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Amazon Prime debuts discount for anyone on government benefits


The e-commerce giant announced the rollout of the $5.99 per month plan on Tuesday. It hopes Walmart is watching.
Customers normally pay $10.99 per month or $99 per year for Prime subscriptions, which offers free two-day shipping on many products as well as access to streaming video and music services.
Now anyone with a state-issued debit card for government benefits can get Prime for $5.99 a month.
The aim is to make „savings more accessible“ to everyone, according to spokeswoman Julie Law. She adds that delivery could make life easier for customers who may not have reliable access to transportation, and that Prime gives members discounts on essentials like diapers.
Amazon (AMZN, Tech30) already has a well-heeled customer base, according to analysts. With this program, it hopes to pull in more low-income shoppers.
Related: Move over, Amazon! Here comes Walmart
„It makes it so there’s no component of the U. S. market that can’t be an Amazon customer, “ said Mike Olson, an analyst with Piper Jaffray.
It’s unlikely to cause a big spike in sales, said Michael Pachter, an analyst at Wedbush Securities. But it sends a message that Amazon is for everyone.
About 18% of U. S. households receive government assistance for food, according to the most recently available government data.
The move also takes aim at Walmart (WMT) , which has been gaining ground in the online shopping space since it bought online retailer for $3.3 billion last year. In the first quarter of 2017, Walmart’s U. S. online sales were up 63%.
But Amazon, a $484 billion company, does not intend to give up its crown.
It’s growing by doing everything from expanding its cloud computing business to testing drone delivery. It’s even opening physical stores. Last week, Amazon’s stock hit the $1,000 milestone.
Related: Amazon is booming as its shares top $1,000
To receive the discounted Amazon Prime membership, buyers will need to have an Electronic Benefits Transfer card. They’ll have to re-register every 12 months, and can do so a total of four times.
The company declined to say how it settled on the $5.99 monthly fee.
Amazon is also participating in a U. S. Department of Agriculture program to test using food stamps with online retailers. But the new Prime membership discount does not apply to AmazonFresh, the website’s grocery delivery service. That service still costs all Prime users an additional $14.99 per month.

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George and Amal Clooney welcome birth of twins


" George is sedated and should recover in a few days, " Clooney' s agent jokes
NEW YORK — George and Amal Clooney have welcomed twins Ella and Alexander Clooney.
The pair was born Tuesday morning, according to George Clooney’s publicist Stan Rosenfield. He says both are „happy, healthy and doing fine.“
Jokes Rosenfield, „George is sedated and should recover in a few days.“
Clooney, 56, and lawyer Amal Alamuddin, 39, married in 2014. These are the first children for both.
No other details were immediately available. The Clooneys had been living in London while awaiting the arrival of their babies.
Clooney addressed fatherhood when Charlie Rose asked him in a 2015 „CBS This Morning“ interview if he’d thought about having kids.
„I’ve thought about it, I suppose, but it hasn’t been high on my list, “ he said. „I’ve been asked it a lot lately, because I’ve gotten married and I’m doing a movie with kids in it. You should see how different, how creative the way they ask me.“
Rose pressed Clooney further and said, „You have such a great dad and you’re so close to him. It must be a powerful emotion.“
Clooney responded that he was very close to his family and said, „It is and I’m really close with my mom, too.“

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Bill Cosby trial Day 2: Star accuser Andrea Constand takes the stand


