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Brad Grey, former Paramount chief, is dead at 59


The former mogul' s passing — as well as his health issues — came as a surprise to many in the entertainment industry
CEO of Paramount Pictures Brad Grey attends the „Fences“ New York premiere on December 19,2016 in New York City.
Former Paramount Pictures CEO Brad Grey died Sunday night following a battle with cancer. He was 59.
Grey’s passing — as well as his health issues — came as a surprise to many in the entertainment industry, with his death coming just three months after he’d stepped down as head of the prominent Hollywood studio.
Grey ran Paramount for 12 years, succeeding Sherry Lansing. Prior to joining the studio, he worked as a talent manager before starting Brillstein-Grey with partner Bernie Brillstein. Their production company was responsible for TV shows like „The Sopranos“ and „The Larry Sanders Show.“
He also partnered with Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston to co-found film company Plan B, which produced this year’s best picture winner, „Moonlight.“ Grey left Plan B in 2005 to head Paramount, where he oversaw critically lauded films such as „No Country for Old Men, “ „There Will Be Blood, “ „Arrival“ and „Fences.“
Jim Gianopulos, Grey’s successor, called him a friend whom he „greatly admired“ in a statement.
„He will be missed by us all, and left his mark on our industry and in our hearts, “ Gianolpulos wrote.
Grey is survived by wife Cassandra Grey and their son Jules, children from a previous marriage Sam, Max and Emily, mother Barbara Schumsky, brother Michael Grey and sister Robin Grey. The late mogul’s family said there will be a small private funeral service later this week, with a memorial service to be scheduled in the coming weeks.
Ned Ehrbar is an entertainment producer for CBS News.
See highlights from the MTV Movie & TV Awards show, hosted by Adam DeVine
Stars stepped out on the red carpet at the chicest party of the year

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Researchers: Possible North Korea link to global cyber attack


„This is the best clue we have seen to date as to the origins of WannaCry, “ Kaspersky Lab researcher Kurt Baumgartner told Reuters.
WASHINGTON – Cyber security researchers have found technical clues they said could link North Korea with the global WannaCry „ransomware“ cyber attack that has infected more than 300,000 machines in 150 countries since Friday. Symantec and Kaspersky Lab said on Monday some code in an earlier version of the WannaCry software had also appeared in programs used by the Lazarus Group, which researchers from many companies have identified as a North Korea-run hacking operation.

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Sen. Tim Scott: If tapes exist 'we should have that information'


Republican Sen. Tim Scott said Monday that if tapes exist of President Donald Trump speaking privately with former FBI Director James Comey, then members of Congress should be able to review them.
„If there’s any information that’s out there, we should have that information, “ the South Carolina senator told CNN’s Dana Bash at a „Politics on Tap“ event in Washington.
The President signaled he may have recorded his past talks with Comey, tweeting Friday that the now-former FBI director better „hope that there are no ‚tapes‘ of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!“
Asked repeatedly Monday whether Trump was secretly taping conversations in the White House, the President’s press secretary Sean Spicer avoided giving direct answers, saying over again that the President „would have nothing further on that.“
Scott also said he was not calling for a special prosecutor into alleged ties between Trump’s campaign and Russian officials „at this point“ — and added that he has confidence in the current congressional committees that are conducting the investigations.

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Video Shows Moment Private Jet Crashes Near Teterboro Airport


CBS2 has obtained exclusive video from a nearby store that captured the moment a private jet crashes and bursts into flames while attempting to land at Teterboro Airport.
NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) CBS2 has obtained exclusive video from a nearby store that captured the moment a private jet crashes and bursts into flames while attempting to land at Teterboro Airport.
The crash happened in Carlsdtat, NJ at around 3: 30 p.m. Monday.
Two crew members were killed in the crash.

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North Korea offers 'extended middle finger' to Trump


