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Intelligence Trump shared with Russians came from Israel


The White House insists that president' s discussions with Russian officials were " wholly appropriate"
The classified information passed on to Russian government officials last week by President Trump originated with the Israeli government, a source briefed on the matter told CBS News‘ Pat Milton on Tuesday.
The New York Times first reported that the intelligence came from Israel. Both the Times and the Washington Post have reported that „highly classified“ intelligence provided by a U. S. ally was shared with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lvrov and Ambassador Sergey Kislyak by Mr. Trump at a White House meeting last week.
On Monday, a former intelligence official told CBS News „something inappropriate“ was discussed by Mr. Trump during a meeting with the Russian officials last week. The source – who is in touch with current officials – says „details were discussed that should not have been discussed.“
Shawn Turner, former spokesman for the Director of National Intelligence, joins CBSN to break down reports that President Trump shared sensitive …
Israeli officials have not yet confirmed that they supplied the intelligence shared by Mr. Trump. „Israel has full confidence in our intelligence-sharing relationship with the United States and looks forward to deepening that relationship in the years ahead under President Trump, “ Rod Dermer, the Israeli ambassador to the U. S., said in a statement.
The Trump administration now insists that whatever Mr. Trump shared with the Russian government, it was „wholly appropriate“ for him to do so.
„What the president discussed with the foreign minister was wholly appropriate to that conversation and is consistent with the routine sharing of information between the president and any leaders with whom he’s engaged, “ Gen. H. R. McMaster, the national security adviser, told reporters on Tuesday.
In January, multiple Israeli newspapers reported that their country’s government had been warned by U. S. intelligence officials not to be cautious when sharing information with Mr. Trump because it could be passed on to Russia. Israel’s primary rival in the region, Iran, is a close Russian ally, meaning that information shared with Moscow could potentially wind up with Tehran.
„The Russians have the widest intelligence collection mechanism in the world outside of our own. They can put together a good picture with just a few details, “ John Sipher, a former CIA officer who ran the agency’s Russia program, told the Times. „They can marry President Trump’s comments with their own intelligence, and intelligence from their allies. They can also deploy additional resources to find out details.“
Anderson Cooper reports on the effect Trump’s new immigration policy has had on a community in Indiana after a longtime resident is deported
Just how many almonds does he really eat, anyway?

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Intelligence Trump shared with Russians came from Israel


White House insists that president' s discussions with Russian officials were " wholly appropriate"
The classified information passed on to Russian government officials last week by President Trump originated with the Israeli government, a source briefed on the matter told CBS News‘ Pat Milton on Tuesday.
The New York Times first reported that the intelligence came from Israel. Both the Times and the Washington Post have reported that „highly classified“ intelligence provided by a U. S. ally was shared with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lvrov and Ambassador Sergey Kislyak by Mr. Trump at a White House meeting last week.
On Monday, a former intelligence official told CBS News „something inappropriate“ was discussed by Mr. Trump during a meeting with the Russian officials last week. The source — who is in touch with current officials — says „details were discussed that should not have been discussed.“
Shawn Turner, former spokesman for the Director of National Intelligence, joins CBSN to break down reports that President Trump shared sensitive …
Israeli officials have not yet confirmed that they supplied the intelligence shared by Mr. Trump. „Israel has full confidence in our intelligence-sharing relationship with the United States and looks forward to deepening that relationship in the years ahead under President Trump, “ Rod Dermer, the Israeli ambassador to the U. S., said in a statement.
The Trump administration now insists that whatever Mr. Trump shared with the Russian government, it was „wholly appropriate“ for him to do so.
„What the president discussed with the foreign minister was wholly appropriate to that conversation and is consistent with the routine sharing of information between the president and any leaders with whom he’s engaged, “ Gen. H. R. McMaster, the national security adviser, told reporters on Tuesday.
In January, multiple Israeli newspapers reported that their country’s government had been warned by U. S. intelligence officials not to be cautious when sharing information with Mr. Trump because it could be passed on to Russia. Israel’s primary rival in the region, Iran, is a close Russian ally, meaning that information shared with Moscow could potentially wind up with Tehran.
„The Russians have the widest intelligence collection mechanism in the world outside of our own. They can put together a good picture with just a few details, “ John Sipher, a former CIA officer who ran the agency’s Russia program, told the Times. „They can marry President Trump’s comments with their own intelligence, and intelligence from their allies. They can also deploy additional resources to find out details.“
Anderson Cooper reports on the effect Trump’s new immigration policy has had on a community in Indiana after a longtime resident is deported
Just how many almonds does he really eat, anyway?

