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Netflix No Longer Available to Rooted, Unlocked Android Devices


Netflix has introduced changes to its app that prevent it from being downloaded to locked or rooted Android devices. Previous…
Update: The “unlocked” devices Netflix is refusing to support may refer to bootloader-unlocked devices rather than carrier-unlocked devices. Carrier unlocking refers to the practice of allowing a device purchased from one company to run on another company’s network, while bootloader unlocking allows a smartphone to run a completely different version of Android (or in some cases, an entirely different operating system) . Not all phone manufacturers lock their bootloader and some manufacturers that do lock their bootloaders don’ t lock every single SKU they manufacture. It is unclear if the new Netflix app distinguishes between devices that were unlocked by the end user and devices that were purchased with an unlocked bootloader from their manufacturers. Thanks to reader Jeff Bowles for catching this possibility.
For years, Android owners who wanted a greater range of freedom when using their devices have had the option to root them. The term refers to “root access, ” which gives the end user control over options that the phone’s manufacturer had previously prevented them from accessing. Rooting can be used to update a device to a different or new OS, remove applications the OEM installed by default, or install special applications that require administrative access and cannot run on a non-rooted device.
The vast majority of Android users never bother with rooting their hardware. But it’s a useful way for power users to keep a device updated after the OEM has abandoned it, or to simply add features and capabilities that weren’ t previously available. The majority of applications in the Google Play Store run on rooted or unrooted devices without any problems. Netflix, however, has decided to buck this trend with the latest version of its own app. The company has confirmed that devices that are not “Google-certified or have been altered” are no longer capable of accessing the mobile service. Disturbingly, this appears to apply to devices that are rooted or unlocked.
Now, in theory, this has been done to make certain that Google’s Wildvine DRM technology isn’ t bypassed by a rooted device. But Android Police reports that it’s also blocking devices that have simply been unlocked. There’s a significant difference between the two states. An unlocked device has simply been modified to allow it to be used with multiple carriers, as opposed to rooting, which gives the user much more control over the phone and could theoretically be used to facilitate piracy. Most phone manufacturers sell unlocked devices on the open market (without any kind of subsidy or discount arrangement) and OEMs often will unlock a device on request, provided it’s fully paid off.
But the Netflix application itself hasn’ t been prevented from running. It’s the download and store listing that are blocked. Android Police notes that whether you can download the Netflix app seems linked to a device’s SafetyNet status, not whether it supports Google’s Wildvine DRM. SafetyNet is an API that checks whether the bootloader on a device is locked; AndroidPay is disabled on devices with unlocked bootloaders regardless of whether those devices are rooted or not.
SafetyNet and Wildvine are two distinct technologies, which makes the whole issue rather strange. Netflix is claiming it implemented this change due to Wildvine, but it’s not checking Wildvine status to determine whether to allow installation of Netflix. To get around this problem, if you install Netflix via a website like APKMirror, it still works normally on an unlocked, rooted device — at least for now.
Now read: Why you should (or shouldn’ t) root your Android device

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White House REFUSES to say whether Trump recorded his FBI director after lawmakers insist Trump must turn any tapes in his possession over


Trump’s spokesman would nothing else say about the tweet that insinuated the president had recorded his talks with James Comey after lawmakers threatened to subpoena them.
The White House would not say Monday whether the president taped conversations with his FBI director that he would be providing to Congress.
Trump’s spokesman said he had nothing else to say about the tweet that insinuated the president had recorded his talks with James Comey.
‚I think I made it clear last week that the president has nothing further on that, ‚ Sean Spicer curtly told a reporter during his daily briefing. ‚I said, I was very clear, the president will have nothing further on that, ‚ Spicer said.
Lawmakers said Sunday that Trump could count on a subpoena if the suggestion that he had tapes of their talks turned out to be true.
The White House repeatedly refused to say definitively on Friday, and again on Monday, that Trump did or did not record the discussions.
The president had said in a Friday tweet that Comey ‚better hope that there are no „tapes“ of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!‘
The tweet added an entirely new dimension to the shock firing that the White House had already been struggling to explain.
Trump said the firing had nothing to do with the FBI’s Russia investigation in a letter he sent Comey informing him that he’d been canned. On three separate occasions, Trump says the FBI official told him he was not being investigated.
Comey and Trump had dinner once, and talked on the phone twice, before the law enforcement official was fired, the White House has said.
Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said Sunday he would be surprised if Comey had actually said that.
He also claimed Comey told him the dinner was Trump initiated, and he felt uncomfortable attending, given his bureau’s supposed independence.
Spicer was unable to say Friday whether Comey or Trump asked for the meeting the president previously said was at the request of his flailing FBI director.
He said Monday he had not spoke to the president about it yet, even though he had three days to do it.
The president’s spokesman wouldn’t entertain questions on the tapes, and shut down a reporter asking whether Trump would comply with a subpoena.
‚I made it clear what the president’s position was on that issue, ‚ he hollered at her.
DOJ is currently interviewing replacements for the position, and the White House has been tight-lipped about the president’s preferences.
Trump suggested Saturday that he could send a nomination to the Senate before he leaves Friday on a his first foreign trip.
He told reporters Monday that the search is ‚moving rapidly‘ but that was it.