‚I was frozen.‘ Accuser Andrea Constand for the first time publicly recounts her interactions with Bill Cosby.
NORRISTOWN, Pa. — Andrea Constand, star witness and main accuser in Bill Cosby’s sexual assault trial here, took the stand Tuesday and for the first time in public told a jury that her former Temple University mentor drugged her to the point of near paralysis and then assaulted her as she lay helpless on a couch at his home in suburban Philadelphia in 2004.
The Canadian-born Constand, 44, testified she went to Cosby’s home to talk about her career. He offered her three blue pills to help her „relax, “ she said. She asked if they were herbal, he assured her they were.
“He said ‘put them down, they’ re your friends. They’ ll take the edge off.‘ … I said ‘I trust you’ and I took the pills and swallowed them down…. And I started to panic.”
Cosby brought her to his couch and put her down, she said. „He said, ‚It’s time for you to relax.‘ ”
„I thought I was having a bad reaction…. My legs were getting rubbery… I don’ t really remember passing out.”
Some time later, she was jolted awake, she said, and felt Cosby’s hand „groping my breasts.“ She said she felt his hand in her vagina and he placed her hand on his penis. She wanted to stop him, she said, but wasn’ t able to do so.
“I was frozen…. The next thing I recall is putting my two feet on the ground and feeling my (bra) around my neck, ” about 4 a.m. or 5 a.m.
Under prosecution questioning, Constand, who worked in the Temple basketball program (she’s now a massage therapist living in Toronto) , said that after she met Cosby in 2002, she developed a friendship with the Temple alum, and met him several times at his home and at restaurants and in New York.
At least once before the night in question, she testified, Cosby touched her inappropriately.
„Mr. Cosby again came and sat down beside me…..he sat very close to me and commented on my pants and touched the side of my waist and took his hand and attempted to unbutton my button, ” she told the jury. “When I felt that, I leaned forward and he took his hand away…’I said I’ m not here for that, I don’ t want that.‘ ”
So why did she continue to go back to visit Cosby, she was asked. „I wasn’ t scared of someone making a pass at me or an advance at me.”
Cosby’s defense team noted in their opening statement that, despite telling police she had no contact with Cosby after that night, there were 72 phone calls between them, 53 initiated by her.
Constand told jurors the calls mostly involved the women’s basketball team, especially around tournament time.
„It had more to do with business than it did with me personally, “ she said.
Her testimony provided a dramatic punctuation to Day 2 of Cosby’s trial, which opened in the morning with prosecutors seeking to bolster the trial’s secondary star witness whose testimony that she was drugged and molested by Cosby was undermined on cross-examination by some discrepancies in her account.
Judge Steven O’Neill allowed prosecutors to call the mother and ex-lawyer of Kelly Johnson, a former employee of Cosby’s agent, who testified Monday that she was drugged and assaulted by Cosby, 79, in a bungalow at the Hotel Bel-Air in Los Angeles in 1996 — even though she said under oath in the past that their encounter happened in 1991.
Johnson’s mother, Patrice Sewell, told the jury on Tuesday that her daughter called her distraught in 1996, fearing Cosby was trying to get her fired from her job. She said her daughter later told her she woke up next to Cosby in bed with her clothes undone — an account that tallied with what Johnson testified about on Monday.
“She said Mr. Cosby asked her to meet her at the Bel-Air Hotel to talk about her career.… And when she went to the hotel she was directed to (a bungalow) , ” Sewell testified. When she arrived, Cosby appeared in slippers and a robe, she said.
“He said you don’ t have anything to be nervous about. Then he offered her a drink. And said she should take a pill… She tried to refuse, and she put it under her tongue. He asked her to raise her tongue.”
Johnson didn’ t tell police about the encounter at the time because she wanted to avoid the shame and humiliation directed toward victims of sexual assault who go public, Sewell said.
Joseph Miller, a worker’s compensation lawyer who represented Johnson, says he was surprised by „things of a sexual nature“ Johnson recounted during her 1996 deposition for her claim that she’d developed debilitating stress from her secretarial job at Cosby’s agency.
