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Jedna osoba nie żyje, są ranni. Trzęsienie ziemi w Turcji i Grecji


W poniedziałek ziemia zadrżała w regionie Morza Egejskiego. W Turcji i Grecji trzęsienie spowodowało spore zniszczenia. Jedna osoba zginęła na wyspie Lesbos.
W poniedziałek ziemia zadrżała w regionie Morza Egejskiego. W Turcji i Grecji trzęsienie spowodowało spore zniszczenia. Jedna osoba zginęła na wyspie Lesbos.
Trzęsienie ziemi na greckiej Leukadzie. Osiągnęło magnitudę 6,5 w skali Richtera – 17-11-2015
W trzęsieniu ziemi z epicentrum na Morzu Jońskim zginęła we wtorek co najmniej jedna osoba na greckiej wyspie Leukada. Zniszczonych zostało kilka budynków. Amerykańska służba geologiczna USGS określiła magnitudę trzęsienia na 6,5. czytaj dalej Na skutek wstrząsów zadrżały budynki w tureckiej prowincji Izmir. Trzęsienie odczuto także na greckich wyspach Samos i Lesbos, a także w Atenach.
Na Lesbos kobieta została przygnieciona przez dach swojego domu i zmarła, jak podały lokalne władze. Około 10 osób odniosło obrażenia. Uszkodzona została wieża jednego z kościołów, popękało wiele budynków. Ludzie wybiegli w przerażeniu na ulice. W kilku miejscach osunęła się ziemia, blokując drogi. Mieszkańcom doradza się, by pozostali na zewnątrz do czasu sprawdzenia, czy budynki, w których mieszkają, są bezpieczne. W najbardziej dotkniętym rejonie wyspy wokół miejscowości Plomari mają powstać miasteczka namiotowe dla tych, którzy nie będą mogli wrócić do domów
Silne trzęsienie ziemi na Filipinach – 29-04-2017
Trzęsienie ziemi o magnitudzie 6,8 nawiedziło w sobotę nad ranem czasu miejscowego należącą do Filip wyspę Mindanao. czytaj dalej Wstrząsy w Izmirze
W Turcji wstrząsy były mocno odczuwalne.
– Trzęsienie było okropne, wszystko w mojej klinice zaczęło się dziko trząść. Wybiegliśmy na zewnątrz z pacjentami – opowiadał tureckiej telewizji Didem Eris, dentysta z dystryktu Karisyaka w Izmirze. – Jesteśmy tu przyzwyczajeni do trzęsień, ale to było inne. Pomyślałem sobie, ze zginiemy – dodawał. Pojawiają się często
Źródło wstrząsów znajdowało się na Morzu Egejskim, około 84 km na północny zachód od Izmiru. Na tym obszarze niewielkie trzęsienia są niemalże codziennością. Te większe mają zabójcza siłę. W październiku 2011 roku jedno z nich zabiło 600 osób we wschodniej prowincji Van. W 1999 roku dwa potężne trzęsienia pozbawiły życia 20 tysięcy osób na północnym zachodzie.
Tu wystąpiło trzęsienie

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Viele Schäden in Inseldorf: Frau aus Lesbos stirbt bei Seebeben


