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Дональд Трамп призвал Украину и Россию к миру


Американский лидер в своем Twitter-аккаунтенаписал пост о встрече с главами МИД Украины и РФ и добавил хэштег #LetsMakePeace.
Президент Соединенных Штатов Америки Дональд Трамп призвал Украину и Россию в миру.
Американский лидер в своем Twitter-аккаунте опубликовал снимки с министрами иностранных дел Украины и России Павлом Климкиным и Сергеем Лавровым и написал: „Вчера, в один день, у меня были встречи с российским министром иностранных дел Сергеем Лавровым и с министром иностранных дел Украины Павлом Климкиным“.
Вместе с тем президент США прикрепил к посту хэштег #LetsMakePeace („Давайте заключим мир“) .
Как сообщала ранее, президент Соединенных Штатов Америки Дональд Трамп выразил надежду, что его встреча с министром иностранных дел России Сергеем Лавровым поможет сохранить многие жизни.

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How and Why Does Top-Down Programming Work? How and Why Does Top-Down Programming Work?


Despite its downsides, top-down programming can help organize thinking and break projects into manageable chunks, though at the risk of seeking out patterns.
Top-down programming might be out of vogue, but that doesn’ t mean it doesn’ t have its merits. In fact, I would argue that for some people top down programming might indeed be the best way to program. Not for everybody, mind you, but certainly for some people.
What’s more, it might also be a better solution for some kinds of problems than for others. And that is ultimately what programming is about, solving problems.
So you start at the most abstract level, by defining the problem, and from there add more details. It’s a bit like starting with an outline and then filling things in as you go until you have a story.
So, let’s say that you want to create a program that plays checkers, but you don’ t know where to start. Well, when you’ re working with top-down systems you do.
You just write: PlayCheckers () ;
Of course, that doesn’ t mean anything yet, as you don’ t have a ‘play checkers’ procedure. But you have defined the problem and can now move to the next level down.
Here you might write:
Now, obviously this still does not give you an actually working game, but it has defined the problem down still further. Yes, none of these operations will tell the computer what to do yet, but that’s okay. What matters is that you know what to do. What the computer has to do will come later.
Yes, it might take a while before you get to the actual code that the computer can interpret and understand, but when you get there you have a very accurate framework that you can interpret and you can understand – and ultimately, which is more important?
Well, obviously having code that the computer can understand, because otherwise it’s not working problem, but you get the idea. You can’ t change the code that you can’ t understand, while code the computer can’ t yet understand is just a few steps away from a fully functioning program.
What’s more, this kind of setup allows you to easily break up a project that seems insurmountable into something that has manageable pieces which have clearly defined parts. Don’ t underestimate the power of this technique!
You see, I’ ve found that defining the project is often one of the most fundamental steps you need to do if you want to make sure you don’ t end up staring at the wall and procrastinating. It really doesn’ t matter if we’ re talking about programming or writing your dissertation (if you don’ t want to use a dissertation writing service, anyway) .
The thing is, with programming, it has the extra advantage that it takes something that can often be arcane and quite finicky and turn it into something that has logical well-defined steps that even a person starting out in the field can understand.
Now that has something to be said for it, right?
This kind of programming does have its downsides. Of course, it does. If it was perfect, it wouldn’ t have gone out of vogue, would it? So, for example, you might drill down from the top level to a level where you find a step you simply don’ t know how to implement.
Alternatively, you might do a bad job in dividing up your plan. Maybe you didn’ t think about it correctly and you divide a task into two in a way that it shouldn’ t be divided, for example. Then, when you try to execute that lower level step, you find it to not be possible because you made a higher-level problem.
Now, if you discover that late in the programming game, you could be in for a lot of trouble. But then, sloppy thinking can always get you into trouble.
One of the bigger problems is that this requires a very hierarchical way of structuring your code. Information flows top down and bottoms up throughout the hierarchy, without a real guide as to how that information should be organized. This is where object-oriented programming has the advantage.
I have also heard people complain that this kind of programming can be kind of rigid, with it being hard to rewrite certain parts of the code. I don’ t exactly buy this argument. Because if you do this type of coding correctly, then the only communication between the different parts of the program are through defined parameters.
What is a problem that you’ ll find with top-down programming is that you’ ll find yourself naturally following certain grooves that you’ve become used to following in the past. That makes sense, because if you solved a problem in some way in the past, then naturally you’ re going to define and solve it in a similar way this time around.
Of course, the problem with that is that you might not see other solutions to the problems that are out there, which might be far more efficient and innovative. This is where other forms of programming can be superior to top-down programming.
That said, there are still plenty of types of programming for which a top-down approach offers you a clearer idea and a better framework to get your code written down.
That’s why programmers who prefer to think abstractly about a problem or who can’ t think of a solution in some way using different forms of programming should definitely give top-down programming a try.
It might be just the slightly different way to look at things they need to get past a problem that otherwise might have been unsolvable. Even if it isn’ t, it’s always a good idea to try new things. You never know what you’ ll learn by doing so.