“He had exposed himself to her, taken some of her clothing off, ” Miller said on the stand. Cosby “wanted her to fondle him and she didn’ t want to do that… She cried several times during the deposition, I remember she was tearful during the session.”
During cross-examination, defense attorneys attempted to poke holes in Sewell’s account regarding why Johnson left her job at the agency, using lawyers‘ notes taken during Johnson’s deposition because the document itself could not be found. Miller testified that he and his business partner decided not to create a transcript of the deposition due to the sensitive nature of the testimony.
Defense lawyers tried to establish that Johnson did not leave her job because of an incident with Cosby.
“We ended up settling the case for a lump sum of money (about $10,000) , that was to be paid to Ms. Johnson by the William Morris agency, “ Miller said.
A Toronto police detective also testified Tuesday, telling the jury that Constand (she is from Toronto and moved back there after the Cosby encounter) told him she had been drugged by Cosby at his home after they had been out to dinner with friends in 2004.
“They were alone and she said Mr. Cosby gave her a couple of pills to help her relax, ” said Det. Dave Mason of Durham Regional Police, who is trained in sexual assault investigations.“She said her legs felt like jelly… I remember her being a little embarrassed as she told the story.”
On cross-examination, lead defense attorney Brian McMonagle asked Mason if Constand told him she had never been alone with Cosby prior to that night. That is correct, Mason said.
In fact, the defense contended, Cosby and Constand had been alone at least twice before in homes in the Philadelphia area and in Connecticut.
Cosby is being tried on three counts of aggravated indecent sexual assault stemming from an encounter with Constand in 2004 at his nearby estate in suburban Philadelphia.
Constand is the star witness, testifying in public for the first time about what she says happened more than 13 years ago. He says their encounter was consensual. She says he drugged her — leaving her nearly paralyzed — and then molested her.
Constand’s testimony is crucial because there is no contemporaneous forensic evidence. She waited a year before reporting the encounter to authorities, and prosecutors at the time declined to press charges then due to lack of evidence.
Johnson’s testimony is crucial, too. She is one of the five-dozen women who have come forward since October 2014 to accuse Cosby of drugging and/or raping them in episodes dating back to the mid-1960s.
But she is the only other accuser Judge O’Neill allowed to testify against Cosby at this trial. Prosecutors called her to help demonstrate to the jury that Cosby allegedly followed a pattern of „prior bad acts.“ Johnson’s story is similar in details to what Constand says happened to her.
On cross-examination on Monday, McMonagle sharply questioned why Johnson’s testimony at the trial differed from an under-oath deposition she had given in 1996 in which she said the alleged assault took place in 1991, not in 1996. Why should the jury trust her recollection in 2017, he asked. On Tuesday, the ex-lawyer, Miller, testified his notes show Johnson told him the encounter happened in May 1990.
On Tuesday, Cosby arrived at the Montgomery County courthouse with his spokesman, Andrew Wyatt. Neither his wife of more than 60 years, Camille, nor any of their four daughters were with him. On Monday, he was accompanied by his former TV daughter, Keshia Knight Pulliam, who played Rudy on The Cosby Show.
Another crucial factor at the trial will be Cosby’s own words in a deposition he gave for the civil suit Constand filed against him in 2005. That suit was settled for an undisclosed sum in 2006 and sealed, but parts of the deposition was released by a judge in the summer of 2015 on a motion by the Associated Press. In it, Cosby acknowledged acquiring drugs — quaaludes — to give to women he sought for sex, thus bolstering his accusers‘ argument that he followed a pattern in his sexual behavior with women.
District Attorney Kevin Steele, who promised to pursue Cosby when he ran for election in 2015, cited the deposition as new evidence for why he filed charges against Cosby a few weeks before Pennsylvania’s statute of limitations for sex crimes was due to expire.
Cosby’s repeated efforts to get the charges thrown out over the last 18 months, and to block the use of his deposition testimony, failed under Judge O’Neill’s rulings.