Ein Seebeben erschüttert am Mittag die Ägäisregion zwischen Griechenland und der Türkei. Zunächst sieht es so aus, als wären die Menschen trotz der Bebenstärke von 6,4 glimpflich davongekommen. Eine Frau aus Lesbos hat allerdings kein Glück.
Ein Seebeben erschüttert am Mittag die Ägäisregion zwischen Griechenland und der Türkei. Zunächst sieht es so aus, als wären die Menschen trotz der Bebenstärke von 6,4 glimpflich davongekommen. Eine Frau aus Lesbos hat allerdings kein Glück.
Bei dem starken Seebeben in der Ägäis ist eine Frau ums Leben gekommen. Bei dem Opfer handelt es sich um eine 57 Jahre alte Frau, die Feuerwehr aus den Trümmern ihres Hauses im Dorf Vrisa auf der griechischen Insel Lesbos barg, wie die griechische Nachrichtenagentur ANA-MPA berichtet. Nach Angaben des Erdbeben-Monitors des Helmholtz-Zentrums in Potsdam hatte das Beben eine Stärke von 6,4. Das Zentrum lag etwa zehn Kilometer unter dem Meeresboden der Ägäis zwischen Lesbos und der türkischen Küstenmetropole Izmir.
Auf Lesbos wurden mindestens zwölf Menschen verletzt. Am stärksten betroffen war dem griechischen Fernsehsender ERT zufolge das Dorf Vrisa. Dort stürzten nach Angaben der Feuerwehr dutzende alte Häuser ein, Videobilder zeigen von Mauerblöcken übersäte Straßen.
„Wir haben es mit einer Katastrophe zu tun“, sagte die Gouverneurin der Nord-Ägäis-Region, Christina Kalogirou. Nach Angaben der US-Erdbebenwarte USGS befand sich das Epizentrum des Bebens im Meer elf Kilometer südlich der Küstenstadt Plomari. Auch dort wurden nach Angaben der örtlichen Behörden mehrere Gebäude beschädigt. „Die Straßen sind voller Putz, ich hoffe das ist bald vorbei, die Leute sind sehr verzweifelt“, sagte Yiorgos Patarelis, der in der Küstenstadt an der Südküste von Lesbos einen Laden betreibt.
Auch in Izmir war das Erdbeben deutlich zu spüren gewesen. Mehrere Gebäude wurden sicherheitshalber evakuiert. Laut der türkischen Erdbebenwarte gab es mehrere kleinere Nachbeben. Aus der Türkei wurden keine größeren Schäden oder Verletzte gemeldet. Griechenland und die Türkei liegen an wichtigen tektonischen Bruchlinien und werden immer wieder von Erdbeben erschüttert.

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The Latest: Cosby's accuser, wife see defense's argument