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Study: Majority of Americans can't identify North Korea on a map


Are you smarter than your fellow countrymen?
A new survey finds that most adults can’t find North Korea on a map, according to a recent survey from The New York Times.
In late April, Kyle Dropp of Morning Consult surveyed 1,746 adults at The New York Time’s request. Of that group, only 36 percent could correctly place the country on the map, according to his findings.
The study comes at a time when tensions are rising between North Korea and the U. S. over the authoritarian country’s pursuit of nuclear weapons. North Korea over the weekend launched a ballistic missile.
Those who could correctly locate North Korea were more likely to support diplomatic and nonmilitary strategies – like economic sanctions and cyber attacks – in dealing with the country compared to those who could not, according to The New York Times.
Politically, Republicans were more likely to correctly locate North Korea at 37 percent compared to Democrats at 31 percent, according to the study. Independents eclipsed both with 39 percent answering correctly.
People who said they knew someone of Korean ancestry were most successful in identifying the country with 55 percent of the participants answering correctly. Education also played a notable role in the findings.
When broken down by education, the survey found that people with a post-graduate degree were the most likely to correctly place the country. Even then, only 53 percent of people with a post-graduate degree correctly identified North Korea, according to the survey.
Memories of the Korean War may have helped seniors better identify the country, the New York Times noted. People at least 65 years old were most likely to identify North Korea correctly with nearly half of those participants responding correctly.

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Quickly catch up on the day's news: Monday, May 15


Here’s what you might have missed on CNN today.
— Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein will brief the Senate on Thursday on the firing of former FBI Director James Comey.
— Democrats are embracing the reality they will need Republican help to block President Donald Trump’s FBI director selection . (Here’s a look at the list of possible candidates .)
— The United States said it believes the Syrian government is using a crematorium to hide atrocities .
— Russian President Vladimir Putin has condemned North Korea’s latest missile launch but warned against „intimidating“ Pyongyang .
— An anonymous malware researcher has become an internet hero after inadvertently helping stop the spread of this weekend’s global cyberattack.
— Chinese investors say Trump ties are a top selling point for Kushner Companies .
— The Supreme Court will not hear a challenge to the ruling that struck down North Carolina’s voter ID law .
— The parents of a Penn State fraternity pledge speak about their son’s hazing death .
— Barron Trump will attend St. Andrew’s in Maryland.
— Miss USA argued that health care is „a privilege, “ not a right .
— Will Congress end school lunch shaming ?
— Nikki Minaj stepped up her effort to help college kids with their tuition — by paying the bills of several lucky fans .

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Syrien: USA beschuldigen Assad-Regime der Tötung Tausender Gefangener


Berichte über Tötungen und Folter in syrischen Gefängnissen gab es bereits mehrfach, zuletzt von Amnesty. Nun sagen die USA, Syrien töte und verbrenne getötete Gefangene systematisch.
Die USA beschuldigen die syrische Regierung, Tausende Gefangene getötet und in einem Krematorium verbrannt zu haben. Diese Vorwürfe erhob das US-Außenministerium am Montag in Washington. Das Ministerium kündigte an, zum Beweis Fotos des Krematoriums veröffentlichen zu wollen.
Es soll sich um das berüchtigte Gefängnis Saidnaja unweit von Damaskus handeln. Das Krematorium befinde sich auf dem Gelände des Gefängnisses.
Bereits im Februar hatte die Menschenrechtsorganisation Amnesty International einen Bericht über systematische Massenhinrichtungen in syrischen Gefängnissen vorgelegt. Diesem Bericht zufolge ließ die syrische Regierung zwischen 5000 und 13 000 Gefangene bei Massenhinrichtungen töten. Die Menschen seien von 2011 bis 2015 ohne ein rechtsstaatliches Verfahren in Saidnaja gehängt worden.
Stuart Jones aus dem US-Außenministerium sagte, täglich seien bis zu 50 Gefangene verbrannt worden, um Spuren ihrer Tötung zu beseitigen. Andere Getötete seien in Massengräbern verscharrt worden.
In den Zellen des Gefängnisses würden bis zu 70 Gefangene in Zellen gepfercht, die für fünf Menschen vorgesehen seien, sagte Jones. Die Informationen, auf die sich das State Department beruft, seien von einer Reihe von Nichtregierungsorganisationen, Medien und Geheimdienstberichten zusammengetragen worden.
Jones sagte, Russland sehe den Gräueltaten in Syrien tatenlos zu oder unterstütze sie sogar. (dpa)

