern bundesweit eine der größten afghanischen Gemeinschaften.
Hinweis der Redaktion: In einer vorherigen Version des Artikels hieß es, dass nach Informationen des Hamburg Journals drei afghanische Flüchtlinge aus Hamburg abgeschieben wurden. Nach Informationen der Deutschen Presse-Agentur sind es aber nur zwei. Die Redaktion bittet für diesen Fehler um Entschuldigung.

Similarity rank: 1.1

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23,7 Milliarden plus: Rekordüberschuss im Staatshaushalt


Das robuste Wirtschaftswachstum hat dem deutschen Staat im vergangenen Jahr den höchsten Überschuss seit der Wiedervereinigung beschert. Trotz der Kosten der Flüchtlingskrise verbuchten Bund, Länder, Gemeinden und Sozialkassen ein Plus von 23,7 Milliarden Euro.
Das robuste Wirtschaftswachstum hat dem deutschen Staat im vergangenen Jahr den höchsten Überschuss seit der Wiedervereinigung beschert. Trotz der Kosten der Flüchtlingskrise verbuchten Bund, Länder, Gemeinden und Sozialkassen ein Plus von 23,7 Milliarden Euro.
Der deutsche Staat hat den höchsten Haushaltsüberschuss seit der Wiedervereinigung erwirtschaftet. Bund, Länder, Gemeinden und Sozialkassen nahmen im vergangenen Jahr 23,7 Milliarden Euro mehr ein als sie ausgaben. Bezogen auf die Wirtschaftsleistung fiel das Plus mit 0,8 Prozent des BIP höher aus als die im Januar geschätzten 0,6 Prozent, wie das Statistische Bundesamt in Wiesbaden mitteilte.
Die öffentliche Hand profitierte dabei vor allem von dem kräftigen Wirtschaftswachstum und der niedrigen Arbeitslosigkeit im vergangenen Jahr. Allein in den Monaten von Oktober bis Dezember stieg das Bruttoinlandsprodukt gegenüber dem Vorquartal um 0,4 Prozent. Trotz der enormen Kosten der Flüchtlingskrise verbuchte der Bund ein Plus von 7,7 Milliarden Euro nach 10 Milliarden im Jahr zuvor. Auch Länder und Gemeinden nahmen deutlich mehr ein, als sie ausgaben. Den höchsten Überschuss erzielte 2016 die Sozialversicherung mit 8,2 Milliarden Euro.
Getragen wurde das Wachstum der größten Volkswirtschaft Europas im vierten Quartal 2016 von der Konsumfreude der Verbraucher, den Ausgaben des Staates, unter anderem für die Unterbringung von Flüchtlingen, sowie dem Bauboom. Obwohl die Exportwirtschaft ein Rekordjahr hinlegte, bremste der Außenhandel das Wirtschaftswachstum – die Importe stiegen stärker als die Exporte.
Die deutsche Wirtschaft geht damit mit Rückenwind in das laufende Jahr. Die Bundesbank erwartet einen schwungvollen Auftakt: „Das Wachstum der deutschen Wirtschaft dürfte sich im ersten Jahresviertel 2017 weiter verstärken“, hieß es im jüngsten Monatsbericht der Notenbank. Der Boom am Bau dürfte sich fortsetzen und der Privatkonsum dank der niedrigen Arbeitslosigkeit eine wichtige Wachstumsstütze bleiben.
Auch in der deutschen Wirtschaft war der Optimismus zuletzt gewachsen. Trotz protektionistischer Töne von US-Präsident Donald Trump und des bevorstehenden Ausscheidens Großbritanniens aus der Europäischen Union stieg der Ifo-Geschäftsklimaindex im Februar. „Offensichtlich lassen sich die deutschen Unternehmen ihre Laune nicht verderben, so lange nicht klar ist, was genau Trump unternehmen wird“, vermutete Commerzbank-Chefvolkswirt Jörg Krämer.

Similarity rank: 1.1

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Tłusty czwartek w Gorzowie


Dziś ostatni czwartek przed wielkim postem, czyli tłusty czwartek.
Dziś ostatni czwartek przed wielkim postem, czyli tłusty czwartek.
Oblężenie przeżywają cukiernie i piekarnie, a miłośnicy słodkości mają w czym wybierać:
Pan Andrzej kupił dziś 40 pączków:
Dodajmy, że pączki w samym centrum miasta rozdają dziś nasi redakcyjni koledzy – Paweł i Patryk.