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Порошенко уверен, что безвиз поможет Украине вернуть Крым и Донбасс


Глава государства отметил, что „предоставления безвизового режима очень важно для политики в сфере деоккупации Крыма и Донбасса“. При этом Петр Порошенко назвал ужасными условия жизни на неподконтрольной Киеву территории Донбасса.
Предоставление Евросоюзом безвизового режима гражданам Украины станет мотивацией для возвращения Крыма и Донбасса под контроль Киева, убежден президент Петр Порошенко. Совет ЕС по иностранным делам утвердил в четверг окончательное решение о. Президент Украины Петр Порошенко ранее заявил, что соглашение будет подписано 17 мая. После этого решение будет опубликовано в официальном вестнике ЕС и спустя 20 дней украинцы смогут ездить в Евросоюз без виз. Ожидается, что безвизовый режим вступит в силу ориентировочно 11 июня. При этом Совет ЕС заявил, что в случае проблемы с миграцией и безопасностью. „Предоставления нам безвизового режима очень важно для политики в сфере деоккупации Крыма и Донбасса. Когда мы говорим о возвращении оккупированных территорий политико-дипломатическим путем, это означает создание условий, когда жители будут заинтересованы в том, чтобы вернуться в Украину и получить украинские паспорта“, — сказал Порошенко в интервью каналу “ „. Президент назвал ужасными условия жизни на неподконтрольной Киеву территории Донбасса. „Когда в Украине осуществляются реформы, когда ратифицируется соглашение об ассоциации, делаются реальные шаги к повышению инвестиционной привлекательности, когда каждый гражданин имеет право… свободно без виз путешествовать, это дополнительная мотивация“, — считает Порошенко. Крым был присоединен к РФ в 2014 году. Украина и ее международные партнеры не признают присоединение полуострова к России, признав это, в связи с чем против Москвы был введен.

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Another 'Thief' game could quite possibly be in development


News has emerged that another title in the cult-classic stealth-based video game series, ‚Thief‘, is currently in development. A Hollywood adaptation of the franchise is also in the works.
Thief is a cult-classic series of stealth video games that has spawned four titles since the original’s release in 1998. The most recent game in the series, developed by Eidos Montréal, was published in 2014 by Square Enix, simply titled Thief. It received a rather mixed response from critics and gamers alike, and currently sports a 6/10 rating on Steam.
However, despite the mediocre reception, it appears that another Thief game may be in the works.
Nearly three years ago, it was reported that a movie based on the franchise was being developed, but little has been revealed since then. Now, a description on the website of the production company responsible for the Hollywood adaptation, casually points out that a „fifth sequel [of the game] is currently in development“. The full listing notes that:
This piece of news is out of the blue keeping in view that Eidos Montréal executive Nick Cantin stated that a sequel would be considered depending on the reception of Thief, which hasn’t exactly been positive. That said, Square Enix hasn’t announced any release information for the upcoming Thief game itself, saying that it has nothing to announce „at this time“.
Source: Straight Up Films via Polygon | Image via GameSpot

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SKorea's new leader to take on family-owned business empires


SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — South Korea’s new president is taking on a challenge that
SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — South Korea’s new president is taking on a challenge that has defied all of his predecessors: reforming the big family-controlled conglomerates that dominate the economy.
While jobs are a top priority, strong public pressure following a corruption scandal that toppled his predecessor, Park Geun-hye, leaves him with little choice about going after the chaebol, as they are called.
„As I promised during my campaign, I will take care of the employment issue first. At the same time, I will take the initiative in reforming chaebol, “ Moon Jae-in said in his inauguration address Wednesday.
„Under the Moon Jae-in administration, the word meaning cozy relations between political and business circles will completely disappear, “ he proclaimed.
Moon knows firsthand that the job won’t be easy. He was a top aide in the administration of the late president Roh Moo-hyun’s, whose efforts to rein in the chaebol yielded disappointing results.
Conglomerates like Samsung and Hyundai play a huge role in South Korea and their founding families have complicated stock ownership structures, non-profit charity foundations and other arrangements to preserve their wealth and managerial influence.
Many view close, murky ties between politicians, bureaucrats and those big businesses as the reason corruption has thrived.
The public mood following former President Park Geun-hye’s impeachment over alleged influence peddling and bribery may give Moon a bit of a honeymoon.
„I’d like to hope that this government will be different, “ said Kim Seong-jin, a lawyer at People’s Solidarity for Participatory Democracy, one of the largest civic groups in South Korea. „This is an essential task that the citizens are watching closely.“
Moon has promised to empower South Korea’s fair trade regulator to impose harsher punishments on companies that meddle in regulatory investigations and decisions. To do so he must drum up support from other parties. Passage of needed revisions of commercial and fair trade laws would require 60 more votes than the 120 out of 299 legislative seats controlled by his Democratic Party.
Luckily for Moon, apart from the conservative Liberty Party, three other smaller opposition parties backed chaebol reforms during the recent presidential campaign.
His presidency comes at a time of growing recognition that South Korea needs to end the chaebol-centered growth model that has been in place since the era of former President Park’s father, who ruled from 1961-79.
Park Chung-hee, an army general-turned-dictator, gave cheap loans and trade protection to chaebols while quashing unionized labor. That enabled the conglomerates, and South Korea itself, to recover quickly from the devastation of the 1950-53 Korean War.
That top-down business model, largely driven by exports, is wearing thin as job creation and increases in wages slow. For decades, businesses and capital investment were prioritized at the expense of workers‘ rights and social welfare. Now consumer spending is suffering as families feel the pinch of job insecurity and lagging incomes.
South Koreans who in the past may have viewed the chaebol as national champions now increasing consider them elites who are hogging wealth while crushing small businesses and stifling innovation.
There are limits to how far reforms can go.
Most of the country’s small and medium-sized companies depend on business from the chaebol, as suppliers or subcontractors, though they complain of not getting fair prices for their work. And jobs at chaebol like Samsung and Hyundai are considered the most desirable, given the uncertainties and poorer conditions of employment in most smaller companies.
Still, instances of chaebol founding families using elaborate schemes, often unethical and sometimes illegal, to preserve or build their wealth and managerial influence are adding to public outrage.
Millions of South Koreans took to the streets for months in peaceful but vehement demonstrations to protest over allegations that Park, the former president, was colluding with a close associate and allowing her to meddle in government affairs, brought
Park was impeached and arrested in March and faces a trial later this month that could send her to prison for life if she is convicted. Meanwhile, Samsung vice chairman and chaebol heir Lee Jae-yong is facing trial, charged with using Samsung funds to bribe Park and her friend.
One other way to push for reforms is to have the powerful national pension fund, the biggest investor in many chaebols with $530 billion in assets, advocate more forcefully on behalf of minority shareholder and public interests.
So far, the pension fund has refrained from voicing criticism over corporate mismanagement. Former pension fund executives are among those facing trial in the current corruption scandal.
The tendency of chaebol companies and other institutions to favor founding family interests over those of ordinary shareholders in publicly listed companies is so ingrained that many global investors say they routinely impose a „Korea Discount“ on investments in South Korea.
„This election proves there is strong public support for a better system of governance, “ said Kwon Young Sun, an economist at Nomura Securities.
„If corporate governance of Korea Inc. were to improve meaningfully with the passage of the economic democracy reform bills and adoption of a Stewardship Code by the National Pension Service, we would become more bullish on the market.“
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Суд арестовал одного из участников массовых беспорядков в Днепре


Суд арестовал одного из участников драки в Днепре, которая состоялась 9 мая. Об этом рассказал министр внутренних дел Арсен Аваков. „Первый Днепровский титушка уже за решеткой – приговором суда арестован на 2 месяца. И настроение разное на двух фотографиях с разницей в два дня… и …
Суд арестовал одного из участников драки в Днепре, которая состоялась 9 мая.
Об этом рассказал министр внутренних дел Арсен Аваков .
„Первый Днепровский титушка уже за решеткой – приговором суда арестован на 2 месяца. И настроение разное на двух фотографиях с разницей в два дня… и вилкулы не помогли… Далее гарантированно будет…“, – написал он на Facebook .