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Was heute wichtig ist: Macron und Merkel wollen Reformen der EU / «Neue Seidenstrasse / Schweizer Eishockey-Mannschaft an WM in Viertelfinals


NZZ Nachrichten, Hintergründe, Meinungen aus der Schweiz, International, Sport, Digital, Wirtschaft, Auto & mehr. Fundierte Berichterstattung rund um die Uhr.
Deutschland erwägt den Abzug der Bundeswehr aus der Türkei. Mehreren deutschen Parlamentsabgeordneten hat die Türkei den Besuch von Bundeswehrsoldaten untersagt. Vom Luftwaffenstützpunkt Incirlik beteiligen sich etwa 260 Deutsche am Kampf gegen den IS. Nun solle die deutsche Regierung den Abzug der Soldaten prüfen. Bereits im vergangenen Jahr hatte die Türkei Abgeordneten über Monate den Besuch in Incirlik verweigert.
Marine Le Pen übernimmt wieder den Parteispitze des Front national. Die Rechtspopulistin hatten den Parteivorsitz nach der ersten Runde der Präsidentschaftswahl am 23. April vorübergehend niedergelegt. Jetzt soll Le Pen ihre Partei in die Wahl zur Nationalversammlung im Juni führen.
Die Schweiz zieht an der Eishockey-WM in die Viertelfinals ein. Mit dem heutigen 5: 0-Sieg von Kanada gegen Norwegen hat sich nicht nur Olympiasieger Kanada, sondern auch das Team von Trainer Patrick Fischer für die K.o.-Phase qualifiziert. Norwegen war Direktkonkurrent des Schweizer Teams in der Gruppe B.

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Barron Trump to attend St. Andrew's Episcopal School


The youngest Trump child will be enrolling in a private school in Potomac, Maryland in the fall
CBS News confirms that Barron Trump, the son of President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump will be attending St. Andrew’s Episcopal School in Potomac, Maryland next year.
The First Lady says the family is excited for Barron to attend the school, saying that it is known for its „diverse community and commitment to academic excellence.“
„The mission of St. Andrew’s is ‚to know and inspire each child in an inclusive community dedicated to exceptional teaching, learning, and service, ‚ all of which appealed to our family. We look forward to the coming school years at St. Andrew’s, “ said the First Lady in a statement on Monday.
A departure from Mr. Trump’s predecessors‘ choice in school, Sidwell Friends, located within DC city limits, St. Andrew’s is a 30-minute drive from 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. — without traffic.
Former first daughter Chelsea Clinton spoke out in defense of Donald Trump’s youngest son, Barron Trump, while also criticizing his father’s poli…
Eleven-year-old Barron is currently finishing the school year at a private school in New York where he has been living with his mother since Mr. Trump took office in January.
The school’s head, Robert Kosasky, boasts St. Andrew’s teachers are the „most research-informed faculty in the nation“ according to the school’s website.
Founded in 1978 the private co-ed college prep school’s mission is to „inspire each child in an inclusive community dedicated to exceptional teaching, learning and service.
The private institution’s tuition ranges from about $23,000 for pre-Kindergarten to over $40,000 for grades 9-12.
Anderson Cooper reports on the effect Trump’s new immigration policy has had on a community in Indiana after a longtime resident is deported
Just how many almonds does he really eat, anyway?

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Families who sheltered fugitive Edward Snowden in Hong Kong looking for fast-track asylum to Canada


Their lawyer urged Canada to allow these seven people into the country while it processes their refugee claims
Read the never-been-told story of those two pivotal weeks when the most wanted man in the world was hidden in the depths of a Hong Kong slum.
MONTREAL — The families who sheltered U. S. fugitive Edward Snowden in Hong Kong are asking the Canadian government to fast-track their asylum applications.
The Hong Kong government rejected the families’ refugee requests last week and they are hoping to settle in Canada.
Snowden hid out in Hong Kong for two weeks in June 2013 after he leaked documents revealing extensive U. S. government surveillance.
The families were put in touch with Snowden because they shared the same lawyer, Robert Tibbo.
Tibbo said today Canada must allow these seven people into Canada while it processes their refugee claims because there is little chance they will be able to remain in Hong Kong.
He says the four adults and three children from the Philippines and Sri Lanka fear for their safety if they are deported home.
Tibbo is also trying to raise $15,000 to cover legal costs associated with appealing the Hong Kong government’s decision.