North Korea staged a brazen show of defiance against the Trump administration’s attempts to curb its nuclear ambitions, testing a missile Sunday that it said could reach US territory.
While the northeast Asian country is given to wild hyperbole, analysts said the launch is the country’s most successful to date and marks a significant step in its quest to build a nuclear-armed ballistic missile that could reach the continental US. They add that the development could raise tensions between Washington and Beijing — North Korea’s major protector — and shows just how hard it is to curtail Pyongyang.
The missile test came despite new South Korean President Moon Jae-in’s warm overtures to North Korea and as China was holding an international trade summit. Pyongyang also launched its missile amid continuing speculation that President Donald Trump may take military action to prevent it from acquiring nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them.
„In a way, it’s an extended middle finger to Trump, “ said Bruce Klingner, a senior research fellow at the Heritage Foundation, „and to the newly elected Moon Jae-in and to China.“ Klingner also noted the missile landed very near Russia and said that the display of disrespect might have been meant to include President Vladimir Putin as well.
„If it was a signal, it could have been directed at any of the neighbors, “ Klingner said, noting that it represented „yet another violation of UN resolutions.“
The Trump administration has made North Korea a central focus in recent weeks, calling for new economic sanctions on Pyongyang, holding a special UN meeting about the threat it poses, and staging shows of military force in the region.
While experts say Pyongyang is still some time away from actually being able to strike the US mainland, the missile test — the seventh this year — was clearly meant to put Trump on notice. Pyongyang said the missile it launched could carry a nuclear warhead and warned that the US mainland is now within „sighting range for a strike.“
Trump’s April remark that „all options are on the table“ with North Korea has raised tensions in the region and drawn rebukes from China and Russia. On April 27, Trump warned that „major conflict“ was possible if diplomatic efforts failed.
The Washington-based North Korea monitoring project 38 North said Pyongyang’s Sunday launch could be seen as a direct response. „Given speculation over the past months about the possibility of military action by the Trump administration to prevent Pyongyang from acquiring such a weapons, the possible testing of ICBM subsystems in this low-key manner may be a North Korean hedge against the possibility of such action, “ the group said in a report.
38 North said the test „represents a level of performance never before seen from a North Korean missile.“ While the test showed technological advances, 38 North said that North Korea isn’t yet able to put US cities „at risk tomorrow, or any time this year.“
But Victor Cha, a senior adviser at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, said analysis shows that the missile could possibly reach US military bases in Guam.
North Korean state media reported that the missile, called a Hwasong-12, flew about 489 miles or 787 kilometers, soaring just over 1300 miles or 2100 kilometers high before falling into the East Sea, or Sea of Japan.
Cha noted in an analysis that the missile may have been „purposely launched at a steep angle and that the real range of the missile if shot at a normal angle could be upwards of 4,500 kilometers“ — suggesting it could possibly reach Guam. „This latest missile launch demonstrates that we have once again underestimated North Korea’s nuclear and missile capabilities, “ Cha wrote.
Asked about the North Korean claim that it could strike the US, a State Department spokesman said the agency would „not comment on matters of intelligence“ and added that „we call on the DPRK to refrain from provocative, destabilizing actions and rhetoric, and to make the strategic choice to fulfill its international obligations and commitments.“
In the last few weeks, Washington has responded to the North Korean threat by sending a Navy strike group to the Korean peninsula, staging long-planned military exercises with South Korea and Japan, and docking a powerful nuclear submarine in a South Korean port.
The Trump administration has also asked China, Pyongyang’s closest ally, to exercise its diplomatic and economic influence to force North Korea to change.
At the April 28 UN meeting on North Korea, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said, „China, accounting for 90 percent of North Korean trade, China alone has economic leverage over Pyongyang that is unique, and its role is therefore particularly important.“
And Trump has publicly courted Chinese President Xi Jinping as an ally in the effort against Pyongyang, boasting of the good relationship the two have, even as his extended family has pursued business interests in China.
This latest North Korea test now increases the pressure on Trump to toughen the conciliatory course he’s taken with China over Pyongyang, said Klingner, a former deputy division chief for Korea at the CIA.
Since Trump’s early April summit meeting with Xi at his Mar-a-Lago estate, „he’s adopted a more effusive stance toward China, lauding them for doing more on North Korea than they ever have before, “ Klingner said.
But Klingner noted that North Korea’s behavior hasn’t changed and China isn’t getting as tough on Pyongyang as it could. He suggested that it may be time to apply sanctions on the many Chinese businesses that work with the regime.
Trump „should end his restraint on imposing stronger sanctions on Pyongyang, as well as secondary sanctions on Chinese businesses. If Beijing doesn’t truly deliver it’s time to mark the expiration date on that deal, “ Klingner said.
The test also demonstrates how hard it is to slow Pyongyang’s progress. To underscore that point, North Korea’s ambassador to China made clear on Monday that his country has no intention of stopping its work.
Pyongyang will continue to test missiles „at any time, at anywhere upon the decision of the supreme leadership, “ Ambassador Ji Jae Ryong told a press conference at the North Korean embassy in Beijing.
And he blamed the US for this. „Just like our previous actions to strengthen our nuclear capabilities, our ICBM test was also in response to the nuclear dangers and threats posed by the US and its followers as they implement their policies, “ Ji said. „It is a normal step in the process.“

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North Korean Hackers from Lazarus May Be Behind WannaCry Ransomware Attack