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China Won't Free Men Who Investigated Ivanka Trump Supplier


China’s government aimed to enforce a cone of silence around the detainees, according to a lawyer and a family member who was interrogated and told not to speak to the foreign press
China’s government on Tuesday rejected a U. S. State Department call to release three activists detained while investigating a Chinese company that produced shoes for Ivanka Trump and other brands. It sought instead to enforce a cone of silence around the men, according to a lawyer and a family member who was interrogated and told not to speak to the foreign press.
Deng Guilian, the wife of one of the detainees, told The Associated Press that she had been interrogated twice by police in her hometown in central China’s Hubei province. The police pulled her in for four hours of questioning that lasted past midnight on Friday, and then called her for a further interrogation on Saturday. She said police questioned her sharply about her contacts with foreign media.
She said that on Friday four policemen sat in a close circle around her, one asking questions, one examining her phone, one taking notes and one just staring at her.
„In a normal situation, as a woman at midnight squeezed in the middle of four men — moreover they’re policemen — it’s impossible not to be nervous, “ she said. „I was terrified.“
On Saturday, they played nice, she said, reminding her of the heavy duty she faced in taking care of her sick mother, aging in-laws and two children and urged her to make smart decisions. „I felt I was going to collapse, “ she said.
Such tactics are not uncommon in China, which has been cracking down on perceived threats to the ruling Communist Party, particularly from sources with foreign ties such as China Labor Watch, the New York-based nonprofit that was leading the investigation.
The group planned to publish a report this month alleging low pay, excessive overtime, verbal abuse and possible misuse of student labor at factories belonging to the Huajian Group. The company has denied the allegations and says it stopped producing Ivanka Trump shoes months ago.
The U. S. State Department called Monday for the release of the three men.
„We urge China to release them immediately and otherwise afford them the judicial and fair trial protections to which they are entitled, “ said Alicia Edwards, a U. S. State Department spokeswoman.
She said the U. S. remains concerned by „the pattern of arrests and detentions.“ She said labor activists are instrumental in helping American companies understand conditions in their supply chains and holding Chinese manufacturers accountable under Chinese labor laws. White House spokesman Josh Raffel declined to comment.
Hua Chunying, spokeswoman for China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said at a regular news briefing Tuesday that the men working with China Labor Watch had been accused of using secret recording devices to disrupt normal commercial operations and would be dealt with under Chinese law.
„Other nations have no right to interfere in our judicial sovereignty and independence, “ she said, adding, „The police found these people illegally possessed secret cameras, secret listening devices and other illegal monitoring devices.“
Hua’s lawyer, Wen Yu, said Tuesday that all three of the activists are being held at the Ganzhou City Detention Center in southeastern Jiangxi province.
Yu said that after a day and a half of waiting, he was finally able to consult with his client Tuesday afternoon.
„His condition inside is OK. Nobody beat him, “ Yu said. „It’s just that he has to sleep next to the toilet. People go to pee all night.“ He said the cell was crowded with 21 people who have been ordered not to speak with Hua.
Yu said he had applied for bail for Hua, who faces imprisonment of up to two years if found guilty. Then Yu was contacted by city authorities who told him not to speak with foreign media and he stopped responding to questions.
China Labor Watch executive director Li Qiang has said all three men, whom he lost contact with late last month, are not guilty and did not use secret recording devices. In an April letter to Ivanka Trump, he urged her to press for better conditions in her brand’s supply chain. „Your words and deeds can make a difference in these workers‘ lives, “ he wrote.
Ivanka Trump’s brand has declined to comment on the allegations or the arrests. She stepped back from day-to-day management of the company when she took on a White House role as adviser to her father, but retains ownership. Marc Fisher, which produces shoes for Ivanka Trump and other brands, has said it is looking into the allegations.

