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North Korean Hackers from Lazarus May Be Behind WannaCry Ransomware Attack


Multiple security researchers have noticed the similarities
Earlier today, a Google researcher by the name of Neel Mehta posted a message on Twitter featuring the hashtag #WannaCryptAttribution.
ac21c8ad899727137c4b94458d7aa8d8 @ 0x10004ba0,0x10012AA4 #WannaCryptAttribution
The message also contains code samples, samples from the WannaCry cryptor sample from February 2017 and a Lazarus APT group sample from February 2015, folks from Kaspersky Lab point out. The commands presented in the tweet represent an encoding algorithm.
Lazarus is rather well-known hacker group. They’ve been linked to the Sony Wiper attack, as well as the Bangladesh bank heist that left them a few million short. The group has been active since 2011 and hundreds of samples have been collected over the years in regards to Lazarus. Mostly, it was revealed that they were creating malware, producing new samples via „multiple independent conveyors.“
There are, of course, plenty of questions about whether this is true or it’s just a ruse. After all, it’s not that difficult for the WannaCry authors to have copied Lazarus‘ code. On the other hand, the code appears to have not been removed from the 2015 backdoor code, which makes the story that much more believable.
Folks at Kaspersky are pretty certain that the WannaCry sample made available in February 2017 was actually compiled by the same people behind the current attack, or by people with access to the same source code.
Other security researchers other than the Mehta have noticed the same similarity, such as Comae Technologies‘ Matthieu Suiche, who also discovered and killed a new variant by activating the kill switch.
Now, the interesting part is that Lazarus has been identified by US intelligence agencies as a North Korean government operation. Kaspersky Lab itself presented some evidence just a month or so ago, linking the attacks on Vietnamese banks, and the Bangladeshi bank, as well as the SWIFT banking system, to Lazarus and North Korea.

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China ‘May Back’ New UN Sanctions After Pyongyang’s Latest Missile Test


Putin said launch was Putin said launch was „dangerous“
In what could be a turning point in China’s foreign policy toward North Korea, Beijing may be ready to support an increase in economic pressure against the isolated state to end ballistic missile and nuclear bomb testing.
The People’s Democratic Republic of North Korea (DPRK) on Sunday launched a ballistic missile just hours before China was to begin its most important global diplomatic event. The Chinese Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, in Beijing, was attended by top world leaders, including Russian President Vladimir Putin. Pyongyang’s ill-timed move has sparked renewed world anger at the country’s refusal to end its militaristic moves.
Analysts observing the incident noted that Beijing may now be ready to support Washington’s call for the UN Security Council to implement new sanctions on the DPRK as a means to end what the West condemns as aggression.
Russian President Vladimir Putin, while noting that Pyongyang is being routinely intimidated, nonetheless referred to the launch as “dangerous.”
Following an urgent request by Japan and the United States, the United Nations Security Council will gather an emergency session on Tuesday to craft a response to the most recent DPRK ballistic missile test.
Foreign policy experts consider Sunday’s missile launch a turning point, according to the South China Morning Post (SCMP) .
Professor Su Hao, of China Foreign Affairs University, remarked that Pyongyang would “be held accountable and pay the price” for acting against UN security resolutions.
“This could also be an opportunity for China to show that it can initiate some plausible plans to handle the North Korean issue within the framework of the international community, ” he added, cited by SCMP.
Other ways that have been floated as a means to get Pyongyang to come to the bargaining table include Beijing offering DPRK leader Kim Jong-un asylum, or cutting off North Korea’s primary power source: Chinese oil.
“But this would be the last measure China would want to ever use because the Chinese leaders fear the consequences would be too big to control, ” said Lee Dong-ryul, of South Korea’s Dongduk Women’s University.
In February, Beijing stopped importing North Korean coal.