The Latest on the sexual assault trial of Bill Cosby (all times local) :
NORRISTOWN, Pa. (AP) – The Latest on the sexual assault trial of Bill Cosby (all times local) :
2 p.m.
Bill Cosby’s chief accuser and his wife sat feet apart as lawyers delivered closing arguments in his trial on charges he sexually assaulted her at his suburban Philadelphia home in January 2004.
Andrea Constand watched from the front row of the packed courtroom gallery on Monday as Cosby’s lawyers spent nearly two hours seizing on inconsistencies in her story in a final push for acquittal. Camille Cosby also sat in the front row, with a few other people and the aisle between them.
Cosby lawyer Brian McMonagle told jurors Constand’s story evolved and details changed over three interviews she gave to police after coming forward about a year after she says he assaulted her.
Prosecutors are poised to give their closing argument Monday afternoon. Camille Cosby isn’t in the courtroom for that.
12: 45 p.m.
Bill Cosby’s defense lawyer says the comedian and the primary accuser at his sex assault trial were lovers who had a consensual sexual encounter.
Cosby is charged with sexually assaulting a woman at his suburban Philadelphia home in January 2004.
His lawyers said in closing arguments Monday that Cosby is being prosecuted now because of a media firestorm after excerpts from his lurid deposition became public. The defense says when the case began it was about money, but now it’s a about a man’s liberty.
Cosby’s primary accuser, Andrea Constand, received an unknown amount of money from a civil case she filed.
The defense offered its closing argument after presenting a single witness: a detective who reminded jurors that police wondered why Constand had visited with Cosby at a casino.
Prosecutors will give their closing argument Monday afternoon.
This item has been updated to delete an incorrect reference to Constand visiting with Cosby after the encounter.
10: 30 a.m.
The defense has rested after a single brief witness in Bill Cosby’s sexual assault trial.
The defense case consisted of a six-minute appearance by a detective, seemingly designed to remind jurors that Andrea Constand had visited with Cosby at an out-of-state casino and that police knew he had vision problems even then.
Jurors soon will hear closing arguments and could perhaps start deliberating Monday afternoon.
10: 15 a.m.
Bill Cosby says he will not testify in his own defense at his sexual assault trial.
The 79-year-old comedian told a judge Monday that he made the decision after talking it over with his lawyers.
The defense says it’s calling just one witness: the detective who led the 2005 investigation into allegations Cosby drugged and violated Andrea Constand at his suburban Philadelphia home.
Detective Richard Schaffer was one of 12 witnesses who testified during the five-day prosecution case.
Cosby says his attorneys won’t call any character witnesses.
Judge Steven O’Neill shot down the defense’s bid to call a second witness, a woman who worked with Constand at Cosby’s alma mater, Temple University.
8: 45 a.m.
Bill Cosby’s wife, Camille, has arrived at court with him on the sixth day of his sexual assault trial.
It’s the first day a family member has accompanied him to court. The couple also has four daughters.
The defense opens it case Monday. Cosby had said before the trial he would not testify. But a spokesman said last week it still was a possibility.
Last week, accuser Andrea Constand testified that Cosby drugged and molested her in 2004 at his gated estate near Philadelphia.
Jurors also heard Cosby’s version in the form of his police statement and his lurid deposition in her 2005 lawsuit.
The trial will move to closing arguments if no defense witnesses are called.
Actor Bill Cosby could charm jurors at his sexual assault trial if he testifies this week, but experts say the risk would be considerable.
The defense is scheduled to begin presenting its case on Monday in suburban Philadelphia.
Cosby’s spokesman says the 79-year-old actor may testify, but his lawyers remain mum.
Last week, accuser Andrea Constand testified that Cosby drugged and molested her in 2004 at his gated estate near Philadelphia.
Jurors also heard Cosby’s version in the form of his police statement and his lurid deposition in her 2005 lawsuit.
The trial will move to closing arguments on Monday if no defense witnesses are called.
The Associated Press does not typically identify people who say they are victims of sexual assault unless they grant permission, which Constand has done.
Copyright 2017 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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Shark Attack: Bahamas Snorkeler Loses Her Arm, But Lives


A shark attack in the Bahamas claimed the arm of a mother of three who was snorkeling with her husband when the attack occurred.
A shark attack in the Bahamas claimed the arm of a mother of three who was snorkeling with her husband when the attack occurred.
Tiffany Johnson, 32, of Concord, North Carolina, was on the last stop of a cruise exploring the shallow reef on Athol Island when the shark bit her.
„It just felt like I had bumped into something, so I just casually turned to my right to look … my whole arm in its mouth, just floating there, “ she said, according to WTVD-TV .
She struggled with the shark for several minutes.
„I kept trying to yank my hand back and the last time I yanked he had cut it clean off so I was able to actually get free, “ Johnson said, according to WSOC-TV .
Johnson said she wasn’t in pain and felt a „tangible peace, “ according to the station. Doctors in the Bahamas saved her life, and a Medevac company flew her to Carolinas Medical Center, after customs and passport issues kept her stuck in the Bahamas.
„I’m thankful to be able to share this story and I hope, and I know, that it’s going to change people’s lives because you can’ t hear this story and not see God in it, “ Johnson said, according to WSOC-TV.
Johnson’s husband, J. Johnson, was in the boat when the attack occurred.
„I looked over there and I just saw blood all over in the water, all around her, “ he said, according to WBTV . „She’s saying, ‚help me, help me, Jesus, ‚ and she’s praying as she’s swimming back.“
„It’s by the grace of God she’s alive, “ he added.