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Japan Might Look Expensive But You Need To Dig Deeper


Japanese Value. Japan typically isn’ t the region you would associate with expensive equities but according to…
Japanese Value – more gains ahead?
Japan typically isn’ t the region you would associate with expensive equities, but according to CLSA strategist Nicholas Smith, there seems to be a g rowing chorus among investors that the Japanese market, having gained 12% since the start of 2017, is now too expensive.
However, Mr. Smith argues that the market as a whole is not that expensive, but the most in-demand stocks, particularly low volatility equities, pricey compared to historic multiples.
Specifically, Smith opines:
Japan’s Topix is cheap: on PE; on EV/Ebitda and the number of companies on negative EV; on cashflow; and on book and the percentage of stocks trading below that book. And essentially all of that book is tangible, stuff you-can-stub-your-toe-on book.
The rest of the market looks cheap as a whole. Where the US stock market is trading on a price to tangible book ratio of 8.7x, the benchmark Topix is trading at a cheap 1.5x, making it a value investor’s paradise.
One reason for the disconnect is company efficiency. Mr. Smith notes in a report issued earlier this week that most US companies have offloaded non-essential assets, becoming exceptionally lean and using the proceeds to buy back stock. In comparison, Japanese companies are still “bloated” with excess capital.
Unfortunately, in recent years value investing in Japan has been a difficult business. In the run-up to the financial crisis, Japanese value stocks consistently outperformed but following the crisis, value’s run of underperformance is the deepest on record. The same scenario has played out in other major world markets. Investors have flocked to low volatility and growth equities, avoiding value and more cyclical businesses. As Mr. Smith notes, value underperforms in times of low growth; low inflation and low yield, which is exactly what the world has been suffering from during the past decade.
Still, there are some signs that value’s hostile environment is improving. The global manufacturing purchasing managers’ index bottomed out in February 2016, and so did equity markets such as the Topix and S&P. Meanwhile, the Japanese labor market is one of the healthiest in the world with labor cash earnings growth hitting 0.5% year-on-year in April, and the ratio of job openings to applicants stands at 1.48, the highest in 43 years.
Aside from macro factors, the most significant recent development that could boost the performance of Japanese value is the move by key investors to reveal how they vote at company shareholder meetings. According to the Financial Times, these actions, where large pension investors and fund managers vote on issues such as pay, board membership and Chief Executive tenure should “help end the often-cozy relationships between investors and companies in Japan.”
This, in turn, should prompt companies to change themselves or face scrutiny from the public and policymakers. Companies that do not generate attractive returns for shareholders will likely be called out for pursuing non-growth policies, and it’s more likely cozy managements will be held accountable for their actions. Shareholder disdain may quickly translate into increased activity by management to unlock value for investors.

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A top Apple Music executive is leaving for Uber


She is known to create „emotional connections between people and the products they love, “ Uber CEO Travis Kalanick said in a statement.
Bozoma Saint John — an Apple executive who has played a prominent role in recent product launches — is leaving Apple to become chief brand officer at Uber.
„Boz has a long track record of successfully creating emotional connections between people and the products they love, “ Uber CEO Travis Kalanick said in a statement to CNBC. „Her creativity and deep understanding of consumers will allow us to build the same love and appreciation for Uber’s brand as we’ve built for Uber’s service.“
TechCrunch previously reported Saint John’s move to Uber, citing a tip and multiple sources at Uber. Axios previously reported Saint John’s departure from Apple, but not her new role at Uber.
Saint John, one of the few executives at Apple who has an active social media presence, has become one of the most prominent faces of the company. Apple did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Saint John, who served as global consumer marketing head at Apple Music and iTunes, is leaving Apple at a crucial time. Apple Music, which launched two years ago, has seen a quick expansion, hitting 27 million subscribers and seeing new original content and app integrations.
Her new employer, Uber, is under even more pressure, fielding accusations of gender bias and sexual harassment, run-ins with drivers and conflicts with regulators. Uber has also recently hired management academic Frances Frei as senior vice president of leadership strategy, according to Recode.