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Trump under fire over report he revealed classified info to Russians


The White House threw cold water Monday on a report that US President Donald Trump revealed classified information to Russian officials last week, saying no specific intelligence „sources or methods“ were discussed.
The White House threw cold water Monday on a report that US President Donald Trump revealed classified information to Russian officials last week, saying no specific intelligence „sources or methods“ were discussed.
The Washington Post said Trump had given Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Moscow’s envoy to the US Sergey Kislyak details about a specific terror threat posed by the Islamic State group during Oval Office talks last week.
The bombshell report comes as Moscow’s alleged interference in last year’s US presidential election is back in the spotlight following Trump’s shock firing of FBI chief James Comey, whose agency was investigating Russia’s possible collusion with aides to the Republican billionaire.
„The president and the foreign minister reviewed a range of common threats to our two countries, including threats to civil aviation, “ National Security Advisor HR McMaster, who participated in the meeting, told reporters.
„At no time were intelligence sources or methods discussed. And the president did not discuss any military operations that were not already publicly known, “ he added.
„There’s nothing that the president takes more seriously than the security of the American people. The story that came out tonight as reported is false.“
The information disclosed by the US leader had been provided by a partner of the United States that had not given Washington authorization to share it with Moscow, the Post said.
Trump „revealed more information to the Russian ambassador than we have shared with our own allies, “ the Post quoted a US official as saying on condition of anonymity.
According to the official, the information Trump shared with the Russian officials carried one of the highest levels of classification used by US intelligence agencies.
The Post reported, citing unnamed officials, that „Trump went off script and began describing details about an Islamic State terrorist threat related to the use of laptop computers on aircraft.“
The paper said it was withholding details of the plot at the urging of US officials who are concerned it could jeopardize key intelligence capabilities.
The US Department of Homeland Security has said it is mulling the expansion of a ban on laptop computers in passenger cabins on jets originating in Europe.
A US ban is already in place for several countries in the Middle East and North Africa.
– Ryan wants ‚full explanation‘ –
Trump’s closed-door meeting with the Russian officials came a day after his surprise firing of Comey.
The information at issue was not even widely shared within the US government, and Trump’s decision to share it with Moscow could endanger Washington’s partnership with the source.
Trump reportedly even revealed the city in which the intelligence was gathered — something seen as problematic, as it could allow Moscow to identify the partner nation.
Officials cited by the Post said the partner country had „access to the inner workings of the Islamic State.“
Reaction on Capitol Hill was swift.
„We have no way to know what was said, but protecting our nation’s secrets is paramount, “ said Doug Andres, a spokesman for Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan. „The speaker hopes for a full explanation of the facts from the administration.“
Senior Republican Senator John McCain told CNN that „if it’s true, it’s obviously disturbing.“ But he cautioned: „Let’s wait and see what this was all about first.“
Mark Warner, the ranking Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, said on Twitter: „If true, this is a slap in the face to the intel community. Risking sources & methods is inexcusable, particularly with the Russians.“

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Siri saves life; $5 million Rolex; United posts cockpit codes


Beaucher is undergoing treatment for his injuries and says he hopes to return to his job as a cook and tend to his farm. The “Bao Dai, ” a Rolex that the late emperor bought during Geneva peace negotiations in 1954, was sold to an unidentified phone…
An Apple a day
A New Hampshire man who was injured in a house explosion is thanking Apple ’s Siri for saving his life. Christopher Beaucher says he was checking on his mother’s vacant cottage in Wilmot on May 1 when he saw something suspicious and went inside. When he switched on a light, the house exploded. His face and hands badly burned, Beacher grabbed his cell phone but was unable to dial because of his injuries. He says he somehow asked his iPhone’s voice-controlled virtual assistant Siri to call 911. Beaucher is undergoing treatment for his injuries and says he hopes to return to his job as a cook and tend to his farm. Apple said statistics on Siri being used in emergencies weren’ t available.
Watch out
A Rolex that was owned by the last emperor of Vietnam became the brand’s most expensive wristwatch ever sold at auction, fetching $5 million. The “Bao Dai, ” a Rolex that the late emperor bought during Geneva peace negotiations in 1954, was sold to an unidentified phone bidder after eight minutes on Saturday, according to the auction house. The watch is one of the rarest Rolexes, one of three black-dial models known to exist with diamond hour markers.
The all-too-friendly skies
United Airlines is changing the keypad codes used to open cockpit doors after the previous codes were accidentally posted on a public website. The airline sent a memo to pilots over the weekend telling them to use “alternative security measures, ” a spokeswoman said Monday. The spokeswoman said the breach was not the result of hacking and did not cause any flights to be delayed or canceled. The airline, based in Chicago, said it uses “a number of measures” in addition to the access codes to keep cockpits secure, and it was working to fix the situation as soon as possible.