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Intelligence Trump shared with Russians came from Israel


White House insists that president' s discussions with Russian officials were " wholly appropriate"
The classified information passed on to Russian government officials last week by President Trump originated with the Israeli government, a source briefed on the matter told CBS News‘ Pat Milton on Tuesday.
The New York Times first reported that the intelligence came from Israel. Both the Times and the Washington Post have reported that „highly classified“ intelligence provided by a U. S. ally was shared with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lvrov and Ambassador Sergey Kislyak by Mr. Trump at a White House meeting last week.
On Monday, a former intelligence official told CBS News „something inappropriate“ was discussed by Mr. Trump during a meeting with the Russian officials last week. The source — who is in touch with current officials — says „details were discussed that should not have been discussed.“
Shawn Turner, former spokesman for the Director of National Intelligence, joins CBSN to break down reports that President Trump shared sensitive …
Israeli officials have not yet confirmed that they supplied the intelligence shared by Mr. Trump. „Israel has full confidence in our intelligence-sharing relationship with the United States and looks forward to deepening that relationship in the years ahead under President Trump, “ Rod Dermer, the Israeli ambassador to the U. S., said in a statement.
The Trump administration now insists that whatever Mr. Trump shared with the Russian government, it was „wholly appropriate“ for him to do so.
„What the president discussed with the foreign minister was wholly appropriate to that conversation and is consistent with the routine sharing of information between the president and any leaders with whom he’s engaged, “ Gen. H. R. McMaster, the national security adviser, told reporters on Tuesday.
In January, multiple Israeli newspapers reported that their country’s government had been warned by U. S. intelligence officials not to be cautious when sharing information with Mr. Trump because it could be passed on to Russia. Israel’s primary rival in the region, Iran, is a close Russian ally, meaning that information shared with Moscow could potentially wind up with Tehran.
„The Russians have the widest intelligence collection mechanism in the world outside of our own. They can put together a good picture with just a few details, “ John Sipher, a former CIA officer who ran the agency’s Russia program, told the Times. „They can marry President Trump’s comments with their own intelligence, and intelligence from their allies. They can also deploy additional resources to find out details.“
Anderson Cooper reports on the effect Trump’s new immigration policy has had on a community in Indiana after a longtime resident is deported
Just how many almonds does he really eat, anyway?

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China's top diplomat to visit Japan next month to set stage for Xi-Abe summit: sources


China’s top diplomat is planning to visit Japan next month to lay the groundwork for a potential summit between Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Chinese President Xi Jinping in July, sources close to bilateral relations said Tuesday.
China’s top diplomat is planning to visit Japan next month to lay the groundwork for a potential summit between Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Chinese President Xi Jinping in July, sources close to bilateral relations said Tuesday.
Chinese State Councilor Yang Jiechi, who occupies a post equivalent to a deputy prime minister and superior to foreign minister, is expected to meet Abe during his visit. Abe told a Japanese television program on Monday that he hopes to meet Xi on the sidelines of the Group of 20 leaders’ summit in Germany in July, which both leaders plan to attend. It would be Abe and Xi’s first sit-down since their meeting in November last year in Peru. Yang, who last came to Japan in October 2015, is also expected to meet Shotaro Yachi, head of the secretariat of Japan’s National Security Council. The visit will take place as the two countries this year mark the 45th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic ties. According to the sources, both governments had affirmed by mid-May that Yang would visit Japan to lay the groundwork for the Abe-Xi summit. In meetings with Yang, Japanese officials are expected to ask for China’s cooperation in putting pressure on North Korea, which continues to develop nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles in defiance of U. N. Security Council resolutions. China has called for the resumption of talks between North Korea and five other countries aimed at denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula. But Japanese officials are likely to reiterate Tokyo’s stance to Yang that “dialogue for dialogue’s sake is meaningless, ” citing the lack of concrete efforts by North Korea toward denuclearization.