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California and China team up to defy US climate retreat


California has signed a cooperation agreement with China on clean energy technology, emissions trading and air pollution reduction in an effort to bridge the gap left by President Donald Trump’s decision to pull the US from the Paris climate accord last week.
Under the pact, signed at an environmental tech summit in Beijing on Tuesday, California and China will work to develop and commercialize expertise on carbon capture and storage, clean energy and information technology to rein in pollution.
„The challenges are big but so too is the commitment – the commitment of Jiangsu Province with California and China with the people of America. We’re going to get it done. Nothing will stop us, “ said Governor Brown in a statement. „Green is not only gold, green is our future – China, California and America and the other countries of the world all working for the prosperity of the people.“
Under the agreement, signed by Governor Jerry Brown and China’s Minister of Science and Technology, Wan Gang, California and Jiangsu Province will expand collaborate on greenhouse gas emission and air pollution reduction programs.
US Energy Secretary Rick Perry, who was at the same conference, declined to take questions from reporters.
The agreement builds on a previous one signed in 2015 that supported trade, educate, tourism and culture exchanges with the sister-state partnership.
Jiangsu Province, in southwest China, has a GDP of more than $1 trillion, is home to approximately 80 million people and is China’s most densely populated province. It is the leading producer of clean energy in the country.
China is one of the top three carbon dioxide emissions producers along with the US and European Union.
Reuters reported, however, that China’s policy is on its own carbon mark “which is big enough and complex enough, ” meaning, the agreements are just in the beginning stage to talk about linking up with foreign markets.
“It will be a long time before there is true cooperation with California, whose market is just at regional state and is hard to link up the Chinese market, ” Ma Aimin, of the National Center for Climate Change Strategy and International Cooperation said at the energy forum. The group is backed by the Chinese government.
California, the largest state in the US with 39 million residents, has been hit hard by the effects of climate change, having being plagued with wild fires and a 10-year drought which led to the governor declaring a state of emergency several times and introducing water restrictions.
With an annual economic output of $2.4 trillion, the state is an economic powerhouse and boasts the sixth-largest economy in the world.
Nearly 125 million Americans live in counties with dangerous levels of air pollution, with Californian cities dominating the list, according to a report from the American Lung Association, citing data from 2013-2015.
„California has dominated the top 10 list every year. In fact, a California city has been number one every year since the report began in 2000, “ Will Barrett, Senior Policy Analyst for the American Lung Association in California told RT.
„For ozone pollution, Los Angeles has topped the list the past 17 or 18 reports.“
The report did find evidence of cleaner air, however. While 125 million Americans are still living with high rates of pollution, the report found it was a drop of 41 million from the 2016 report, based on earlier data.
The progress in cleaner air has come in part due to cleaner power plants and increased use of cleaner vehicles and engines, leading to fewer days of high ozone levels and lower levels of year-round particle pollution.
California’s efforts to tackle climate change crosses party lines. Under Arnold Schwarzenegger, who served as governor from 2003 to 2011, the state developed the most aggressive pollution-control programs in the nation.
California has been the lead state in passing ambitions measures on pollution control and conservation often serving as a model for national and even international environmental law.
Governor Brown has long been an environmental advocate, including when he first served as governor in the 1970s. He has made this a central focus as he enters his final 18 months in office. In an interview, he said the president’s action was “a colossal mistake and defies science.”
“Erasing climate change may take place in Donald Trump’s mind, but nowhere else, ” Mr. Brown said, according to the New York Times.
On June 1, President Donald Trump announced he was withdrawing the US from the Paris agreement on climate change, a UN treaty signed by almost 200 nations in 2016 and considered a major achievement by his predecessor, Barack Obama.
“In order to fulfill my solemn duty to protect America and its citizens, the US will withdraw from the Paris climate accord, ” Trump said.
He said his administration would begin negotiations to reenter the Paris accord or another climate treaty “on terms that are fair” to the US.
Implementing the pact would have cost the US trillions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of lost industrial jobs, with massive reductions to the production of paper, cement, iron and steel, coal, and natural gas, Trump said, explaining his decision.
The same day, 61 mayors from across the United States, representing 36 million Americans, released a statement saying they would continue to uphold the goals set by the Paris Agreement.
Together, the “Climate Mayors” said they would work toward meeting the 1.5 celsius target set in the Paris Agreement and continue to invest in renewable energy and electric cars, while cutting greenhouse gas emissions.
“And if the President wants to break the promises made to our allies enshrined in the historic Paris Agreement, we’ ll build and strengthen relationships around the world to protect the planet from devastating climate risks, ” the Climate Mayors wrote.

