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日産自動車は23日、 4月1日付でカルロス・ ゴーン氏が社長を退き、 後任に共同最高経営責任者(CEO)の 西川広人氏が就任するトップ人事を発表した。 ゴーン氏は代表権の ある会長に専念する。 ゴーン氏は2000年6月から社長を務めており、 約17年ぶりの トップ交代となる。
日 産 自 動 車 は23日、4月1日付でカルロス・ゴーン氏が社長を退き、後任に共同最高経営責任者(CEO)の西川広人氏が就任するトップ人事を発表した。ゴーン氏は代表権のある会長に専念する。ゴーン氏は2000年6月から社長を務めており、約17年ぶりのトップ交代となる。 西川広人氏

Similarity rank: 7.7
Sentiment rank: 1.4

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Withings to join Nokia at Mobile World Congress


While there has been an incredible amount of excitement for Nokia at Mobile World Congress, Withings has now also chimed in that it will also be present. Nokia purchased the firm in 2016.
In less than a week, Mobile World Congress (MWC) will take place in Barcelona and will be center stage for multiple companies that will present their latest entries in mobile technology. Withings has now stated that they will be in tow with Nokia at the convention – perhaps to show off something new.
A lot has changed since Withings last announced a product at CES 2016. While the company’s day-to-day operations have remained the same, the French company is now backed and owned by Nokia.
Withings has been responsible for creating unique health products and is more well-known for its wearable, the Activité. If the firm is going to announce something new at MWC, it will be interesting to see whether it will be a more traditional product like a wearable or something unique like its Thermo. Nokia will hold its event on February 26, while MWC is scheduled to start a day later on February 27.
Neowin will be on hand for the convention to give our hands-on of the latest devices and give our first impressions.
Source: Withings

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Crown prince says he will model himself after his father as emperor ‹ Japan Today


Crown Prince Naruhito turned 57 on Thursday saying he is ready to become emperor after his father Akihito, who could…
Crown Prince Naruhito turned 57 on Thursday saying he is ready to become emperor after his father Akihito, who could abdicate as soon as next year, and that like him, he will be an emperor who “shares the pain and joy of the people”.
A government panel is debating how to allow the 83-year-old Akihito, who has had heart surgery and prostate cancer treatment, to step down after he said in August that he feared age might make it hard for him to fulfil his duties.
The last time an emperor abdicated was in 1817 and current law does not allow it.
In January, media reports said the government was considering steps that would allow Akihito to abdicate and for Naruhito to ascend the throne on Jan. 1, 2019. The government could submit a special abdication law to parliament as early as this spring.
Naruhito told reporters he was “profoundly moved” when Akihito suggested he would like to step down.
“I accept the emperor’s thinking with sincerity and will bear it in mind all the time as I carry out my duties,” Naruhito said.
He added that he would continue in the footsteps of Akihito, who has worked hard to heal the wounds of World War Two, waged in the name of his father, Emperor Hirohito.
“As a symbol of the state and the people of Japan, I will share their pain and their joys, praying for their happiness,” Naruhito said.
The prince, who married former diplomat Masako Owada, has one daughter, 15-year-old Aiko, who is not allowed to ascend the throne because female inheritance is not permitted. Naruhito is followed in the succession by his brother, Prince Akishino, and Akishino’s 10-year-old son, Hisahito.
Photos of the family released to commemorate Naruhito’s birthday show him sitting formally with Masako and Aiko, who appears to be very thin.
An Imperial Household Agency spokesman said there was nothing special to announce about Aiko’s health, but the Crown Prince touched on a period last autumn when Aiko was absent from school for some six weeks.
“For a time she was unwell, which caused some worry, but thanks to support from her mother, she has now returned to her usual school life,” Naruhito said.
(c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2017.