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President Trump Should Keep His Promises On Immigration & Refugees


The president is currently granting amnesty to almost 200 illegals every day.
Candidate Donald Trump ran on a campaign to stop illegal immigration, end Barack Obama’s unconstitutional “Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals” (DACA) plan, and suspend the Syrian refugee program.
“When I’ m elected president, we will suspend the Syrian refugee program and we will keep radical Islamic terrorists the hell out of our country, ” Trump said at a rally just two days before the election.
Candidate Trump also said he would “immediately terminate” DACA, which protects immigrants brought to the United States illegally as children.
And yet, months after being sworn in as the 45th President of the United States, DACA remains unchanged and refugees continue to enter the United States.
Recent reporting has shown the depth of these issues. In Trump’s first few months, nearly 100,000 “Dreamers” were given amnesty. (RELATED: Nearly 100,000 ‘Dreamers’ Granted Amnesty In Trump’s Opening Months)
17,275 new applications for DACA were processed, leading Mark Krikorian of the Center for Immigration Studies to calculate, “an average of 192 new illegals a day granted amnesty by Donald Trump.”
Trump could stop this, but hasn’ t yet. Instead, he has said that this was a “case of heart” and that Dreamers should “rest easy.”
The State Department has also recently dropped quota rules for refugees entering the country, and most notably, Trump has reportedly resettled 1,401 Syrian refugees as President, which is more than double President Obama resettled during the same time in 2016. (RELATED: Trump Is Resettling Syrian Refugees At A Much Quicker Pace Than Obama)
And Trump’s proposed 2018 budget provided billions for refugee programs and supports the resettlement of 50,000 refugees.
If we wanted immigration and refugee policies like this, we could have elected Hillary Clinton, or ¡Jeb! Bush.
But America didn’ t. America elected Donald Trump, because he refused to toe the open-borders line. We elected Trump because we wanted immigration policies that put Americans first and protected the American nation. That must include illegal immigration enforcement, and refugee policies that keep Americans safe.
Not all the inaction is Trump’s fault. In January, he signed an executive order that banned travel from several Middle Eastern and African countries, temporarily suspended the American refugee program and stopped all Syrian refugees from coming into the United States. It was relentlessly challenged and made useless by the federal courts. (RELATED: 9th Circuit Upholds Injunction On Trump’s Second Travel Ban)
Following the London attacks, Trump signaled that he still wanted a travel ban:
That’s right, we need a TRAVEL BAN for certain DANGEROUS countries, not some politically correct term that won’ t help us protect our people!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 6,2017
He also faces intense scrutiny and pushback from pro-amnesty forces not just in government, but also from Hollywood and the mainstream media.
But Trump voters nonetheless want to see him fulfill his campaign promises on immigration.
As studies have shown, a majority of amount of job growth in the last 15 years has gone to foreign-born workers, and millions of men have totally dropped out of the workforce .
And as Europe is reeling from radical Islamic terror, it is only common sense to take a harder look at immigrants and refugees from some of the most dangerous parts of the world.
Some reports are showing that Trump’s strong approval is starting to slip, especially with core voters like white Americans without college degrees. Inaction on this issue will not be popular with Trump’s base. Policy changes on immigration that fulfill Trump’s campaign promises could turn Trump’s numbers around if done right.
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Einreiseverbot: Weitere juristische Niederlage für Trump