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Anthem to pull out of Ohio healthcare exchange in 2018


Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield will pull out of Ohio insurance exchange next year, leaving about 20 counties in the state without Affordable Care Act plans.
June 6 (UPI) — Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield announced Tuesday the health insurer will pull out of the Ohio exchange next year, leaving about 20 counties in the state without Affordable Care Act marketplace plans.
Anthem hasn’t exited the 13 other states where it provides coverage and has already filed with regulators to continue coverage in Virginia, Maine and Connecticut.
„A stable insurance market is dependent on products that create value for consumers through the broad spreading of risk and a known set of conditions upon which rates can be developed, “ Anthem said in a statement . „Today, planning and pricing for ACA-compliant health plans has become increasingly difficult due to the shrinking individual market as well as continual changes in federal operations, rules and guidance.“
Uncertainty surrounds the ACA, commonly known as Obamacare. The House passed the American Health Care Act on May 4, but the Senate has not considered it yet. On May 24, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said the new plan would leave 14 million more Americans uninsured next year than the ACA would.
Earlier this year, insurance providers Aetna and Humana announced they would abandon the individual markets in 2018. Another big provider, Cigna, remains throughout the nation.
In April, Anthem said that its Obamacare business was doing „significantly better“ this year.
In Ohio, Anthem said it will continue renewing policies for individuals whose coverage was grandfathered in before the Affordable Care Act. Also, Anthem said it will continue selling ACA-compliant individual policies in one small county: Pike.
U. S. Sen. Rob Portman, R-Ohio, said no policies will be available in his state in the following counties: Paulding, Van Wert, Mercer, Auglaize, Logan, Hancock, Crawford, Knox, Holmes, Coshocton, Harrison, Muskingum, Guernsey, Perry, Morgan, Noble, Hocking, Vinton, Jackson and Lawrence.
„For the past few years we’ve seen premiums and deductibles skyrocket because of the Obamacare law, as we’ve seen a declining number of viable healthcare choices for families and small businesses, “ Portman, a Republican and ACA critic, said in a statement .
The Ohio Department of Insurance told there may be 18 counties without marketplace providers next year because other insurers will move their coverage markets. The filing deadline for insurers to participate in Ohio’s marketplaces was Monday.
Among the state’s providers, Medical Mutual of Ohio has also scaled back from offering coverage on the ACA marketplace in 56 counties this year.
„I think it’s fair to say that we may be looking at any option we may have over the next few weeks, “ said Ohio Department of Health spokesman Chris Brock. That includes asking other insurers to move into the counties with no coverage.
Anthem had $85 billion in revenue last year and net income of $2.46 billion, according to the company’s annual filing .
The company was founded in 1940s as WellPoint, Inc., and changed its name in 2013.
Anthem is the largest for-profit managed healthcare company among the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association.

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FOREX-Dollar weakens vs yen as investors turn cautious