Similarity rank: 5.5

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Why AMD had to change the Zen name to Ryzen for its new chip architecture


AMD changed its Zen chip architecture’s name to Ryzen to provide a defensible trademark, crossing a space probe with Japanese Buddhist calligraphy.
As John Taylor, corporate vice president of marketing for AMD, describes it, AMD was between a rock and a hard place. Mike Clark, an engineering fellow at AMD who led the Zen architecture development, had dubbed the architecture “Zen” for the balance it struck between various aspects of the design. Fans who had followed Zen’s development would buttonhole AMD execs and rave about the Zen name: “‘I love Zen…there’s something about it I’m just connecting with,’ they’d say,” Taylor said.
The problem was that AMD simply couldn’t trademark Zen. Under U. S. law, trademarks need to be “strong” and unique, and there was already a wealth of Zen-named products out there, even among AMD’s own customers (like Asus and its ZenFone ). So AMD had to look elsewhere for inspiration.
Like most major companies, AMD works with specialized naming agencies—yes, they exist—specifically to build a roster of future, trademarkable brand names.
“And so they had some things in the bucket, I guess, one of which was to take the word ‘horizon’ and remove the ‘ho’ from ‘horizon’ and spell it ‘rizon,’” Taylor said. “For some reason, that just stuck with people a little bit, but never quite felt right. But we really liked the concept of this as a platform that was designed to take you to the next horizon of computing.”
An artist’s rendition of the New Horizons probe as it moves through space.
At the same time, a cadre of in-house space fans began thinking in another direction—specifically the New Horizons probe that had flown by Pluto in mid-2015. That inspired AMD to give the slightly different name of “New Horizon” to the December, 2016 webcast where AMD formally unveiled the Zen architecture.
“That’s got kind of a cool quality about it, too,” Taylor said of the Pluto link. “And so one day, we said, okay, we’ve got this Zen equity, we’ve got this word “rizon” that we kind of like, and we started playing with the spelling.”
One snag: if AMD stuck with “Rizen,” there would be a chance that customers would pronounce it “risen,” invalidating “Zen” and “horizon” in one fell swoop. So executives tried swapping the “i” for the “y,” mocked it up on packaging, then on a processor “lid.”
“And every time we looked at it, we said that word looks fast and it looks like it could be on the side of a spaceship going to Mars,” Taylor said. AMD had a winner.
An enso from an unknown artist.
AMD sees the enso, a “single unbroken creative stroke,” as representative of the human creative spirit, Taylor said. “There really are tons of people doing amazing things on the Internet every day,” he said.
The final element is the font, which you might have thought was simply added to express the brand name. Nope. Even that has a significance, Taylor said.
“The font adheres to Zen principles,” Taylor said. “There’s utter symmetry throughout this. Our team created this in house. They’ve done all the mapping to how all the letters follow Zen principles and balance.”
Whether it be Zen’s success, its cachet, or just the relief of finally getting some revenge against rival Intel, AMD engineers have latched onto Ryzen like nothing before, Taylor said. That’s made Ryzen merchandise a hot ticket even within the company.

Similarity rank: 2.1

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Tesla: Massenproduktion des Model 3 bis September


Der US-Elektroautohersteller Tesla rechnet damit, wie geplant die Massenproduktion seiner neue Model-3-Reihe bis September aufzunehmen.
Vor dem Start seien Investitionen in Höhe von zwei bis 2,5 Milliarden Dollar vorgesehen, teilte das Unternehmen am Mittwoch bei Vorlage der Quartalszahlen mit. Tesla-Chef Elon Musk strebt an, im kommenden Jahr insgesamt 500.000 Fahrzeuge herzustellen. Das neue Modell soll eine zentrale Rolle dabei spielen. Von den Fahrzeugen der Reihen Model S und Model X will Tesla in der ersten Jahreshälfte 2017 zwischen 47.000 und 50.000 Stück ausliefern.
Im vierten Quartal verringerte Tesla seinen Nettoverlust auf 121,3 Millionen Dollar nach 320,4 Millionen Dollar im Vorjahreszeitraum. Der Umsatz stieg um 88 Prozent auf 2,28 Milliarden Dollar. Die Aktie notierte im nachbörslichen Handel 1,6 Prozent höher. In den vergangenen zwölf Monaten legte das Tesla-Papier 53,9 Prozent zu.
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Similarity rank: 1.1

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Kuchciński: Byłem zbyt tolerancyjny wobec posłów