Ein US-Gericht hat das von Präsident Trump initiierte Einreiseverbot für Muslime für ungültig erklärt. Der Streit wird letztlich wohl vor dem Obersten Gerichtshof entschieden.
Im Rechtsstreit um die von ihm geplanten Einreiseverbote hat US-Präsident Donald Trump eine weitere gerichtliche Niederlage erlitten. Ein Bundesberufungsgericht in San Francisco bestätigte am Montag die vorläufige Ungültigkeit des entsprechenden Dekrets. Letztlich dürfte der Streit um die temporären Einreiseverbote für Bürger muslimischer Länder aber vom Obersten Gerichtshof entschieden werden, den die Regierung bereits angerufen hat.
Das Berufungsgericht in San Francisco bestätigte nun in weiten Teilen die Entscheidung eines untergeordneten Gerichts mit Sitz im Bundesstaat Hawaii, das Trumps jüngstes Einreisedekret außer Kraft gesetzt hatte. Mit dem Erlass habe der Präsident seine ihm vom Kongress übertragenen Vollmachten in der Einreisepolitik überschritten, befanden die Berufungsrichter.
„Einwanderung ist selbst für den Präsidenten keine Ein-Personen-Show“, hieß es in dem Beschluss. Grundsätzlich bestätigten sie jedoch das Recht des Präsidenten, die Prozeduren für die Überprüfung einreisewilliger Ausländer einer Revision zu unterziehen.
Trump hat mit seinen Einreiseverboten bereits eine ganze Serie gerichtlicher Niederlagen erlitten. Erst Ende Mai hatte ein anderes Berufungsgericht im Bundesstaat Virginia die Suspendierung seiner Exekutivanordnung bestätigt. In der Begründung hieß es, der Erlass zeuge von „religiöser Intoleranz, Feindseligkeit und Diskriminierung“.
Trump bezeichnet die drastischen Maßnahmen als notwendige Maßnahme zum Schutz vor dem Terrorismus. Die temporären Einreiseverbote sollen den Behörden die Zeit geben, um eine mögliche Verschärfung der Sicherheitschecks zu prüfen. Der juristische Streit zieht sich allerdings schon seit vier Monaten hin, so dass schon allein dadurch bereits Zeit für solche Prüfungen geschaffen wurde.
Das Justizministerium beantragte dennoch Anfang Juni beim Obersten Gerichtshof, das Präsidentendekret wieder in Kraft zu setzen. Die Anordnung sieht vor, dass alle Bürger der sechs mehrheitlich muslimischen Staaten Iran, Jemen, Libyen, Somalia, Sudan und Syrien 90 Tage lang nicht in die USA einreisen dürfen. Außerdem soll die Aufnahme sämtlicher Flüchtlinge für mindestens 120 Tage gestoppt werden. Eine vorherige Version des Erlasses war noch schärfer gefasst. (AFP)

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The same-sex commuter car debate is alive and well in Japan


Will there be men-only train cars in Japan? Should there even be women-only cars?
This isn’ t the first time this has happened. A few days before the incident in Yokohama, another man in Tokyo died running from police after being accused of molesting a woman. While the police were questioning him at Ueno Station, he tried to run away and suffered a fatal fall from a nearby building. Six other instances of men running from molestation accusations have occurred in the last three months, though none have resulted in death. According to a 2014 White Paper released by Japan’s Ministry of Justice, there were 3,439 arrests on claims of molestation under the Anti-Nuisance Ordinance and 283 arrests on claims of other sex crimes. 99% indictments of sexual assault result in conviction. In response to the recent extreme accidents, some men took to the internet, calling for men-only cars as well. Tweets claimed “fear of false accusations for men is reaching its peak” and defended the “innocent men” and “working dads” against “women who make false charges.” One Twitter user even tweeted a manga clip from an adult fanzine about a teenage girl receiving fatal retribution for making false claims against innocent men. It was retweeted 24,000 times. Trolls aside, there is a “groping insurance plan” available to men fearing false accusations in Japan from the Small Amount and Short Term Insurance company. Until recently, about twelve men purchased it per month. In May, the purchase rates saw a sharp increase, numbering in the hundreds.