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Spurs face quick turnaround before conference finals


HOUSTON (AP) — The San Antonio Spurs are thrilled to be in the Western Conference
HOUSTON (AP) — The San Antonio Spurs are thrilled to be in the Western Conference finals for the first time since winning the title in 2014.
But they won’t have much time to celebrate with a series against the well-rested Golden State Warriors starting on Sunday.
In fact, they were barely going to give themselves two hours to bask in their 114-75 win over the Houston Rockets in Game 6 before looking ahead.
„We’re just going to enjoy this one right now until midnight, at least, “ Danny Green said. „I think this one prepared us for the next one. They’re a fast-paced team that likes to shoot on the perimeter. We have to communicate even better and be more perfect because it doesn’t get any easier.“
While San Antonio fought through six games with the Rockets, the Warriors have been off since wrapping up a sweep of the Utah Jazz on Monday.
Along with the fatigue factor, there are also questions about the their lineup heading in Game 1 after All-Star Kawhi Leonard sat out on Thursday night after rolling his left ankle in Game 5.
Coach Gregg Popovich didn’t provide many details about Leonard’s injury on Thursday. When asked if he protested when he chose to sit him, Popovich said: „He’d rather play.“ But it still seemed to be bothering him quite a bit after the game when he headed to the bus still walking with a noticeable limp.
The Spurs will certainly need his stellar defensive skills to contend with a Warriors team that not only swept the Jazz, but also eliminated the Trail Blazers in four games in the first round.
„We understand that the team we’re now facing is the most dangerous team in the league with a lot of weapons, “ Pau Gasol said. „You have to prepare for this team a different way. The challenges they present, in some ways, are similar to Houston as far as the ability to shoot the ball from the 3-point line, but they have different personnel overall.“
The Spurs know that limiting Golden State’s 3-point shooting will be a key in the next round, just as slowing Houston from long range was in the conference semifinals. Houston averaged 20.5 3-pointers in its two wins and just 13 in the four losses.
Leonard’s ankle problem wasn’t the only injury San Antonio dealt with in this series, as it came after the Spurs lost veteran Tony Parker to a season-ending quadriceps injury in Game 2.
Neither injury seemed to have a major impact on the team, except for the fact that it gave LaMarcus Aldridge a chance to emerge as a dominant scorer for the Spurs. The 11-year veteran, in his second season with the Spurs, averaged just 9.5 points in the first two games before averaging 23.5 in the last four, highlighted by a season-high 34 in Game 6.
„Once he got it going, we tried to keep going back to him, “ Patty Mills said of Game 6. „He was an absolute beast (Thursday) , and that’s who he is.“
Aldridge is excited that he was able to play such a big role in helping the Spurs advance, but he isn’t making too much of what will be his debut in the conference finals after failing to get out of the second round in his first six trips to the postseason.
„I just came here ready to play, “ he said. „Of course it’s a good feeling to be going to the Western Conference finals. But I haven’t thought about it. This team has worked hard all year and we’ve grinded and tried to get better, so I’m happy to finally win (the series) .“
Though the Spurs won two of three regular-season meetings with Golden State, they know that this series will be much more difficult than their previous meetings this season.
But they’re ready for the challenge.
„We’re hungry, we’re not satisfied, “ Mills said. „This was a good series and we’re moving on, but we’re not satisfied. Everyone is focused in on what we’re trying to achieve here.“
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Coles Group eyes data from customer in-store tracking