Marszałek sejmu Marek Kuchciński był gościem w środowych Wiadomościach TVP. Marszałek sejmu powiedział, że był zbyt tolerancyjny i liberalny wobec posłów, którzy łamali regulamin sejmu. Wykluczonego w grudniu z obrad posła Szczerbę nazwał „recydywistą i chuliganem politycznym“. Jego zdaniem Szczerba wielokrotnie świadomie łamał regulamin.
Marszałek sejmu Marek Kuchciński był gościem w środowych Wiadomościach TVP. Marszałek sejmu powiedział, że był zbyt tolerancyjny i liberalny wobec posłów, którzy łamali regulamin sejmu. Wykluczonego w grudniu z obrad posła Szczerbę nazwał „recydywistą i chuliganem politycznym“. Jego zdaniem Szczerba wielokrotnie świadomie łamał regulamin.
W środowych Wiadomościach TVP marszałek Marek Kuchciński na pytanie, co by się wydarzyło, gdyby w grudniu w czasie posiedzenia nie poniosły go emocje odpowiedział, że nie wie. Podkreślił jednak, że wykluczenie z obrad posła Michała Szczerby nie było podyktowane pojedynczym incydentem, ale tym, że poseł wielokrotnie wcześniej łamał Regulamin Sejmu. Zdaniem marszałka, niektórzy posłowie świadomie, wielokrotnie łamią sejmowe przepisy, a on do feralnego posiedzenia podchodził do tych naruszeń zbyt tolerancyjnie.
Dziennikarz przypomniał, że wykluczony w grudniu z obrad poseł Michał Szczerba złożył skargę do Europejskiego Trybunału Praw Człowieka w Strasburgu na to, że marszałek odebrał mu prawo do swobodnego wypowiadania się na forum parlamentu. Kuchciński stwierdził, że z perspektywy lat, historycy będą całą sytuację rozpatrywać w kategoriach humoreski.
Kiedy dziennikarz przypomniał, że PO zarzuciła marszałkowi i PiS, że złamali regulamin i Konstytucję zwołując obrady w sali kolumnowej, Kuchciński odpowiedział – A co Platforma ma mówić? Przecież sami wywołali ten wielki spór, sami okupowali mównicę, sami złamali konstytucję i inne przepisy.
Kuchciński zachował fotel! Bronił go sam prezes PiS
Szokujące słowa o marszałku Sejmu: jest nieobliczalny. To może się skończyć tragedią
Bądź pierwszy!
Wyraź swoją opinię!

Similarity rank: 5.6
Sentiment rank: -1.2

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Jackie Evancho tweets Trump on transgender policy


She sang the national anthem at his inauguration, but on Wednesday, Jackie Evancho spoke against President Donald Trump’s politics.
(CNN) She sang the national anthem at his inauguration, but on Wednesday, Jackie Evancho spoke against President Donald Trump’s politics.
. @realDonaldTrump u gave me the honor 2 sing at your inauguration. Pls give me & my sis the honor 2 meet with u 2 talk #transgender rghts ❤
Jackie Evancho’s album sales have skyrocketed after announcing her Inauguration performance. Some people just don’t understand the „Movement“

Similarity rank: 7.8
Sentiment rank: 0

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IOGEAR unveils Portable USB-C Dual DisplayPort Monitor Dock


Ever since I bought my MacBook Pro with Touch Bar, I have been obsessed with USB-C. Since it is the only connection type Apple’s laptop offers, its kind of hard not to be. Still, I find it absolutely amazing that a single connection…
Ever since I bought my MacBook Pro with Touch Bar, I have been obsessed with USB-C. Since it is the only connection type Apple’s laptop offers, its kind of hard not to be. Still, I find it absolutely amazing that a single connection type can be so versatile. I can use it to charge the computer, output video, connect storage, and more.
There are no shortages of USB-C dongles and accessories on the market, and today, IOGEAR adds another. The accessory-maker announces the Portable USB-C Dual DisplayPort Monitor Dock, and it is rather clever. It features dual DisplayPort connections, plus a USB Type-A port for legacy devices. It is even designed in such a way as to hold the cable when not in use.
„The Plug-and-Play IOGEAR USB-C Dual DisplayPort Monitor Portable Dock connects to the USB-C port on a laptop to extend the desktop to a single 4K monitor or dual HD monitors. The ultra-portable dock is bus-powered and features a wrap-around cable organizer for portability,“ says IOGEAR.
David Lin, Product Manager, IOGEAR explains, „Today’s mobile workforce requires computing solutions that are flexible, versatile and powerful. As laptops become increasingly powerful and portable, they are displacing traditional desktop systems at a rapid pace. Our new Dual DisplayPort monitor dock gives the user an affordable, easy-to-use solution that allows them to enjoy the portability of mobile computing when on the road, and the benefits of a powerful, dual display workstation at the home or office. “
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IOGEAR shares the following features.
Depending on your computer, you may only be able to mirror the display using USB-C. In other words, if you intend to extend your monitor using this solution, your mileage may vary. For example, IOGEAR says macOS can only use one of the DisplayPorts to extend the desktop, but in my experience, the new MacBook Pro can only mirror using USB-C — hopefully this dongle can truly extend as promised.
At $99.95, if you only need to mirror your display and add a USB Type-A port, you can certainly get a less expensive dongle. With that said, it can be had on Amazon here for an already discounted price of $85.60. If your laptop is able to extend to two monitors as this product can, however, it should prove to be a great investment.