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Сайт президента Украины подвергся хакерской атаке


В Администрации президента атаку связывают с решением главы государства заблокировать российские сайты в Украине.
В Администрации президента атаку связывают с решением главы государства заблокировать российские сайты в Украине.
Заместитель главы Администрации президента (АП) Дмитрий Шимкив сообщил в Facebook о DDOS-атаке на сайт главы государства после публикации указа относительно введения в действие решения СНБО о блокировании работы ряда российских сайтов .
„С 15.15 мы видим ответ россиян на указ президента, где упоминается закрытие доступа к российским соцсетям. Интернет-сайт президента подвергается организованной атаке − мы видим имитацию переходов и DDOS-атаки с ресурсов Яндекса и VK, что создает искусственный трафик, чтобы загрузить и „положить“ серверы АП“, − заявил Шимкив.
Согласно его информации, ІТ- специалисты АП держат ситуацию под контролем, угрозы для интернет-ресурса нет.
DDOS-атака (с англ. Distributed Denial of Service − „отказ от обслуживания“) − это атака на сайт, основной целью которой является выведение его из строя путём подачи большого количества ложных запросов. В результате такой атаки сервера, обслуживающие сайт, вынуждены обрабатывать чрезмерный объём ложных запросов, и сайт становится недоступным для простого пользователя.
Ранее секретарь СНБО Александр Турчинов заявлил, что указ о санкциях к российским сайтам уже вступил в силу и посоветовал провайдерам начинать блокировать российский контент.
СБУ: В соцсетях велась гибридная война

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Enjoy visitor-friendly cycling road with mountain view in Ibaraki Pref.


Having heard that Tsukuba Kasumigaura Ring Road, an about 180-kilometer-long cycling course in Ibaraki Prefecture, became even more visitor-friendly this spring, I tried out a section about 40 kilometers long between Sakuragawa and Tsuchiura.
Having heard that Tsukuba Kasumigaura Ring Ring Road, an about 180-kilometer-long cycling course in Ibaraki Prefecture, became even more visitor-friendly this spring, I tried out a section about 40 kilometers long between Sakuragawa and Tsuchiura.
I’m in my second year at The Yomiuri Shimbun after graduating from university, where I trained as an American football player, and was quite confident in the strength of my legs. However, it turned out not to be so easy.
From this fiscal year, a total of 102 rental bicycles, including some suited for women and children, are available for biking the route, representing an increase of 60. Cyclists on the route can enjoy beautiful views of Mt. Tsukuba and Lake Kasumigaura.
I called in advance to reserve a crossover bike, and on April 28, I left my house in Mito at about 7: 30 a.m. for Sakuragawa, which I chose as my starting point because I had heard that I could enjoy a close view of Mt. Tsukuba while cycling.
I got off the train at JR Iwase Station before heading to Takasago ryokan, a Japanese-style inn that also rents out bikes. A one-day rental fee was ¥1,500. Toshio Takamatsu, 68, the owner of the inn, saw me off with a smile, saying: „From Sakuragawa to Tsuchiura, the route is slightly downhill. So it’ll be easy.“
I put on a helmet, got on my crossover bike and began pedaling enthusiastically.
Rural area with old station
The route from Iwase Station through the countryside toward Mt. Tsukuba in the south utilizes the now-defunct Tsukuba tetsudo railway. Riding in the spring sunshine, the crisp breeze through my thin long-sleeved shirt made me feel comfortable. Besides the occasional tractor’s engine I heard only the sound of the wind. My spirits lifted when I took a deep breath of the fresh air, and I began pedaling out of the saddle.
Soothed by the canola flowers swaying in the wind, I didn’t feel tired at all when I arrived at the Amabiki rest stop, five kilometers from my starting point. The former platform of a now-defunct train station there provided a good atmosphere.