Similarity rank: 11
Sentiment rank: 0

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Ofensywa wojsk rządowych w Iraku. Żołnierze atakują lotnisko w Mosulu


Wspierane przez USA irackie siły rządowe przypuściły w czwartek rano atak na lotnisko w Mosulu oraz na pobliską bazę wojskową w ramach ofensywy wymierzonej w dżihadystyczne Państwo Islamskie (IS) – podała iracka telewizja. – Sprawdź najnowsze wiadomości i wydarzenia z Europy i ze świata. Poznaj komentarze i podyskutuj na forum.
„Siły szybkiego reagowania, pododdziały policji federalnej i jednostki antyterrorystyczne szturmują lotnisko w Mosulu oraz bazę wojskową al-Gazlani“ – poinformowano w komunikacie odczytanym w telewizji.
Port lotniczy w Mosulu i baza znajdują się na południowych obrzeżach miasta, na zachód od rzeki Tygrys dzielącej Mosul na dwie części. Mają ważne znaczenie, gdyż mogą posłużyć jako miejsca do wyprowadzenia ataku na zachodni Mosul opanowany przez dżihadystów z IS – pisze agencja Reutera.
Według obserwatorów walki o zachodni Mosul mogą być najcięższe od początku ofensywy sił rządowych mającej na celu odzyskanie kontroli nad całym miastem. Po kilku tygodniach ciężkich walk wojsko irackie odbiło w styczniu z rąk dżihadystów wschodnią część Mosulu. Część zachodnia miasta jest mniejsza od wschodniej, ale gęściej zaludniona. To tam znajdują się umocnione punkty oporu IS.
Mosul to ostatni bastion dżihadystów w Iraku; to tam w czerwcu 2014 roku przywódca tzw. Państwa Islamskiego Abu Bakr al-Bagdadi proklamował kalifat na okupowanych terenach w Iraku i Syrii. Według ONZ od początku ofensywy na Mosul domy musiało opuścić ponad 160 tys. cywilów. Liczbę ofiar śmiertelnych operacji szacuje się na kilka tysięcy. (PAP)
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Similarity rank: 5.3
Sentiment rank: -0.7

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US withdraws protections for transgender students


The White House overturned protections for transgender students that required public schools to allow them to use bathrooms and locker rooms matching the gender with which they identify.
A look at all the changes that have been made under Trump’s administration so far.
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Washington – The White House on Wednesday overturned protections for transgender students that required public schools to allow them to use bathrooms and locker rooms matching the gender with which they identify.
With the move, President Donald Trump – who indicated during his campaign that he might protect LGBT rights – has sided with social conservatives on a key issue at the center of a broader cultural battle between conservatives and liberals.
By lifting federal guidelines issued by the Obama administration – interpreting Title IX, the federal law banning sex discrimination in schools, to include gender identity – the Trump administration is leaving it up to states and school districts to decide whether students should have access to bathrooms that do not reflect their biological sex.
The justice and education departments said in a joint statement late on Wednesday that they „withdrew guidance for educational institutions, issued in 2015 and 2016, that took the position that the prohibitions in Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and implementing regulations against discrimination on the basis of sex require access to sex-segregated facilities on the basis of gender identity rather than biological sex. “
Bathroom wars
In a two-page guidance letter to public schools, the White House said the existing guidance did not „contain extensive legal analysis or explain how the position is consistent with the express language of Title IX, nor did they undergo any formal public process. “
The decision comes after a reported disagreement over the language between Attorney General Jeff Sessions, a major opponent of the LGTB rights movement, and Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, who is said to support LGBT rights and had to sign off on the move.
DeVos said in a statement on Wednesday that „the department’s Office for Civil Rights remains committed to investigating all claims of discrimination, bullying and harassment against those who are most vulnerable in our schools. “
Wednesday’s decision reverses memos issued by the Obama administration during the past two years saying that prohibiting transgender students from using facilities that reflect with their gender identity violates federal anti-discrimination laws.
The memos came after the state of North Carolina passed a law requiring transgender people to use restrooms corresponding to the gender on their birth certificates in schools and government buildings.
That action prompted the „bathroom wars“ issue over transgender identity and a boycott of the state by companies, sports teams and others.
Wednesday’s decision prompted a flood of criticism from human rights and other groups.
Mara Keisling, the executive director of the National Center for Transgender Equality, told reporters that the move was „simply and dangerously wrong and incorrect. “
„Revoking the guidance shows that the president’s promise to protect LGBT rights was just empty rhetoric,“ American Civil Liberties Union LGBT Project Director James Esseks said in a statement. „But the bottom line is that this does not undo legal protections for trans students, and school districts can and must continue to protect them and all students from discrimination. “
„School districts that recognise that should continue doing the right thing; for the rest, we’ll see them in court,“ he added.
The US Supreme Court is set next month to consider the case of a 17-year-old in Virginia who was born a female but identifies as a male and filed suit to be able to use the boys‘ bathroom at his high school. encourages commentary submitted via MyNews24. Contributions of 200 words or more will be considered for publication.

Similarity rank: 5.4
Sentiment rank: 2.1

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