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Трамп витрачає на поїздки в місяць стільки, скільки Обама на рік, – The Independent


З державного бюджету Сполучених Штатів виділяється на порядок більше коштів для забезпечення поїздок Дональда Трампа по країні, ніж це було в середньому при президентові Обамі.
З державного бюджету Сполучених Штатів виділяється на порядок більше коштів для забезпечення поїздок Дональда Трампа по країні, ніж це було в середньому при президентові Обамі.
На це звернуло увагу в середу британське видання The Independent , – передає Укрінформ.
«Поїздки сім’ї Дональда Трампа коштували платникам податків майже стільки ж, скільки Барак Обама витрачав на це за цілий рік», – пише видання.
Зокрема, лише три перельоти нового президента до його гольф-клубу Мар-а-Лаго у штаті Флорида з моменту його інавгурації, в поєднанні з відрядженнями його синів, за повідомленнями, становили $11,3 млн. Барак Обама в середньому витрачав по $12.1 млн у кожний із восьми років правління в Білому домі, констатує видання.
Найбільш витратними у Трампа стали його поїздки до маєтку у Флориді, який він та його адміністрація називають «південним Білим домом». На це було витрачено близько $10 млн, що включає в тому числі витрати на додаткове патрулювання Служби берегової охорони. Місцеві платники податків також віддали близько $360 тис. додаткових коштів на оплату понаднормових для поліції, які посилено несли службу протягом трьох уїк-ендів перебування президента у власному гольф-клубі.
Крім того, з американської казни було витрачено близько $88,3 тис. на перебування агентів секретної служби поруч з сином Трампа, Еріком, під час перебування того в Уругваї для проведення переговорів про будівництво житлової багатоповерхівки під брендом Trump. Майже $5,5 тис. також пішло на забезпечення охорони сина Трампа під час перебування в Домініканській Республіці, Ще $16 тис. – на охорону двох синів нинішнього президента під час урочистого відкриття ними гольф-курорту Trump у Дубаї.
Нагадаємо: Дональд Трамп неодноразово критикував свого попередника Барака Обаму за його надмірні витрати коштів платників податків під час поїздок, а також відпусток у період президентства.

Similarity rank: 4.2

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ColorWare brings 58 color options so you can customize your AirPods, but it'll cost you


The folks at ColorWare have introduced AirPods to their store and will offer 58 different color options. If you want to take it a step further, you can also customize the case – prices start at $289.
Although Apple’s AirPods are still somewhat of a rarity taking six weeks to ship from Apple direct, the folks at ColorWare have introduced the earphones to their store, offering the ability to customize the color to your liking.
If unfamiliar, unlike other companies that offer vinyl skins, ColorWare’s items are actually painted. In the past, they have worked on larger items like laptop and gaming consoles. The AirPods will be offered in a variety of different colors (58 options) with the ability to choose a glossy or matte finish. Those that want to take the customization a step further will be able to also have the case painted.
While this is an excellent way to differentiate your unit from someone else’s, the cost will most likely have folks sticking with their standard model. The AirPods will cost $289 and if you decide to customize the case, that will set you back an additional $30.
If you want to stick with a regular pair, you can purchase them from the Apple Store or a participating retailer for $159, either way, you’re looking at about six weeks for delivery.
Source: ColorWare via 9to5Mac

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