The dollar weakened to a more than six-week low against the yen on Tuesday, dipping below a key technical…
By Saqib Iqbal Ahmed
NEW YORK, June 6 (Reuters) – The dollar weakened to a more than six-week low against the yen on Tuesday, dipping below a key technical level as Treasury debt yields slipped on increased caution ahead of a trio of potentially market moving events on Thursday.
Nervous investors piled into low-risk bonds and other safe-haven assets on worries linked to Britain’s general election, the European Central Bank’s policy meeting and former FBI Director James Comey’s testimony before a Senate panel, all scheduled for Thursday.
„I think there’s a lot of anxiety ahead of Thursday’s events, “ said Alfonso Esparza, senior currency analyst at OANDA in Toronto.
The dollar was down 0.92 percent against the yen at 109.43 yen, having broken below its 200-day moving average to touch 109.23 yen, its lowest since April 21.
„It’s safe-haven (demand) as well as the technical break that’s driving dollar-yen, “ said Brad Bechtel, managing director FX at Jefferies in New York.
Comey, fired by President Donald Trump in May, will be grilled by the Senate Intelligence Committee on whether Trump tried to get him to back off an investigation of alleged ties between his 2016 campaign and Russia.
Worries about the situation have added to market doubts over the Trump administration’s ability to deliver a promised boost to growth and recently weighed on the dollar.
The greenback could weaken to as low as 106 yen ahead of Thursday’s testimony, Esparza said. The dollar index, which tracks the greenback against six major rivals, was down 0.24 percent at 96.567.
The euro was up 0.2 percent against the dollar to $1.1275. The common currency has gained in recent weeks on various factors, including an ebb in French political concerns and upbeat euro zone data.
However, complacency that the ECB will be less dovish has left the euro vulnerable to disappointment if the central bank does not satisfy those expectations, analysts said.
With two days to go until Britain holds a national election, the pound saw choppy trading as opinion polls have shown that Prime Minister Theresa May’s lead over the opposition Labor party has ebbed over the last three weeks.
Sterling was down 0.05 percent against the greenback after falling to as low as $1.2873 earlier in the session.
Mexico’s peso extended gains to a second straight day after the U. S. and Mexican governments reached a new agreement to significantly shift their sugar trade mix.
(Reporting by Saqib Ahmed; Editing by Dan Grebler and Chris Reese)

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Apple's first TV series shows what it takes to build an app


Apple Inc’s long-awaited move into original television series starts Tuesday, with a reality show about a universe that is key to the technology giant’s business: the world of app developers trying to bring their ideas to the masses.
The 10-episode „Planet of the Apps, “ an unscripted show with similarities to ABC’s „Shark Tank, “ is part of an effort to add exclusive video programing to Apple’s music streaming service to help attract new subscribers. The first episode will be available for streaming around the globe starting at 9 p.m. PDT on Tuesday (midnight EDT/0400 GMT) .
Hollywood has been awaiting the entry of deep-pocketed Apple into original TV series, a field crowded with award-winning dramas and comedies from outlets such as Netflix and Time Warner Inc’s HBO.
The first „Apps“ episode will be free to anyone who wants to see it on iTunes and the show’s website. Subsequent episodes will be released each Tuesday on Apple Music and available only to the streaming service’s subscribers.
On the show, developers try to interest celebrity mentors with a 60-second pitch on an escalator. The advisers help contestants build their products and prepare appeals for funding from Lightspeed Venture Partners, the first investor in Snapchat.
„The question when you have ideas is how to take those to fruition, “ Eddy Cue, Apple’s senior vice president of Internet software and services, said in an interview. „Sometimes you may not know how, you might be afraid of what’s involved. This really shows how that’s possible.“
Apple’s future programing plans include an adaptation of comedian James Corden’s „Carpool Karaoke“ segment from his CBS show that will begin airing in August, as well as a documentary about Sean Combs in June and another about Clive Davis in a few months, Cue said.
„Planet of the Apps“ came from musician, who with producer Ben Silverman had shopped the series to traditional TV players before approaching Apple. appears as a judge alongside entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk and actresses Gwyneth Paltrow and Jessica Alba, who have started businesses.
„I felt like this was a great way to show that app developers or business people are not just white dudes in suits, or white dudes coding, “ Alba said.
In the first two episodes, developers present apps for online shopping, campus safety and a school backpack. One team tries to adapt after Google announces a feature similar to its own concept. Another developer feels overwhelmed by’s rapid-fire list of ideas.
At the show’s end, viewers are told they can download the apps from Apple’s App Store. The show itself will be promoted on the home page, on iTunes and elsewhere.
„All of our customers are going to be exposed to this in one way or another, “ Cue said.
(Reporting by Lisa Richwine; Editing by Phil Berlowitz)

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