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Jeff Sessions’ testimony is first chance to check Comey’s version of events


Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Tuesday becomes the second of seven people who were in the Oval Office Feb. 14 to testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee.
Fired FBI director James Comey’s version of a critical Feb. 14 encounter with President Donald Trump gets it first test on Tuesday when Attorney General Jeff Sessions will testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee.
Sessions won’ t be able to tell senators what went on in the meeting – the president had ordered him out of the Oval Office, along with other officials, before speaking privately with Comey, according to Comey’s testimony.
But Sessions will be able to corroborate, or not, details of Comey’s version of events before and after the encounter, during which, Comey says, Trump all but directed him to back off an investigation into retired Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, who until hours earlier had been Trump’s national security adviser.
Trump has denied Comey’s version of events. Barring the emergence of evidence such as a surreptitious recording of the conversation – Trump tweeted that Comey had better hope there are no tapes – deciding which of the two men’s accounts is factual may depend on which details most accurately reflect others’ recollections.
Of special interest will be Comey’s assertion that he told Sessions after the meeting that he never again wanted to be left alone with the president. Also certain to be of interest is Comey’s claim that Sessions “lingered” by Comey’s side when the president ordered the room cleared and what Sessions thought when the president then directed him to leave.
Tuesday’s testimony is likely also to touch on allegations that Sessions himself met more often than he has acknowledged with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. Sessions, an early Trump supporter, recused himself in March from oversight of the FBI’s probe into possible cooperation between the Trump campaign and the Russians when his meetings with Kislyak became known.
Reports from the White House indicate that recusal has been a sore spot between President Donald Trump and Sessions. Recent news reports have said Sessions offered to resign just weeks ago, saying he needed to be given “the freedom” to do his job.
The hearing comes less than a week after Comey’s explosive testimony.
The Feb. 14 meeting is critical to allegations from Trump’s detractors that the president obstructed justice when he told Comey, according to Comey’s version, “I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go. He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go.”
Trump supporters have insisted that the president did nothing wrong, since there is nothing wrong with expressing “hope.” During his own testimony last week, Comey said that he understood Trump’s request “to be a directive.”
“I don’ t think it’s for me to say whether the conversation I had with the president was an effort to obstruct, ” Comey testified. “I took it as a very disturbing thing, very concerning.”
Sessions is the first of six high-level officials Comey said were asked to leave the room. Sessions is especially important to the case because as the attorney general, he was Comey’s boss, and because Comey testified “the attorney general lingered by my chair, but the president thanked him and said he wanted to speak only with me.”
Comey also testified that later, he implored “the attorney general to prevent any future direct communication between the president and me. I told the AG that what had just happened – him being asked to leave while the FBI director, who reports to the AG, remained behind – was inappropriate and should never happen. He did not reply.”
Members of both the Senate and House intelligence committees have insisted since that hearing that it is important they verify Comey’s testimony.
Sessions’ testimony is scheduled to begin at 2: 30 p.m. Tuesday. Typically, Senate Intelligence hearings on this topic have lasted about three hours. The announcement of his testimony was made without comment from committee officials, who decline to say whether Sessions would be sworn to tell the truth.
A third participant in that meeting, White House senior adviser and Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner volunteered in March to testify before the intelligence committee. That offer appears to stand, though the timing remains “to be determined.” In March, the committee announcement on the offer noted it would take place “after the committee determines that it has received any documents or information necessary to ensure that the meeting is productive for all sides.”
According to Comey’s testimony: “The last person to leave was Jared Kushner, who also stood by my chair and exchanged pleasantries with me. The president then excused him, saying he wanted to speak with me.”
According to Comey’s testimony, the others in the room, all of whom were asked to leave before the Flynn conversation, included Vice President Mike Pence; Gina Haspel, the deputy director of the CIA; Nicholas J. Rasmussen, the director of the National Counterterrorism Center, and retired Marine Gen. John F. Kelly, now the secretary of Homeland Security.
Comey described the Oval Office meeting, before his one-on-one with Trump, as “a scheduled counterterrorism briefing.”
Comey said Trump “sat behind the desk and a group of us sat in a semi-circle of about six chairs facing him on the other side of the desk.” He said there were “quite a few others in the room, sitting behind us on couches and chairs.”
After Trump had cleared the room, Comey said Chief of Staff “Reince Priebus leaned in through the door by the grandfather clock and I could see a group of people waiting behind him.”
He testified that he soon left through that same door, walking by a group of people that included Priebus and Pence.
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Banks' real-time Venmo competitor arrives this month