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Bundeswehr sollte aus Incirlik abgezogen werden


Eine Ulmer Journalistin in Istanbul inhaftiert und Abgeordnete, die deutsche Soldaten in Incirlik nicht besuchen dürfen. Berlin sollte den Abzug der Soldaten in…
Nach ein paar Wochen ohne verbale Ausfälle des türkischen Präsidenten in Richtung Westen keimte da und dort bereits die Hoffnung, Recep Tayyip Erdogan könnte nach dem gewonnenen Referendum wieder etwas berechenbarer werden. Doch das war naiv.
Erst kam die Meldung, dass die Ulmer Journalistin Mesale Tolu in Istanbul im Gefängnis sitzt. Gestern wurde zur Gewissheit, dass die Türkei erneut Bundestagsabgeordneten das Recht verweigert, deutsche Soldaten auf der Nato-Luftwaffenbasis Incirlik zu besuchen.
Die Bundesregierung sprach von einem „absolut inakzeptablen“ Verhalten Ankaras. Doch das wird diesmal nicht ausreichen. Berlin sollte zügig den Abzug der Soldaten beschließen. Der Anti-IS-Kampf könnte auch von Jordanien aus geführt werden.
Denn das Argument, dass eine harte Reaktion nur Erdogan helfen würde, sich seinen autokratischen Staat von der Bevölkerung absegnen zu lassen, ist überholt. Nach der Volksabstimmung gehen die Verhaftungswellen weiter, werden die Reste des Rechtsstaates gefleddert. Flüchtlingsabkommen hin oder her – bei diesem Schauspiel darf Deutschland nicht Spalier stehen.
Alle Neuigkeiten zur Türkei lesen Sie auch hier in unserem News-Blog .

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James Clapper: Defending democracy from Trump


James Clapper, former director of national intelligence, has become one of the staunchest critics of Trump and defenders of democracy in the wake of Comey’s firing, writes Juliette Kayyem.
There should be little doubt that the extraordinary days that followed his original testimony — most notably, almost exactly 24 hours later, President Donald Trump’s firing of FBI Director James Comey — began in some measure because of his understated but highly damning testimony.
Now, as he voluntarily makes the media circuit since the firing, Clapper sees the consequences of Trump’s actions as so threatening to our democracy that he is not likely to recede soon.
Let’s go back to last week; yes, it was only last week. All eyes were on former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates as she testified about what she told the White House regarding former national security adviser Michael Flynn and his potentially compromising ties to foreign governments.
Yates made an impression, but it was Clapper who drew the real spotlight .
His testimony threw a wrench into a narrative that the White House had long used. According to that narrative, while serving as director of the national intelligence, Clapper said there was no proof of collusion between the White House and Russia. But Clapper admitted last Monday that he was unaware of the ongoing FBI investigation, so he wouldn’t have been in a position to know if there had been any evidence of collusion. In other words, the White House could no longer use him as a validator.
The next day, Trump fired Comey. And the White House scrambled to justify the decision. Then, in a series of tweets on Friday morning, Trump lashed out at Comey and suggested there may be tapes of their conversations. But don’t get distracted by the „tapes.“ In that flurry of stream of consciousness and self-incrimination, Trump wrote this: „When James Clapper himself, and virtually everyone else with knowledge of the witch hunt, says there is no collusion, when does it end?“
He shouldn’t have focused on Clapper. Because, of course, that tweet amounted to a lie. Clapper had said something much more nuanced. Clearly, there was something about Clapper’s testimony that spooked the White House, and something that required the President to reclaim Clapper as a defender.
I suspect there are very few things that would have brought Clapper back to the media, including a sit down with Jake Tapper on „State of the Union, “ but the President telling tales about him may be one of them.
Clapper, though, isn’t back just to defend himself. He has now raised the stakes for the White House. It turns out that Comey told Clapper of his own discomfort with an invitation to dinner he received from Trump just a day after Yates told the White House about Flynn’s potential compromise.
And he is again, as he did as a long-serving intelligence operative, defending America. He is on the news circuit, speaking of his concern about how the institutions of our governance are being undermined and assaulted. There is a stress on our checks and balances that has seen no equivalent in our democracy, he warned. America is under threat „externally and internally, “ Clapper noted. „Internally from the President?“ Tapper asked. „Exactly, “ Clapper replied.
There should be little doubt now that President Trump fired Comey to hinder the investigation of the Russia links; any suggestion it had to do with Comey’s conduct regarding the Clinton campaign has been debunked. Little doubt, indeed, because Trump admitted it himself when he told Lester Holt he had to put an end to the „Russia thing.“ There may be plenty of evidence to question Trump’s veracity. But, in this, he is telling the truth. The President wants this investigation to end.
It is that assault on our norms, processes and constitutional order that make the week we just had so historic. How extraordinary? Clapper began that week testifying the enemy was Russia. He ended it, unwittingly it seemed, by telling us that the enemy was also within.

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