As Coles Group looks to remain relevant to its customers, the grocery giant is looking into the idea of in-store tracking to boost its data collection capabilities.
Australian grocery chain giant Coles currently gains valuable data on its customers‘ purchasing habits, but only if they use the company’s loyalty card upon checkout either online or on in-store.
While the data aggregated at those touch points is beneficial to the company, Melissa Ross, head of digital experience at Coles Group, said it tends to result in the organisation making assumptions on customers it has less insight into, based on others who purchase similar items.
Nirvana in any customer-dependent organisation is having the data to learn the ins and outs of everyone who accesses its products, and Ross said Coles Group is thinking about in-store tracking to fill the gaps in getting to know its customers better.
„At the moment, we aren’t exactly tracking people in stores, but we are testing the technology to understand where people are spending most of their time, “ Ross explained.
„We are doing that, but there’s lots of different emerging technology that we are playing with to understand more about where to invest to help our customers.“
Owned by Australian heavyweight Wesfarmers, Coles Group comprises Coles,, Coles Express, supermarket competitor Bi-Lo, Liquorland, First Choice Liquor, Vintage Cellars, as well as Coles Financial Services and Spirit Hotels.
Wesfarmers also has a loyalty program, FlyBuys, that is used across most of its customer-facing entities.
The aggregation of FlyBuys data has been a focus of Coles Group, with a range of marketing initiatives tailored around the data collected on the loyalty card for many years now.
One initiative is a weekly specials email that is sent to customers based on their buying behaviour.
According to Ross, Coles Group tailors about 2 million „one-on-one“ conversations on a weekly basis via FlyBuys.
„It’s about how we can make sure that we’re getting relevant offers and information about new products that are coming out based on what their history with us has been, “ she told journalists at an Oracle customer roundtable in Sydney.
Having been with Coles Group for only nine months, Ross is focused on aggregating all of the data the business has across each siloed company — and even within each company’s different verticals — on an individual.
But as the personalisation of offers and services is dependent on whether a customer has a loyalty card — and whether they opt in to the program — Ross said it is a challenge to remain relevant to Coles‘ customers.
„One of the big things about customer experience is people go through different journeys in life, and so those preferences are going to be continually changing as well; we need to make sure we’re remaining relevant as people change, “ she said.
„If I’m getting information from any of the brands under Coles [as a customer] , it needs to actually be doing something for me. I don’t want to be spammed by information that isn’t relevant.“
The philosophy Coles Group has been trying to implement is that everyone within the organisation owns the customer, with Ross noting that it is the responsibility of its 110,000-plus staff members to drive the customer experience via its data.
„We do have a rapidly changing retail environment which we are trying to move through, “ Ross added. „What it’s really about for us is running our own race and making sure that we’re coming together as one group so we can leverage each other’s capabilities and make it more relevant for our customers.
„One of the big things for us is how do we actually begin to break through some of the silos across the businesses, but also to simplify ourselves internally so we can move at a rapid pace as well.“
Another challenge for Coles Group, Ross said, is customer expectations, which are moving really quickly thanks to platforms like Uber.
„Our whole organisation is about the customer. We don’t exist if we aren’t remaining relevant, “ she explained. „Customers have the expectation that you are using this information correctly and not to waste their time, basically.
„You only have a short amount of time when you’re actually communicating with customers via any channel — even face to face.“

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US to send top adviser to China’s Belt and Road summit as part of Sino-US trade deal


The United States will send a delegation led by a top White House adviser to the ‘Belt and Road’ summit in Beijing this weekend as part of a trade deal between China and Washington….
The United States will send a delegation led by a top White House adviser to the ‘Belt and Road’ summit in Beijing this weekend as part of a trade deal between China and Washington. The US’ attendance at the upcoming two-day forum that starts on Sunday was listed among the 10-point initial results of the 100-Day action Plan of the US-China Comprehensive Economic Dialogue, released by China on Friday. The forum will see state leaders and delegations discuss President Xi Jinping’s trade and infrastructure development initiative. Matt Pottinger, Special Assistant to the President and senior director for East Asia of National Security Council of the White House, will lead the US delegation, the US embassy said on Friday. “The United States recognises the importance of China’s One Belt and One Road initiative and is to send delegates to attend the Belt and Road Forum May 14-15 in Beijing, ” according to the joint release by China’s finance and commerce ministries on Friday. Washington’s attendance at the summit was a concrete result of Xi’s trade plan, finance vice-minister Zhu Guangyao told a press conference on Friday morning. “China and US should cooperate in bilateral economic areas, but also step up policy coordination in economy in a wider range in the world. I have participated in the negotiation of the initial results, and the 10th point [US attendance] was raised by US and China welcomes that, ” Zhu said. China welcomed all countries’ participation in the initiative, he added.

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North Korea reports on Moon Jae-in’s election win in the South… two days later


North Korean state media reported the election of the South’s new left-leaning president Moon Jae-in after a two-day delay, but at unusual length….
North Korean state media reported of the South’s new left-leaning president Moon Jae-in after a two-day delay, but at unusual length. The official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) put out a four-sentence report late on Thursday on the victory of Moon, who called for dialogue, along with sanctions and pressure, to curb the North’s nuclear ambitions. “Mun Jae-in … was elected to be the 19th-term ‘president’ with 41 per cent voting rate, ” it said, using the McCune-Reischauer transliteration system that is standard in North Korea. That contrasted with its one-sentence Korean-language report of the election of Moon’s conservative predecessor Park Geun-hye in 2012, which did not mention her name or her support. “A candidate from the Saenuri Party was elected president in the south with a razor-thin margin, ” that dispatch read in full. The North did not report the victory of the South’s previous president Lee Myung-bak at all. Moon was part of the South’s last liberal government, which pursued a “Sunshine policy” of reconciliation and dialogue with the North, and is widely expected to shift away Park’s hardline approach. Park’s term ended early when she was impeached for corruption and abuse of power, and KCNA said: “The election took place before the expiry of the previous regime as traitor Park Geun-hye was dismissed from office under the unanimous demand of the south Koreans for committing the unprecedented crimes in the history of politics of South Korea.”

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