Late last year some of the biggest banks in the U. S. announced plans to team up on a real-time person to person payments network to rival the likes of PayPal, Venmo and Square Cash. The new venture is dubbed Zelle…
Late last year some of the biggest banks in the U. S. announced plans to team up on a real-time person to person payments network to rival the likes of PayPal, Venmo and Square Cash. The new venture is dubbed Zelle and it’s ready begin rolling out to millions of mobile banking customers this month.
The service will be available as a new feature within banks’ own official apps and websites, but a standalone Zelle app is also coming further down the road.
It works similar to other person-to-person payment services in that all you need to send money to someone is their email address or phone number. But a key difference is that the system is backed by over 30 of the U. S. biggest banks, which are able to deposit funds „in minutes“ into a friend’s bank account, whereas Venmo and Square Cash normally take up to one day unless you pay an instant transfer fee.
The move comes as traditional financial firms are eager catch up with Silicon Valley upstarts that have proven popular with consumers and to dispel their industry’s image as slow.
To ensure funds are delivered instantly at no extra cost, banks are agreeing to back each other’s transfers, even if the actual funds haven’ t formally settled on the back end.
“Fragmentation has been frustrating for consumers. Inconsistent experiences, have made it difficult to send and receive money between banks, ” said Paul Finch, Chief Executive Officer, Early Warning Services. “Zelle unites the financial community behind a single, real-time P2P payments experience for millions of consumers. Together, we are removing friction from finance, allowing money to move seamlessly between accounts in minutes. This will create a viable alternative to checks and cash.”
The New York Times reports that when banks began experimenting with simpler person-to-person transfers, they hoped to charge for the convenience of moving their cash around electronically. But they ultimately had no choice but to match the free price tag of money transfer startups.
For reference, Venmo alone handled payments of $17.6 billion in 2016, while the banks in Zelle’s network collectively processed $55 billion in person-to-person transactions last year.
It remains to be seen if banks manage to make person to person transfers as seamless as their competitors. Venmo, for its part, is already working to enable instant withdrawals this year, which would match one of the biggest advantages that Zelle has over it.

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Diddy tops Forbes list of celebrity high earners


Rapper turned businessman Diddy was the world’s top-paid celebrity in the past year, edging out closest competitor Beyonce, Forbes said in its annual list…
Rapper turned businessman Diddy was the world’s top-paid celebrity in the past year, edging out closest competitor Beyonce, Forbes said in its annual list Monday.
Diddy earned $130 million in the past 12 months, of which $70 million came from selling a one-third stake in his Sean John clothing line.
Diddy — whose real name is Sean Combs and earlier in his career was known as Puff Daddy — is estimated by Forbes to be worth a total of $820 million even though he has released little music in the past decade.
But he has pursued a variety of business interests and last year headlined a North American arena tour with other artists on his Bad Boy Records label.
Beyonce came second at $105 million after her lucrative „Formation“ tour, an elaborately staged set of performances that followed her „Lemonade“ album.
Beyonce, who is expecting twins, is estimated to be worth $1 billion with her husband, rap mogul Jay Z, who himself was number 55 on the list.
„Harry Potter“ author J. K. Rowling, who published a series of e-books last year, came in third at $95 million, making her the highest-paid celebrity outside of music.
She narrowly edged out Canadian hip-hop star Drake, Portuguese footballer Cristiano Ronaldo and Canadian R&B sensation The Weeknd.
Guns N‘ Roses entered the list at number 11, earning $84 million, after the rock legends‘ key members Axl Rose and Slash reunited for the first time in 23 years.
The list can swing rapidly from year to year. Pop star Taylor Swift, who topped the previous year’s list by earning $170 million, slipped to 49th place as she had concluded her tour.
The few non-Western celebrities on the list included Hong Kong martial arts film legend Jackie Chan at number 39 and Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan at 65.

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