Multiple security researchers have noticed the similarities
Earlier today, a Google researcher by the name of Neel Mehta posted a message on Twitter featuring the hashtag #WannaCryptAttribution.
ac21c8ad899727137c4b94458d7aa8d8 @ 0x10004ba0,0x10012AA4 #WannaCryptAttribution
The message also contains code samples, samples from the WannaCry cryptor sample from February 2017 and a Lazarus APT group sample from February 2015, folks from Kaspersky Lab point out. The commands presented in the tweet represent an encoding algorithm.
Lazarus is rather well-known hacker group. They’ve been linked to the Sony Wiper attack, as well as the Bangladesh bank heist that left them a few million short. The group has been active since 2011 and hundreds of samples have been collected over the years in regards to Lazarus. Mostly, it was revealed that they were creating malware, producing new samples via „multiple independent conveyors.“
There are, of course, plenty of questions about whether this is true or it’s just a ruse. After all, it’s not that difficult for the WannaCry authors to have copied Lazarus‘ code. On the other hand, the code appears to have not been removed from the 2015 backdoor code, which makes the story that much more believable.
Folks at Kaspersky are pretty certain that the WannaCry sample made available in February 2017 was actually compiled by the same people behind the current attack, or by people with access to the same source code.
Other security researchers other than the Mehta have noticed the same similarity, such as Comae Technologies‘ Matthieu Suiche, who also discovered and killed a new variant by activating the kill switch.
Now, the interesting part is that Lazarus has been identified by US intelligence agencies as a North Korean government operation. Kaspersky Lab itself presented some evidence just a month or so ago, linking the attacks on Vietnamese banks, and the Bangladeshi bank, as well as the SWIFT banking system, to Lazarus and North Korea.

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China ‘May Back’ New UN Sanctions After Pyongyang’s Latest Missile Test


Putin said launch was Putin said launch was „dangerous“
In what could be a turning point in China’s foreign policy toward North Korea, Beijing may be ready to support an increase in economic pressure against the isolated state to end ballistic missile and nuclear bomb testing.
The People’s Democratic Republic of North Korea (DPRK) on Sunday launched a ballistic missile just hours before China was to begin its most important global diplomatic event. The Chinese Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, in Beijing, was attended by top world leaders, including Russian President Vladimir Putin. Pyongyang’s ill-timed move has sparked renewed world anger at the country’s refusal to end its militaristic moves.
Analysts observing the incident noted that Beijing may now be ready to support Washington’s call for the UN Security Council to implement new sanctions on the DPRK as a means to end what the West condemns as aggression.
Russian President Vladimir Putin, while noting that Pyongyang is being routinely intimidated, nonetheless referred to the launch as “dangerous.”
Following an urgent request by Japan and the United States, the United Nations Security Council will gather an emergency session on Tuesday to craft a response to the most recent DPRK ballistic missile test.
Foreign policy experts consider Sunday’s missile launch a turning point, according to the South China Morning Post (SCMP) .
Professor Su Hao, of China Foreign Affairs University, remarked that Pyongyang would “be held accountable and pay the price” for acting against UN security resolutions.
“This could also be an opportunity for China to show that it can initiate some plausible plans to handle the North Korean issue within the framework of the international community, ” he added, cited by SCMP.
Other ways that have been floated as a means to get Pyongyang to come to the bargaining table include Beijing offering DPRK leader Kim Jong-un asylum, or cutting off North Korea’s primary power source: Chinese oil.
“But this would be the last measure China would want to ever use because the Chinese leaders fear the consequences would be too big to control, ” said Lee Dong-ryul, of South Korea’s Dongduk Women’s University.
In February, Beijing stopped importing North Korean coal.

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Trump under fire over report he revealed classified info to Russians