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China Expected to Expand DNA Collection in Xinjiang


The Associated Press’ Matthew Brown reports on indications that public security authorities are laying groundwork for the mass collection of biometric data in the Xinjiang region, leading to concerns over a potential lack of oversight. Xinjiang is the frontline of a controversial crackdown on terrorism that has for years been criticized by…
The Associated Press’ Matthew Brown reports on indications that public security authorities are laying groundwork for the mass collection of biometric data in the Xinjiang region, leading to concerns over a potential lack of oversight. Xinjiang is the frontline of a controversial crackdown on terrorism that has for years been criticized by human rights advocates for targeting members of the Uyghur ethnic minority, and exacerbating underlying ethnic tensions.
The purchases of DNA testing equipment in Xinjiang were confirmed by an official at the regional Public Security Bureau. The official, who gave only her surname, Huang, said a supplier already had been found. In Xinjiang’s Sheche County, suppliers were being sought for voiceprint collection systems and 3-D portrait systems, according to a security official surnamed Yin, who declined to give further details. If used at full capacity, the new equipment could be used to profile up to 10,000 DNA samples a day and several million a year, said Yves Moreau, a computational biologist specializing in genome analysis and DNA privacy at the University of Leuven in Belgium. The scale of the purchases raises “a legitimate concern that Chinese authorities could be planning to DNA profile a large fraction, or even all” of the Uighur people in Xinjiang, Moreau said. […] Since it started collecting DNA profiles in 1989, China has amassed the unique genetic information on more than 40 million people, constituting the world’s largest DNA database, according to a study last year by forensic researchers at the China Ministry of Public Security. […] [Source]
Human Rights Watch has expressed sharp concern about the absence of privacy protections in the apparent plans to expand the collection and indexing of DNA in Xinjiang and among other vulnerable populations in China, citing examples of people who have had their DNA collected without warrant and against their will:
In many parts of the country, police officers are compelling ordinary individuals – neither convicted nor even suspected of a crime – to have their blood drawn and DNA taken. Samples have also been collected from vulnerable groups already targeted for increased government surveillance, including migrant workers, dissidents, and minority Muslim Uyghurs. Because police wield wide powers, and because there are no actionable privacy rights in China, people have little ability to refuse the collection of such personal information. “DNA collection can have legitimate policing uses in investigating specific criminal cases, but only in a context in which people have meaningful privacy protections, ” said Sophie Richardson, China director at Human Rights Watch. “Until that’s the case in China, the mass collection of DNA and the expansion of databases needs to stop.” […] “Mass DNA collection by the powerful Chinese police absent effective privacy protections or an independent judicial system is a perfect storm for abuses, ” Richardson said. “China is moving its Orwellian system to the genetic level.” […] Individuals who have had their DNA taken by police have detailed their experiences on social media platforms, including Weibo, Zhihu, Baidu Zhidao, Tieba, and Tianya. In these posts, netizens described officers coming to their homes, schools, and workplaces to collect their samples; none described having been presented any warrant or the visits having been announced in advance. In other cases, people discuss having been required to provide DNA samples when they applied for documents from the police, including residency permits and ID cards. In some other cases, police officers have demanded DNA samples from individuals whom they had taken to the police station for questioning, though in the vast majority of these cases the individuals were not suspects formally detained or arrested for crimes. […] [Source]
Quartz’ Echo Huang has more on how biometric gathering is currently being used in Xinjiang, plus further examples of those elsewhere in China being targeted by current DNA-based security programs:

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Турчинов о блокировке российских сайтов: Мы просто защищаем нашу страну не только на поле боя


Секретарь Совета национальной безопасности и обороны Александр Турчинов заявляет, что блокирование доступа к российским социальным сетям…
Секретарь Совета национальной безопасности и обороны Александр Турчинов заявляет, что блокирование доступа к российским социальным сетям „ВКонтакте“, „Одноклассники“, ресурсов Yandex и не является наступлением на свободу слова.
Об этом Турчинов сказал журналистам в Киеве.
„Когда я подписывал указ о мобилизации, были те, кто шли добровольцами, не дожидаясь, когда придут к ним из военкоматов, а были те, кто покупали себе справки и шли в суд оспаривать указ о мобилизации. Я понимаю, что и в этом случае будут такие, кто будет кричать, что это наступление на свободу слова“, – подчеркнул он.
„Друзья, никакого наступления на свободу слова здесь нет, здесь никаких проблем нет – мы просто защищаем нашу с вами страну не только на поле боя, но и от информационной и кибернетической агрессии, которая не менее опасна, чем военная агрессия“, – сказал Турчинов.
Как сообщалось, сегодня президент Петр Порошенко подписал указ о введении санкций против России .
Как сказано в дополнении к указу президента, принято решение запретить интернет-провайдерам предоставление услуг по доступу пользователям сети Интернет к ресурсам сервисов „“ ( и соцсетей „Вконтакте“ ( и „Одноклассники“ ( , а также к ряду сервисов российского портала yandex .ru и других российских ресурсов.
Отмечается, что действие санкций против российских интернет-ресурсов рассчитано на три года.