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Sen. Grassley repeats original explanation of Comey firing since contradicted by Trump


Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley said Monday that President Donald fired FBI Director James Comey on the advice of his deputy Attorney General, even though Trump admitted last week that he would have fired Comey regardless of the recommendation.
In initially explaining Trump’s decision to fire Comey, Vice President Mike Pence and Deputy White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders both cited a memo from deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein that criticized Comey’s handling of the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email server. Trump quickly contradicted that explanation himself in an interview with NBC’s Lester Holt, saying, „Regardless of the recommendation I was going to fire Comey.“
However, in an interview on Monday with Iowa local radio station KVFD 1400AM, Grassley, the chair of Senate judiciary committee, cited the Rosenstein memo as Trump’s „main reason“ for firing Comey.
„The President made his decision from reasons that are very special to him, “ Grassley to Iowa local radio station KVFD 1400am on Monday. „Taking advices (sic) as he did from the deputy Attorney General Rosenstein that Comey should not have acted both as a prosecutor and an investigator. In other words, he should be investigating the Justice Department, under then- (Attorney General) Lynch should have made the decision on prosecuting. He seemed to take responsibility for both, which I think is main reason the President made his decision.“
Grassley said he had his own problems with Comey and said the FBI lacks transparency with respect to requests he has made.

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15日午前11時48分ごろ、 函館空港(北海道函館市)の 西約33キロで、 陸上自衛隊北部方面航空隊(札幌市)所属の 双発プロペラ機・ LR2(乗員4人、 全長14.22メートル)がレーダーから消えた。 同機は緊急搬送の 必要がある患者を収容するため、 函館空港に向け飛行中で、 防衛省は墜落した可能性があるとみて、 警察や消防などと周辺を捜索している。

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US accuses Syria of burning bodies in crematorium to hide evidence of mass killings


The Trump administration accused Syria’s government on Monday of hanging hundreds of political opponents and other prisoners and burning their bodies at a military prison near Damascus, part of what the State Department called an egregious pattern…
The Trump administration accused Syria’s government on Monday of hanging hundreds of political opponents and other prisoners and burning their bodies at a military prison near Damascus, part of what the State Department called an egregious pattern of atrocities by Syrian President Bashar Assad. The State Department said the Syrian authorities may be using a large crematorium at the prison to destroy evidence of mass killings that could be used in any future war crimes prosecution. Stuart Jones, acting assistant secretary of state for Near Eastern affairs, told reporters that about 50 detainees are being hanged each day at the Saydnaya military prison, about 20 miles from Damascus, and that newly declassified satellite photos appear to show a building modified to house a crematorium. Cremating the bodies represents “an effort to cover up the extent of the mass murders, ” Jones said. The Syrian government, supported by Russia and Iran, has “sunk to a new level of depravity, ” Jones said. An estimated 5,000 to 13,000 prisoners were killed at the prison from March 2011, when the country’s multisided civil war began, to December 2015, according to a report issued in February by Amnesty International, the human rights organisation. Once or twice a week, the Syrian government would “quietly slaughter” up to 50 prisoners at a time in mass hangings at the prison. It said the bodies were buried in mass graves in secret locations outside the capital. Nicolette Waldman, who wrote the 48-page report after a yearlong investigation, said the number of people killed may be much higher. More than 400,000 people have been killed and millions displaced in the Syrian war, according to United Nations estimates. “The last testimony for this report was in December 2015, but there is no reason to think the executions have stopped” at the prison, Waldman said in a phone interview in February.

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White House to Light Up Blue In Honor of Fallen Police Officers