The White House threw cold water Monday on a report that US President Donald Trump revealed classified information to Russian officials last week, saying no specific intelligence „sources or methods“ were discussed.
The White House threw cold water Monday on a report that US President Donald Trump revealed classified information to Russian officials last week, saying no specific intelligence „sources or methods“ were discussed.
The Washington Post said Trump had given Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Moscow’s envoy to the US Sergey Kislyak details about a specific terror threat posed by the Islamic State group during Oval Office talks last week.
The bombshell report comes as Moscow’s alleged interference in last year’s US presidential election is back in the spotlight following Trump’s shock firing of FBI chief James Comey, whose agency was investigating Russia’s possible collusion with aides to the Republican billionaire.
„The president and the foreign minister reviewed a range of common threats to our two countries, including threats to civil aviation, “ National Security Advisor HR McMaster, who participated in the meeting, told reporters.
„At no time were intelligence sources or methods discussed. And the president did not discuss any military operations that were not already publicly known, “ he added.
„There’s nothing that the president takes more seriously than the security of the American people. The story that came out tonight as reported is false.“
The information disclosed by the US leader had been provided by a partner of the United States that had not given Washington authorization to share it with Moscow, the Post said.
Trump „revealed more information to the Russian ambassador than we have shared with our own allies, “ the Post quoted a US official as saying on condition of anonymity.
According to the official, the information Trump shared with the Russian officials carried one of the highest levels of classification used by US intelligence agencies.
The Post reported, citing unnamed officials, that „Trump went off script and began describing details about an Islamic State terrorist threat related to the use of laptop computers on aircraft.“
The paper said it was withholding details of the plot at the urging of US officials who are concerned it could jeopardize key intelligence capabilities.
The US Department of Homeland Security has said it is mulling the expansion of a ban on laptop computers in passenger cabins on jets originating in Europe.
A US ban is already in place for several countries in the Middle East and North Africa.
– Ryan wants ‚full explanation‘ –
Trump’s closed-door meeting with the Russian officials came a day after his surprise firing of Comey.
The information at issue was not even widely shared within the US government, and Trump’s decision to share it with Moscow could endanger Washington’s partnership with the source.
Trump reportedly even revealed the city in which the intelligence was gathered — something seen as problematic, as it could allow Moscow to identify the partner nation.
Officials cited by the Post said the partner country had „access to the inner workings of the Islamic State.“
Reaction on Capitol Hill was swift.
„We have no way to know what was said, but protecting our nation’s secrets is paramount, “ said Doug Andres, a spokesman for Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan. „The speaker hopes for a full explanation of the facts from the administration.“
Senior Republican Senator John McCain told CNN that „if it’s true, it’s obviously disturbing.“ But he cautioned: „Let’s wait and see what this was all about first.“
Mark Warner, the ranking Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, said on Twitter: „If true, this is a slap in the face to the intel community. Risking sources & methods is inexcusable, particularly with the Russians.“

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Siri saves life; $5 million Rolex; United posts cockpit codes


Beaucher is undergoing treatment for his injuries and says he hopes to return to his job as a cook and tend to his farm. The “Bao Dai, ” a Rolex that the late emperor bought during Geneva peace negotiations in 1954, was sold to an unidentified phone…
An Apple a day
A New Hampshire man who was injured in a house explosion is thanking Apple ’s Siri for saving his life. Christopher Beaucher says he was checking on his mother’s vacant cottage in Wilmot on May 1 when he saw something suspicious and went inside. When he switched on a light, the house exploded. His face and hands badly burned, Beacher grabbed his cell phone but was unable to dial because of his injuries. He says he somehow asked his iPhone’s voice-controlled virtual assistant Siri to call 911. Beaucher is undergoing treatment for his injuries and says he hopes to return to his job as a cook and tend to his farm. Apple said statistics on Siri being used in emergencies weren’ t available.
Watch out
A Rolex that was owned by the last emperor of Vietnam became the brand’s most expensive wristwatch ever sold at auction, fetching $5 million. The “Bao Dai, ” a Rolex that the late emperor bought during Geneva peace negotiations in 1954, was sold to an unidentified phone bidder after eight minutes on Saturday, according to the auction house. The watch is one of the rarest Rolexes, one of three black-dial models known to exist with diamond hour markers.
The all-too-friendly skies
United Airlines is changing the keypad codes used to open cockpit doors after the previous codes were accidentally posted on a public website. The airline sent a memo to pilots over the weekend telling them to use “alternative security measures, ” a spokeswoman said Monday. The spokeswoman said the breach was not the result of hacking and did not cause any flights to be delayed or canceled. The airline, based in Chicago, said it uses “a number of measures” in addition to the access codes to keep cockpits secure, and it was working to fix the situation as soon as possible.

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Sen. Grassley repeats original explanation of Comey firing since contradicted by Trump


Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley said Monday that President Donald fired FBI Director James Comey on the advice of his deputy Attorney General, even though Trump admitted last week that he would have fired Comey regardless of the recommendation.
In initially explaining Trump’s decision to fire Comey, Vice President Mike Pence and Deputy White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders both cited a memo from deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein that criticized Comey’s handling of the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email server. Trump quickly contradicted that explanation himself in an interview with NBC’s Lester Holt, saying, „Regardless of the recommendation I was going to fire Comey.“
However, in an interview on Monday with Iowa local radio station KVFD 1400AM, Grassley, the chair of Senate judiciary committee, cited the Rosenstein memo as Trump’s „main reason“ for firing Comey.
„The President made his decision from reasons that are very special to him, “ Grassley to Iowa local radio station KVFD 1400am on Monday. „Taking advices (sic) as he did from the deputy Attorney General Rosenstein that Comey should not have acted both as a prosecutor and an investigator. In other words, he should be investigating the Justice Department, under then- (Attorney General) Lynch should have made the decision on prosecuting. He seemed to take responsibility for both, which I think is main reason the President made his decision.“
Grassley said he had his own problems with Comey and said the FBI lacks transparency with respect to requests he has made.

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