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Multilingual guide app launched for Imperial palaces


The Imperial Household Agency on Tuesday started free distribution of a guide app that supports six languages for visitors to the Imperial Palace in Tokyo and the Kyoto Imperial Palace.
The Imperial Household Agency on Tuesday started free distribution of a guide app that supports six languages for visitors to the Imperial Palace in Tokyo and the Kyoto Imperial Palace.
The app, which can be downloaded to smartphones and tablets, offers audio guides in Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean, French and Spanish.
Covered by the app are a total of 82 facilities at the Imperial Palace and its East Gardens in Chiyoda Ward and the palace in Kyoto. It also offers 223 photos and graphics.
Using the Global Positioning System, the app informs users on a pop-up window that guide services are available when they approach any of the facilities.
宮内庁が皇居・東御苑などの入園者のために開発した音声ガイドのアプリの運用が16日から始まりました。 対象となる施設は皇居一般参観コースと皇居・東御苑、京都御所で、アプリはスマートフォンやタブレット端末があれば世界中どこでもダウンロード可能です。

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The Latest: House oversight chair seeking Comey memos


WASHINGTON (AP) – The Latest on one-time FBI Director James Comey memo stating that President Donald Trump asked him to shut down an FBI investigation into…
WASHINGTON (AP) – The Latest on one-time FBI Director James Comey memo stating that President Donald Trump asked him to shut down an FBI investigation into ousted adviser Michael Flynn (all times EDT) :
7: 10 p.m.
The Republican chairman of the House oversight committee says he will seek copies of any memos former FBI Director James Comey wrote about his meetings with President Donald Trump.
Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, said in a tweet that he has his „subpoena pen ready.“ The move by Chaffetz comes just hours after the disclosure that Comey wrote in a memo that Trump asked him to shut down a federal investigation into former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.
6: 40 p.m.
Top Senate Democrat Chuck Schumer says „history is watching“ and „the country is being tested in unprecedented ways“ in the wake of a New York Times story that says President Donald Trump asked former FBI Director James Comey to call off an investigation into former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.
Schumer said in a brief, somber floor speech Tuesday that he was „shaken“ by the report that Trump asked Comey „to shut down an active investigation into a close political associate.“
Schumer has been urging Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to name a special counsel to investigate Russian interference into last year’s campaign and ties between Russian and Trump associates, including Flynn.
6: 34 p.m.
A person familiar with the situation says FBI Director James Comey wrote in a memo after a dinner with President Donald Trump that Trump had asked him to shut down an FBI investigation into ousted national security adviser Michael Flynn.
The person had seen the memo but was not authorized to discuss it by name and spoke on condition of anonymity. The existence of the memo was first reported Tuesday by The New York Times, which said it was drafted after a February meeting in the Oval Office.
The FBI declined to comment Tuesday. The White House denied that Trump had made that request of Comey.
– By Eric Tucker
5: 44 p.m.
The White House is disputing a report that President Donald Trump asked former FBI Director James Comey to shut down an investigation into ousted national security adviser Michael Flynn.
The New York Times says Trump made the request to Comey during a February meeting. The newspaper cites a memo Comey wrote following the meeting.
Trump fired Comey last week.
The White House says the report is „not a truthful or accurate portrayal of the conversation between the president and Mr. Comey.“ The White House says that while the president has repeatedly expressed his view that Flynn is a „decent man, “ he has never asked Comey or anyone else to end any investigations involving him.
Flynn was fired after misleading top White House officials about his contacts with Russia.

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