President Donald Trump on Monday vowed to have the White House lit up with blue light to honor police officers who have died in the line of duty.
The White House is lit in a blue light to honor the men and women of law enforcement.
President Donald Trump issued a proclamation that May 15,2017 be “Police Officers Memorial Day” and the official start of National Police Week .
Trump spoke glowingly of the duty that law enforcement officers perform on a daily basis. In a statement, he said that he called on Americans to observe “Peace Officers Memorial Day.”
Trump said he requested all American flags to fly at half-mast to memorialize officers who died in the line of duty Monday.
There were 394 police officers across the nation who died while on duty last year, with Trump noting in his statment that 66 of those were “victims of malicious attacks.” The administration said it’s an increase of 40 percent from 2015.
Earlier in the day Monday, Trump gave an address at the 36th Annual National Peace Officers Memorial Service on the steps of the Capitol.
During his speech, he accused politicians of failing to support law enforcement, saying that many officers continue to be subjected to “unfair defamation and vilification.”
Trump added that he would “make it a priority” for the federal government to devote resources to local law enforcement.
“You are the thin blue line between civilization and chaos, ” he said. “Because you don’ t hear it nearly enough, I want you to know that patriotic Americans of all backgrounds truly support and love our police. The very sad thing is that today many politicians don’ t want to say that, they don’ t want to talk about that, because it’s not politically correct, and they think it might hurt them with voters. I will say it, and I will talk about it proudly.”
Joshua Lee Webb allegedly stabbed an employee at a grocery store in Estacada, Oregon while holding what appeared to be the head of his mother, Tina.

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White House to Light Up Blue In Honor of Fallen Police Officers


President Donald Trump on Monday vowed to have the White House lit up with blue light to honor police officers who have died in the line of duty.
The White House is lit in a blue light to honor the men and women of law enforcement.
President Donald Trump issued a proclamation that May 15,2017 be “Police Officers Memorial Day” and the official start of National Police Week .
Trump spoke glowingly of the duty that law enforcement officers perform on a daily basis. In a statement, he said that he called on Americans to observe “Peace Officers Memorial Day.”
Trump said he requested all American flags to fly at half-mast to memorialize officers who died in the line of duty Monday.
There were 394 police officers across the nation who died while on duty last year, with Trump noting in his statment that 66 of those were “victims of malicious attacks.” The administration said it’s an increase of 40 percent from 2015.
Earlier in the day Monday, Trump gave an address at the 36th Annual National Peace Officers Memorial Service on the steps of the Capitol.
During his speech, he accused politicians of failing to support law enforcement, saying that many officers continue to be subjected to “unfair defamation and vilification.”
Trump added that he would “make it a priority” for the federal government to devote resources to local law enforcement.
“You are the thin blue line between civilization and chaos, ” he said. “Because you don’ t hear it nearly enough, I want you to know that patriotic Americans of all backgrounds truly support and love our police. The very sad thing is that today many politicians don’ t want to say that, they don’ t want to talk about that, because it’s not politically correct, and they think it might hurt them with voters. I will say it, and I will talk about it proudly.”
Joshua Lee Webb allegedly stabbed an employee at a grocery store in Estacada, Oregon while holding what appeared to be the head of his mother, Tina.

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White House to Light Up Blue In Honor of Fallen Police Officers


President Donald Trump on Monday vowed to have the White House lit up with blue light to honor police officers who have died in the line of duty.
The White House is lit in a blue light to honor the men and women of law enforcement.
President Donald Trump issued a proclamation that May 15,2017 be “Police Officers Memorial Day” and the official start of National Police Week .
Trump spoke glowingly of the duty that law enforcement officers perform on a daily basis. In a statement, he said that he called on Americans to observe “Peace Officers Memorial Day.”
Trump said he requested all American flags to fly at half-mast to memorialize officers who died in the line of duty Monday.
There were 394 police officers across the nation who died while on duty last year, with Trump noting in his statment that 66 of those were “victims of malicious attacks.” The administration said it’s an increase of 40 percent from 2015.
Earlier in the day Monday, Trump gave an address at the 36th Annual National Peace Officers Memorial Service on the steps of the Capitol.
During his speech, he accused politicians of failing to support law enforcement, saying that many officers continue to be subjected to “unfair defamation and vilification.”
Trump added that he would “make it a priority” for the federal government to devote resources to local law enforcement.
“You are the thin blue line between civilization and chaos, ” he said. “Because you don’ t hear it nearly enough, I want you to know that patriotic Americans of all backgrounds truly support and love our police. The very sad thing is that today many politicians don’ t want to say that, they don’ t want to talk about that, because it’s not politically correct, and they think it might hurt them with voters. I will say it, and I will talk about it proudly.”
Joshua Lee Webb allegedly stabbed an employee at a grocery store in Estacada, Oregon while holding what appeared to be the head of his mother, Tina.

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